This is next in a series of lessons (for foreigners and video-gaming fans) on politics in the UK. Try to remember, this is essentially about the credit crunch and cover-ups:
the first cover up
This is a very deferent country. Most people know their place and behave accordingly, especially those in the media. Therefore, the only way for the public to learn about how the government is destroying the nation through incompetence is through leaks to opposition politicians. If the content of the leak

is not about issues of national security, it's fair game. Recently, this compact has broken down because of the general erosion of personal rights. Everything is illegal now, by the way. The police 'broke into' a politician's office and home, and cross-examined the politician himself for 9 hours, although he must have had a piss-break once in a while.
(first, they came for the politicians, and we laughed and said 'good!')
Big Brother..... I mean, the police, found the name of the leaker and paraded him in front of the media.
(then they came for the bureaucrats, and we laughed and said 'good!')
This was done for show, in order to scare other public servants from leaking other embarrassing info or leaving discs on trains. [in much the same way that Guantanamo is designed to keep middle class jihadis from getting off their couches]
The shell game and the second cover-up
The next bit is the interesting part. In order to cover up the abuse of politicians rights, of the rights of free speech and of habeus corpus, a farce has been spun which has ensnared a number of other people. You see, it's not the police's fault that they broke the law, it was the speaker of the House of Commons who was to blame. He let the police into the Commons, because they're not allowed to enter unwelcomed. So, blame the speaker. He had soiled his shorts so badly that he lied to parliament about his cock-up. Hang him high for losing the confidence of parliament! Not.
This gets better. Since Britain has, with great difficulty rid itself of most of its medeival laws, it still has to deal with behaviour which would not be allowed anywhere else, other than Chicago.

The mayor of London, Boris the-Spider Johnson, has taken the police commission under his wing, because the separation of the government and the police is something not widely accepted here. Caramba! So, Boris had a chat with the new police chief (having just fired the last one) on his first day on the job, for the chief to tell him about the raid on Parliament which victimised a colleague of Boris' in the Conservative Party. So, hang the mayor high for interfering with the police! not.
Who is the architect of all this keystone cop mayhem (the raid, speaker-gate, Boris-gate)? Who has been designing this conga-line of Punch and Judy scenes for our entertainment? In any serious country, the main issue would have been the abrogation of rights mentioned above which are worse than Watergate because the
POLICE were made to do the dirty work. As it stands, the minister is still in place and the opposition is not complaining! It boggles the mind! That's because all of this story has been but theatre. If it weren't, heads would be rolling for any of the above injustices and yet all is calm. Strange, no?

working on a conspiracy theory
This grand scheme must have been orchestrated to keep the nation's hateful eyes off of Gordon Brown, author of the credit crunch. As a result, people will have nowhere to vent their anger at their financial ruin since they will not see GB's face on the nightly news. Before you know it, we'll have any number of other scandals to keep us busy and hating others, like jaywalking illegal immigrants. Keep tuned to
The Sun. (just don't look directly at it, or it'll fl**k you up)
You doubt? Then why has the credit crunch left the front pages. Hundreds are still losing their jobs every week. Bankruptcies and foreclosures are up. Who would gain from keeping the public in the dark? We otherwise would be finding out how hopeless our politicians are.
Update: check Youtube for Peter Schiff, the prophet with the answers.