Sunday, 31 October 2010

Band (of thieves) on the Run

in order to celebrate the re-release of Wings' re-mastered opus
Band on the Run
(as if we need it)
I guess Paul McCartney's alimony really
took him down to his last 100 million quid.
[Macca's ex-wife, Old Peg-leg]

There's another band on the run
it's British Euro MEPs in Brussels who say
'We don't wanna be run by Brussels'
'and we don't want Brussels to keep us from theiving'
They're in Brussels trying to protect the
hedge funds in the City; London, that is.
By screaming bloody murder
so that the laws don't get changed.

I love how they hooked Irish banks on hedge money,
the leprechauns pumped up their economy,
and then the bottom fell out.
Am I the only one who saw the similarities
with the Potato Famine of the 19th c.
British feudal lords took all the potatoes out or Ireland to
feed the British market and left the locals to starve.
Nowadays, the British banks have just enslaved Ireland again,
for the long-term, this time.
How history repeats itself.

I'm thinking that the Irish seem to be simpler, politically.
They actually won't stand for bullsh*t and bailing out rich people.
Unlike us cows in the constitutional monarchy,
without a constitution.

-Costick67 ~(8^P

Link found between Nobel Economics prize & financial crisis

Found by me
follow the yellow brick road. Paid for by your tax money.

I've noticed an Economic trend, dontcha know?
It goes like this: Economics Professors in suits
give their bizarre mathematic explanation for
the voodoo economics that the banksters are practising.
Other suits smile and give them a Nobel prize.
They're not trying to stop it. No, they're finding
believable excuses for it. In other words, they're
just a corrupt. Lemme explain

I got hold of a lecture podcast(see below)
abouthow the ideas of recent Nobel laureates
led directly to the financial crisis. if it was an accident.

The other example is something I just noticed:
now that we are in an economic crisis,
we are coming out of it slowly, GDP wise,
but not employment-wise,
because workers are being hit twice,
once in the paycheck, unemployment,
and again in benefits from the government.

Who just happens to win the Nobel this year but somebody
who says 'cutting unemployment benefit is better for society'.
these guys are:
Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen, Christopher A. Pissarides
Diamond [cousin of Jamie, of Bear Stearns?]

How convenient. So, this leads me to thinking that
the first trend was not a chance happening.

Nobel committee says: "We got your back"
We'll provide the professors who'll give you
the excuses you need
to rob the people, with a smile on your face.

Certain global forces, bankers and so on,
were looking for theoretical cover for their
immoral financial tricks and they got it.
Together, they stole trillions from worker's retirement funds.
Now, they want to keep workers on the job longer,
push workers back
into medieval times by having us work more for less money,
with less government support
What a surprise!

Polite society, dressed in nice suits and robes, parades around
looking all officious, and taking us down the garden path
to enslavement.

-Costick67 ~(8^P


lecture podcast by Paul Ormerod
Have Economists gone mad?
download from
Mon, 07 Dec 2009-Paul Ormerod, the author of three best-selling books on economics talks about what mainstream economists have to say about the turmoil of world economy.

Let's mess with time, health and nature, just to make more money

What was the best way to make money while the sun is shining, in the 19th century ?
Turning the clocks back in the winter
to make your low-paid workers work another hour,
without you paying for the lighting of the workplace.

That was the original reason behind
daylight saving time. Daytime enslavement.
This made sense after the industrial revolution.
Of course, the West is no longer industrialised.
Why don't we just sleep in.

Nowadays, the UK is considering keeping the clocks
the way they are. We no longer need to
keep workers tied to deadly machines.
We've got tv to control their minds.

And, electricity is cheap.

As it turns out, Brits need more Vitamin D
because of the lack of sunlight
here, up north.
That can also be solved by pills, diet or fancy lighting.

So, it was a nice experiment:

-costick67 ~(8^P

checkitout from wikipedia:
"The practice is controversial.[1] Adding daylight to afternoons benefits retailing, sports, and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours,[3] but causes problems for farming, evening entertainment and other occupations tied to the sun.[4][5] Traffic fatalities are reduced when there is extra afternoon daylight.[6] Its effect on health and crime is less clear. Although an early goal of DST was to reduce evening usage of incandescent lighting, formerly a primary use of electricity,[7] modern heating and cooling usage patterns differ greatly, and research about how DST currently affects energy use is limited or contradictory.[8]
DST's occasional clock shifts present other challenges. They complicate timekeeping, and can disrupt meetings, travel, billing, recordkeeping, medical devices, heavy equipment,[9] and sleep patterns.[10] Software can often adjust computer clocks automatically, but this can be limited and error-prone, particularly when DST protocols are changed.[11]"
"DST has mixed effects on health. In societies with fixed work schedules it provides more afternoon sunlight for outdoor exercise.[72] It alters sunlight exposure; whether this is beneficial depends on one's location and daily schedule, as sunlight triggers vitamin D synthesis in the skin, but overexposure can lead to skin cancer.[73] Sunlight strongly influences seasonal affective disorder. DST may help in depression by causing individuals to rise earlier,[74] but some argue the reverse.[75] The Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation Fighting Blindness, chaired by blind sports magnate Gordon Gund, successfully lobbied in 1985 and 2005 for U.S. DST extensions,[3][76] but DST can hurt night blindness sufferers.[77]

Clock shifts disrupt sleep and reduce its efficiency.[10] Effects on seasonal adaptation of the circadian rhythm can be severe and last for weeks.[78] A 2008 study found that although male suicide rates rise in the weeks after the spring transition, the relationship weakened greatly after adjusting for season.[79] A 2008 Swedish study found that heart attacks were significantly more common the first three weekdays after the spring transition, and significantly less common the first weekday after the autumn transition.[80] The government of Kazakhstan cited health complications due to clock shifts as a reason for abolishing DST in 2005.[81]"

Saturday, 30 October 2010

well, it ain't Christmas cake

I was wondering about this latest scare, Fed Exed to us by our saviours,
the governments of the Western world.

I'm glad they have systems for inspecting planes, passengers, baggage and parcels, however,
they might have been
just a little too intelligent this time,
or very stupid
and it almost cost some lives.
Remember, we're talking about international couriers
Like UPS & Fed ex, with 20 million-dollar planes
not Farouk's camel caravan

[you decide whether this story is too smart or US spies are too stoopid]

Here's what I mean:
Why bother testing the package?
It was from YEMEN and going to a TEMPLE!
in the United States of the Great Satan!
What do you think it's gonna contain?
Matsa balls!
[You mean to tell me that US couriers have no checks??]


A guy walks into a courier office in Yemen and says:
"Hi, I want to send a package to a Jewish temple in Chicago!"
Employee: That's punishable by death in this fiercely Muslim country,
are you sure you know what you're doing?
Guy: Ya, man! I'm sure.
it's a Torah, or a menorah, or some sh*t like that.
Peace to the People of the Book, and all that crap.

[employee walks away and comes back 5 min. later]

Employee: Uuuh, my boss tells me that if I send this package that
the FBI will plant a video camera up my wife's pooter.
Are you out of your mind!
Half this country is unemployed, and you wanna take food off my plate?
Seven of my kids have rickets.
Guy: Well, if you put it that way, I'll just go the guys who don't ask questions.
Jeez, man.
Employee: Salam, dude. whatever.

So, either it happened, and spies were stupid enough to let such a package pass onto a plane.
Or this story is pure fiction, in which case, it's not even believable.

These are some of the imagined situations which should have happened, meaning that the media story could have been made up to scare us. Even I was scared, for about 3 hours.
It's strange timing, considering that yesterday an airline boss was telling Western governments to basically scale down the checks at airports,
and to go smoke a splif instead.

'Peace, love, dope' was the message for about 15 hours.
the evil enemy rears its snake-of-many-heads again!
That's just too convenient a coincidence for me.
So, call me suspicious.

-Costick67 ~(8^P

we owe our freedom of speech to the US army

The ARPA system was apparently the first multi-site computer network.
It was created for the army to pass around vital information.
OK, so what?
Well, it was the basis for and prototype of the World Wide Web, that stupid moniker everyone's forgotten in their haste to check out their Facebook account and to stalk other narcissistic wankers on said network.

Anyway, through those 3 Ws, we now have the power to spread democracy and free speech everywhere, largely thanks to the US army. And it didn't require them killing anybody in Iraq or Afghanistan.
We owe them everything, including our lives.

You see, if we don't thank them regularly, then they'll get right pissed off.
It' s something to do with all that training in mortal combat,
and I don't mean the video game.
So, their veins pop out at the slightest instigation.
[that's why the Pentagon looks like an anus]

So, perhaps that's why they've been spying on my computer.
(see below)
Now that I've thanked them and stopped using my computer,
I shouldn't have any more problem with those warpigs.
Happy Democracy Day,

-Costick67 ~(8^P

checkitout: art in our world
"Pentagon is an anus",
Washington Monument is a phallus,
Congress is a boob, etc.
from 'Family Guy' censorship show, year? Youtubeit

Saturday, 2 October 2010

desk soldiers with nothing better to do

Hi all you conspiracy types.
I've got a little tale of network control and spying to parlay to you.

firstly, check your network access to see if the IP above
is in there as an external controller.
I went to a techie to help me with a virus on my computer that was affecting my access to the 'Net.
He told me some IP 'person' has cracked my computer security and could handle my network access remotely. i.e. it ain't me controlling my access.

I'd alway heard that Microsoft allowed the US government to crack their OS to get access to computers at will. However, I never thought it would happen to me.

It was the one-armed man. He's the one you're looking for.

I'm well-educated enough to know not to post wildly libelous stuff,
unless it's a joke, nor have I ever threatened anyone or conspired to do nasty things.
Nevertheless, the US army is inside my computer.
it's IP is

I tried to locate the source of the IP, but the best I could get
was either Kansas or the US eastern seabord.
The user was not revealed.
The techie, though, told me that it's ARPA
which is the US army.
I saw this address, and I saw the guy call it up on his database.

And, he's not some kid with conspiracy fantasies.
He's older than me.

So, if they have the time to crack my computer and follow my online movements, then they're probably doing that to you too, if you write about the US, its army, its sad wars, or the M'I'C, etc.
M'I'C' is the KEY, the Mouse in your computer.

So, to my followers in helmets:
Nice doggie. Niiiiice dooooooggie!
I'm harmless. The keyboard is my sword!
en guard! touche! eat me!

Enjoy your wars. May you take over the world.
If you go for Iran, we'll all get the message.
Good luck, and don't break the bank.

-Costick67 ~(8^P