Saturday, 6 September 2014

Rights and Freedoms of corporations to frack

As we know, a bastardisation of  US law has given us
the meme that corporations are humans. We know that,
if they're humans, they're psychotic humans.

Anyway, now that corporations have the rights of humans,
and can kill countries, it's time for corporations to be
stronger than countries. Welcome TTIP international treaty.

I welcome the TTIP, because it will hasten the end of
democracy and globalisation.
There's no way that countries can keep paying ransom
to corporations.

So, to get us ready for this, people cannot protest
fracking which we know to be ruining the watertable.
No, not the choice of bottled water. The water that
we all drink, when we're not buying the bottled stuff.

checkthis: theguardian

Green MP Caroline Lucas goes on trial over Sussex fracking protests
Lucas is one of five on trial charged with breaching Public Order Act and wilful obstruction of highway at Balcombe site
Haroon Siddique
Monday 24 March 2014 17.29 GMT
The Green party MP Caroline Lucas told police after being arrested at a protest camp that she wanted "to send a clear message to the government that fracking was not needed nor wanted", a court has heard.
Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion, is on trial along with four other people for breaching section 14 of the Public Order Act and wilful obstruction of a highway outside the Cuadrilla exploratory drilling site in Balcombe, West Sussex, on 19 August last year.
Opening the prosecution case at Brighton magistrates court, Jonathan Edwards said that after her arrest Lucas answered police questions without a legal representative being present.
"She wanted to send a clear message to the government that fracking was not needed nor wanted," he said. "She did not believe that she was blocking anyone trying to get access to the site because she understood there was no drilling taking place that day and she was not on the road."
He said Lucas told police that a section 14 notice issued under the Public Order Act had been dropped in her lap and she had "scanned" it. She was aware she faced arrest but "wanted to show solidarity with the other demonstrators".
The court, filled with supporters of the defendants, was shown footage of the leadup to Lucas's arrest. She could be seen with arms linked with other protesters, singing "We shall not be moved".
At one stage a man with whom she has linked arms was forcibly dragged away by a police officer who had one hand on the man's forehead. Before an officer began reading Lucas her rights, he could be heard asking: "Is there anything I can say that will make you move away from her without arrest?"
The court heard that one of the defences employed by the five on trial would be "necessity", and they would also argue that they were acting reasonably and proportionately, relying on articles 10 and 11 of the European convention on human rights.
They claim that the section 14 notice limiting the location of the protest was unnecessary, unreasonable, disproportionate and excessive. They further argue that it was insufficiently communicated and arbitrarily enforced.

Everything we've been told about gov debt is bollocks

essentially, we're living through a period of enforced austerity.
This is a neo-liberal plan, probably from the Bilder meetings,
for the rich to feed off the rest of society, like vultures,
because they are aware that their rapacious system will
collapse soon.

So, in this system, banks cannot go bankrupt, but banks
can bankrupt countries. They can't even do this honestly.
The banks are allowed to play derivative games on the
insurance market with government debt.
It's all designed to erase 5000 years of debt history.
It will fail. that is all

checkit: and the letters from Chris Cook at the end
The truth is out: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it
The Bank of England's dose of honesty throws the theoretical basis for austerity out the window
David Graeber
Tuesday 18 March 2014 10.47 GMT
Jump to comments (490)
Back in the 1930s, Henry Ford is supposed to have remarked that it was a good thing that most Americans didn't know how banking really works, because if they did, "there'd be a revolution before tomorrow morning".
Last week, something remarkable happened. The Bank of England let the cat out of the bag. In a paper called "Money Creation in the Modern Economy", co-authored by three economists from the Bank's Monetary Analysis Directorate, they stated outright that most common assumptions of how banking works are simply wrong, and that the kind of populist, heterodox positions more ordinarily associated with groups such as Occupy Wall Street are correct. In doing so, they have effectively thrown the entire theoretical basis for austerity out of the window.
To get a sense of how radical the Bank's new position is, consider the conventional view, which continues to be the basis of all respectable debate on public policy. People put their money in banks. Banks then lend that money out at interest – either to consumers, or to entrepreneurs willing to invest it in some profitable enterprise. True, the fractional reserve system does allow banks to lend out considerably more than they hold in reserve, and true, if savings don't suffice, private banks can seek to borrow more from the central bank.
The central bank can print as much money as it wishes. But it is also careful not to print too much. In fact, we are often told this is why independent central banks exist in the first place. If governments could print money themselves, they would surely put out too much of it, and the resulting inflation would throw the economy into chaos. Institutions such as the Bank of England or US Federal Reserve were created to carefully regulate the money supply to prevent inflation. This is why they are forbidden to directly fund the government, say, by buying treasury bonds, but instead fund private economic activity that the government merely taxes.
It's this understanding that allows us to continue to talk about money as if it were a limited resource like bauxite or petroleum, to say "there's just not enough money" to fund social programmes, to speak of the immorality of government debt or of public spending "crowding out" the private sector. What the Bank of England admitted this week is that none of this is really true. To quote from its own initial summary: "Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates deposits" … "In normal times, the central bank does not fix the amount of money in circulation, nor is central bank money 'multiplied up' into more loans and deposits."
In other words, everything we know is not just wrong – it's backwards. When banks make loans, they create money. This is because money is really just an IOU. The role of the central bank is to preside over a legal order that effectively grants banks the exclusive right to create IOUs of a certain kind, ones that the government will recognise as legal tender by its willingness to accept them in payment of taxes. There's really no limit on how much banks could create, provided they can find someone willing to borrow it. They will never get caught short, for the simple reason that borrowers do not, generally speaking, take the cash and put it under their mattresses; ultimately, any money a bank loans out will just end up back in some bank again. So for the banking system as a whole, every loan just becomes another deposit. What's more, insofar as banks do need to acquire funds from the central bank, they can borrow as much as they like; all the latter really does is set the rate of interest, the cost of money, not its quantity. Since the beginning of the recession, the US and British central banks have reduced that cost to almost nothing. In fact, with "quantitative easing" they've been effectively pumping as much money as they can into the banks, without producing any inflationary effects.
What this means is that the real limit on the amount of money in circulation is not how much the central bank is willing to lend, but how much government, firms, and ordinary citizens, are willing to borrow. Government spending is the main driver in all this (and the paper does admit, if you read it carefully, that the central bank does fund the government after all). So there's no question of public spending "crowding out" private investment. It's exactly the opposite.
Why did the Bank of England suddenly admit all this? Well, one reason is because it's obviously true. The Bank's job is to actually run the system, and of late, the system has not been running especially well. It's possible that it decided that maintaining the fantasy-land version of economics that has proved so convenient to the rich is simply a luxury it can no longer afford.
But politically, this is taking an enormous risk. Just consider what might happen if mortgage holders realised the money the bank lent them is not, really, the life savings of some thrifty pensioner, but something the bank just whisked into existence through its possession of a magic wand which we, the public, handed over to it.
Historically, the Bank of England has tended to be a bellwether, staking out seeming radical positions that ultimately become new orthodoxies. If that's what's happening here, we might soon be in a position to learn if Henry Ford was right.
Chris Cook
18 March 2014 11:20am
Rubbish. It's NEVER been Economics 101, and that is the point.
Orthodox Economics has completely ignored money, credit and debt for purely ideological reasons.
Two myths have been peddled to justify the unjustifiable: the first is that banks take deposits which they THEN lend, and the second is that tax is collected and THEN spent - the tax and spend myth.
No-one, and I mean no-one, was published on this 'bleeding obvious' subject, and if you claim you did, then let's see the proof.
The BoE is now publishing the financial pornography which was completely and deliberately obscured prior to the financial crisis.
The entire system is founded on misrepresentations. distortions and downright lies, and its refreshing to see - at last - some clarity.
But even the Bank of England still misrepresents the true relationship between itself and the Treasury: that reality has yet to emerge.
18 March 2014 11:27am
Recommend 42
Funny, since the Bank of England economists' text, which I summarize, repeatedly noted that their description was the exact opposite of that which you typically get in economics textbooks. But perhaps they, too, are ignoramuses who never took an introductory course.
So tell me, can you actually name one single introductory economics textbook actually used in courses that contains this account of money-creation?

Chris Cook
18 March 2014 12:07pm
Recommend 20
Pray tell me what proportion of the population you think has - or wishes to have - any knowledge of banking?
I would say it's well below 5%.
You just happen to be among the elite. Lucky you.
Most people - following the politicians and publishers who articulate the myths - believe the monetary (deposit then lend) and fiscal (tax and spend) myths - and then swallow the sociopathic policies justified by these myths.

Chris Cook
18 March 2014 11:10am
Recommend 32
The system died five years ago, and what we have is a zombie economy crippled by terminal inequality of wealth and purchasing power, being made worse as automation eats away at the middle classes.
At the 'zero bound' of interest rates the truth is that central banks are as much use as a chocolate teapot and the only solution is fiscal. Unfortunately the Coalition and Labour seem to agree that barking mad austerity - which serves only to reduce purchasing power further - is the way forward.
Time for a system re-set, I think, and the good news is that direct instantaneous connections, and consensual agreements to a common purpose combine to enable reinvention in modern form of decentralised structures and credit instruments which pre-date our time-expired centralised system.
So we may have had 4,000 years of debt, but going forward I think we'll see 4,000 years of credit, which is the polar opposite.

Chris Cook
18 March 2014 11:55am
Recommend 4
It already IS happening, bottom up.
Anyone can issue an IOU and anyone else can accept it. What's needed is an accounting system (trivial); a unit of account, (ie a standard unit of measure for value); a messaging system (probably mobile) and a framework of trust (which is simply an agreement, probably a managed agreement).

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Josh the Broker says Russia owns England

That is so true. A broker knows who the boss
is in any deal. He notes how the UK wants
to use sanctions against Russia but is wed
to all that Russian money. So Russia owns
the UK. The UK has little industry these days.
they have to rely on the cheating bankers
who are robbing us workers every day.

checkit: The Reformed Broker

“You pay them, you own them.”
Joshua M Brown
March 7th, 2014
from the New York Times:
This is what it boils down to: Britain is ready to betray the United States to protect the City of London’s hold on dirty Russian money. And forget about Ukraine.
Britain thinks of itself as a trading nation, open for business, but it no longer has a “mission.” Any moralizing remnant of the British Empire is gone; it has turned back to the pirate England of Sir Walter Raleigh.
Britain’s ruling class has decayed not just to the point where Mr. Cameron is considered a man of exceptional talent, but to where its first priority is protecting its percentage on Russian money — even as Russian armored personnel carriers rumble around the streets of Sevastopol. But the establishment understands that in the 21st century what matters are banks, not tanks....

Yahoo! the Net's first Accidental Porn Broadcaster

We all now know of the Snowden effect. We should
all think that our online comms are being followed.

Especially if we're Senator Weiner, who had a habit
of sending photos of his eponymous to some chicks.

Anyway, since spies have the tough task of observing
our every motion, because our laptops have cams
and everybody forgets their cam on and their Net
connection on, and their clothes off.

So what are spies to do, but collect our porn
messages to our mistresses. I think I'd do it
out of sheer boredom.

and Yahoo is the worst, as you'll read. Their
software was made for broadcasting, not just
sending from point A to B and back. Enjoy.

paraphrasing Letterman:
top 10 clues that your girlfriend is having an online affair:
4. surfs naked
3. types with one hand only, ever
2.uses a lot of backslash backslash return return
1. smokes afterwards

Here's what the NSA saw:

Of course, the good stuff is cut out because Youtube is your nanny

checkit: Boing

GCHQ spied on millions of Yahoo video chats, harvested sexual images of chatters, compared itself to "Tom Cruise in Minority Report"
Cory Doctorow at 6:54 am Thu, Feb 27, 2014
A stunning new Snowden leak reveals that the UK spy agency GCHQ harvested images and text from millions of Yahoo video chats, including chats in which one or both of the participants was British or American. Between 3 and 11 percent of the chats they intercepted were sexual in nature, and revealing images of thousands of people were captured and displayed to spies. The programme, called OPTIC NERVE, focused on people whose usernames were similar to those of suspects, and ran from at least 2008 until at least 2010. The leak reveals that GCHQ intended to expand the programme to Xbox 360 Kinect cameras and "fairly normal webcam traffic." The programme was part of a facial recognition research effort that GCHQ compared to "Tom Cruise in Minority Report." While the documents do not detail efforts as widescale as those against Yahoo users, one presentation discusses with interest the potential and capabilities of the Xbox 360's Kinect camera, saying it generated "fairly normal webcam traffic" and was being evaluated as part of a wider program. Beyond webcams and consoles, GCHQ and the NSA looked at building more detailed and accurate facial recognition tools, such as iris recognition cameras – "think Tom Cruise in Minority Report", one presentation noted.
 Sexually explicit webcam material proved to be a particular problem for GCHQ, as one document delicately put it: "Unfortunately … it would appear that a surprising number of people use webcam conversations to show intimate parts of their body to the other person. Also, the fact that the Yahoo software allows more than one person to view a webcam stream without necessarily sending a reciprocal stream means that it appears sometimes to be used for broadcasting pornography."...

His Ames are true

When it comes to getting the inside scoop on what's
going on in the East-side of the European continent,
there are few better than Mark Ames.

He had the balls to set up the eXile mag in Russia,
and get up Putin's nose a few times... too many.
So, he has beat a hasty retreat, to the US.

He still knows his stuff. Much of what I believe
about the fascist Ukraine government isn't exactly
true, according to Ames, and he convinces me.

I did try to follow him on Twitter though and
he's a bit prickly if he thinks you're a troll.
I ain't no troll.

anyway, here's part of his story:

checkit: Pandodaily
Everything you know about Ukraine is wrong
By Mark Ames
On February 24, 2014
Although I’m deep into the reporting of my next story about the Silicon Valley Techtopus, it’s hard for me not to get distracted by events in Ukraine and Russia.
I haven’t lived in that part of the world since the Kremlin ran me out of town, so I’m not going to pretend that I know as much as those on the ground there. Still, I’ve been driven nuts by the avalanche of overconfident ignorance that stands for analysis or commentary on the wild events there. A lethal ignorance, a virtuous ignorance.
Virtuous ignorance about world affairs used to be the exclusive domain of neo-con pundits, but now it’s everywhere, especially rampant on the counter-consensus side — nominally my own side, but an increasingly shitty side to be on.
Nearly everyone here in the US tries to frame and reify Ukraine’s dynamic to fit America-centric spats. As such, Ukraine’s problems are little more than a propaganda proxy war where our own political fights are transferred to Ukraine’s and Russia’s context, warping the truth to score domestic spat points. That’s nothing new, of course, but it’s still jarring to watch how the “new media” counter-consensus is warping and misrepresenting reality in Ukraine about as crudely as the neocons and neoliberals used to warp and Americanize the political realities there back when I first started my Moscow newspaper, The eXile.
So, yes, I wanted to comment on a few simplifications/misconceptions about Ukraine today:
1. The protesters are not “virtuous anti-Putin freedom fighters,” nor are they “Nazis and US puppets”
In fact, the people who are protesting or supporting the protesters are first and foremost sick of their shitty lives in a shitty country they want to make better—a country where their fates are controlled by a tiny handful of nihilistic oligarchs and Kremlin overlords, and their political frontmen. It’s first and foremost a desire to gain some control over their fate. Anger at Kremlin power over Ukraine is not necessarily anti-Russian—although the further west you go in Ukraine, the more this does become about nationalism, and the further east you go—including Crimea and Odessa—the more the politics are a fearful reaction against west-Ukraine nationalism.
This is kind of obvious to anyone who’s spent time in that part of the world. I’ll quote from Jake Rudnitsky’s great piece about the Orange Revolution published in The eXile nearly a decade ago, which aptly describes both what an awful political figure Yanukovych is, what role the US played in that “revolution,” and the aspirations of most Ukrainians who took to the streets. It’s amazing how little has changed in this dynamic:

Russia Today host is sent to Siberia, I mean, Crimea

There once was a gal from Oakland, who was a protester
of the finest order. Then she became a host on RT of a
kick-ass anti-establishment show.

Then she tried to scold Putin about Crimea. She was
sent to Siberia instead and hasn't been heard from since.
Just kidding.

I really do like Abby because she is somebody you can
read, like she's really human out there. I'll post some of
her interesting human moments.

Her other colleague at RT, some midwestern broad,
tried to flip off RT and flip it into a network job in the
US. I hope you like NBC in North Dakota. At least
it's not Gitmo.

Here she introduces a guy who was a very important
investigator whom I hadn't known. Watch this -->

IMO, MC Rupert suffered from the same kind of vivid
impression of life that Philip K Dick had, who also
committed suicide.

Next, with her favourite chick friend Amber Lyon, 4:30

tough, hot, investigative gals. it's luv.

Here, she does what Twitter is so good at, reminding
us of every death caused by the Isr genocide>

Read 'em:  Intercept

RT Host Abby Martin Condemns Russian Incursion Into Crimea – On RT
By Glenn Greenwald 4 Mar 2014, 7:26 AM EST 161
Featured photo - RT Host Abby Martin Condemns Russian Incursion Into Crimea – On RT Screenshot: RT host Abby Martin condemns the Russian military action in Crimea, March 3, 2014
The vast bulk of the commentary issuing from American commentators about the Russian military action in Ukraine involves condemning exactly that which they routinely advocate and which the U.S. itself routinely does. So suffocating is the resulting stench that those who played leading roles in selling the public the attack on Iraq and who are still unrepentant about it, such as David “Axis of Evil/The Right Man” Frum, have actually become the leading media voices condemning Russia on the ground that it is wrong to invade sovereign countries; Frum thus has no trouble saying things like this with an apparently straight face: “If Russia acts the outlaw nation, can it be expected to be treated as anything but an outlaw?”
Enthusiastic supporters of a wide range of other U.S. interventions in sovereign states, both past and present and in and out of government, are equally righteous in their newfound contempt for invasions – when done by Russia. Secretary of State John Kerry – who stood on the Senate floor in 2002 and voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq because “Saddam Hussein [is] sitting in Baghdad with an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction” and there is “little doubt that Saddam Hussein wants to retain his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction” – told Face the Nation on Sunday: “You just don’t in the 21st Century behave in 19th Century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped-up pretext.” The supremely sycophantic Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer – as he demanded to know how Russia would be punished – never once bothered Kerry (or his other Iraq-war-advocating guests, including Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Washington Post columnist David Ignatius) by asking about any of that unpleasantness (is it hard at all for you to sermonize against invasions of sovereign countries given, you know, how often you yourself support them?)....