Finally, something good came of the Bush43 presidency. Democracy in action. Raise your shoes in honour of the ruler of the known world. Eat leather, boy! Take it like a Texan. Oh...sorry, you aren't. You know what I always say, "Democrats cannot always defend themselves from the people they have screwed," Costick67.
3rd-party-o-phobia (US)- A disease where you won't consider a political party because you want a powerful president and country that will abuse the world.
backscratch fever (comp.noun) The desire of like-minded scumbags to do favours for each other. "You scratch my back (a bribe) & I'll scratch yours (offshoring $)
bank hole (noun)- the black hole vortex caused by derivatives trading which is sucking money out of people's pockets.
Bernanke Bungalow (noun)- a large family car. Suitable for sleeping in when you can't afford rent.
breasts & circumcisions (UK)- Young royals revealing one's nakedness for the entertainment of the plebs (formerly bread & circuses)
cesium the day (express.)- use Fukushima as a chance to go green, or as a chance to lie to your people so that your friends can continue to get rich, polluting the country with nukes
clusterf**k to the poorhouse (expr. J.Stewart)- moving in a large group (dick-in-arse) towards poverty
democracy (n)- rolling 4-year dictatorships & the right to bomb brown people
Dog's Bollocks Lick Law (philosophy)- Definition: because X can. e.g. Why would a formerly pot-smoking president jail people for simply smoking pot? Because he can
e-Z Rider (name)- used for any electric motobike
FCC-my-arse-it's showing (expr.) The FCC is a judge of on-air propriety in the US and it refuses to penalise Fixed News (Fox)
fed-douche-iary duty- The feeling in Central Banks that we are all stupid & willing victims of US fiscal policy.
haven hole (noun)- the place where rich people, banks & main street stores e-mail their money to, so that it goes on a tax-free permanent vacation. For its effect on the home economy, see def. for "bank hole"
holoFIRE (noun)- the complete burning up of the real economy by financial speculators and weak politicians
Ides of Get-the-F$%^k-out- The day in 1990 when PM Thatcher was shown the door by her keepers, er, cabinet
life support- thanks to austerity most of us will end up living on enough handouts to barely keep us alive, for life. Also known as Fascism & Life sentence.
murdoch (verb)- to totally blackmail and corrupt the legislative, judicial and moral structures of a country through control of criminal media news-gathering, thus making yourself an oligarch and un-jailable.
Narse (n)- (insult) a cross between an arse and a narcisist
PapandrIOU (name)- The prime oligarchic family of Greece, which is always is debt. They have perfected the art of using debt as a weapon.
Qualitative Easing (QaulE)- (noun) a lower quality of life caused by bankers and politicians f$^&king around in the markets.
Randy (n)- A follower of Ayn Rand, such as Alan Greenspan. Visible due to their Galt-envy.
Richie (name)- the stereotypical super-rich condescending glutton
Santanista- (noun) the religion and the religious figure of the consumerist cult. Its big celebration is during the winter solstice - Dec.25. Causes people to waste resources, money and time instead of spending time with loved ones, if they exist. Followers known as a Santanists.
sexiopath- (noun) Uses sex to bait a large populace into wanting to perhaps just touch it, thereby causing a spasm during voting. e.g. Sarah Killer-Tamayta Palin
Shadow World (amusement park known as Earth)- includes rides like Shadow Politics (behind closed doors, with Shadow Lobby), Shadow Democracy (Hidden in a soldiers clothing - Iraq, Af-stan), Shadow Media (see Rupert Murdoch/News Int.), Shadow Justice (grabs un-rich people only), Shadow Taxation (see previous), Shadow Economy (see globalisation/stock market- rich bankers vs. lost jobs)
Shat 'n Freud- (schadenfreude) the sexual pleasure gained from crapping on those rich and powerful people who have fallen from or about to fall from grace. It is a foundational right of blogs.
Squidtrix- the life matrix designed by, and for the agrandisement of, the Vampire Squid & his co-conspirators. Also know as Planet Earth. It all ends with Charleton Heston cursing "God damn you all to hell!"
TALF- new Federal Reserve give away to stockbrokers' wives. Also know as Taxpayers Always Love (getting) F^*ked.
to not give a toss (expr. UK)- to not care about sth. etymology of 'toss' (n)- masturbation 'to toss off' (likely). Use: cannot be used in the positive- i.e. I do give a toss about the environment.
to rag on sth/sb (verb)- to mercilessly criticise. etymology of rag (noun): see PMS
TSOL (abbrev.)- Totally shit out of Luck
Costick67 says...
"When you're in a FIRE economy, run for the EXIT"
"Mr. Obama, tear down that Wall Street"
"groin cancels brain."
"Laughter is the last refuge of the sane."
"A (racist) American recently said - 'I was really happy when I heard that Osama was killed, but then I realised,
Obama is the president.'
"the debt ceiling debate in the US is just a Tempest in a Tea Party"
"If you had the chance, wouldn't you also completely screw an entire country's economy? In the name of capitalism?"
"If you were given free reign as the leader of a country for four years, you wouldn't listen to the public either. It comes with the job description."
"How can a political party reform government when most of its ministers are unelected lords-a-creeping." (Labour, 2010)
"If you don't have a lobbyist, you don't benefit from democracy."
"Nobody liked communism but the fear of it in the corridors of power gave us the great 20th c. middle-class miracle we called 'democracy'."
"Politicians cannot always defend themselves from the people they've screwed."
"The more advanced you are, the more you are controlled by the machines that you use and the knowledge you have."
"Better duck for cover before they f%&&k us over."
"Regarding Libyan oil, it's better to Straw, Straw than war, war." (2010)
"Much of what we try to do for our own good ends up being used to beat us over the head."
"Social justice is a wet dream, because while the thought might make you happy, you'll never see it while you're awake."
"U.S.A. is a misnomer. It would require the 'Americans' (i.e. Gringos) to own all of the American continent, and don't think they haven't tried. I vote for the United States of Central North America-U.S.C.N.A." (hats off to M.A. Hoare)
"It's called the TOMB of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER because nobody gives a sh*t. Each body is just a means to an end since warring never seems to end."
working on a creative commons message. Until then, heed the anathema message below
copyright 2008-2014 & &;, and Reproduction or modification in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited. (I stole this idea from another website)