a new crisis in Euro-land:
The Italian PM Burlesquoni, acting evermore like Snoop Dogg or a pimp, has started training supermodels to be politicians, in true Felini fashion, so he can send them to the big catwalk up in northern Europe, as his answer to Strasbourg and it's Machievellian politics.
It's a bit of light-hearted sex/comedy/romp ala Caligula:
A bit of SEX equality legislation (everybody should get some)
a bit of hard negotiating

Here's day 1 of Samantha's 4-year term in Strasbourg.
MEP Jan (D): So, what should we do about illegal immigration?

MEP Samantha (Italy): "Let me think about that over a glass of champagne. Okay? Now move, please, you're crowding my aura."
Here's the secret plan: Whenever the discussions on corruption turns to Italy and Berlusconi, his secret agents whip into Charlie's Angels/ fem-bot mode and change the subject, while trying to get a 'rise' out of their colleagues:
MEP Charles (FR): What should we do about political corruption? I hear Berlusconi has been chopping up the Italian penal code and eating it for lunch.
MEP Maria (IT): It's funny you should say 'penal', it reminds me of another word. Turn off your microphone...."
Rumour has it that French Prez Sarkozy is a big fan of the Moulin Rouge burlesque show (the real one), so look for a five star review of new EU policy.
This is the presentation for a new law on textile quality:

This kind of politics is not unprecedented.
In 2006, Bulgaria's president tried to send prostitutes to the 'Bourg, but as the representative of the Balkan branch of the world's oldest profession, Jizzelle, said:

Jizzelle: "Unlike myself and my colleagues, politicians have no morals whatsoever. They'd *&%*$, smack and sell their own mothers, all before 9 am on Monday." and "We in the field of full-contact adult entertainment have some moral lines which we will not cross. We'd feel dirty if we did."

This kind of politics is not unprecedented.
In 2006, Bulgaria's president tried to send prostitutes to the 'Bourg, but as the representative of the Balkan branch of the world's oldest profession, Jizzelle, said:

Jizzelle: "Unlike myself and my colleagues, politicians have no morals whatsoever. They'd *&%*$, smack and sell their own mothers, all before 9 am on Monday." and "We in the field of full-contact adult entertainment have some moral lines which we will not cross. We'd feel dirty if we did."
-Costick67 ( 8^P
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pics from fotosearch.com (r-free)