Apparently, Tony Blair snuck into Gaza yesterday, through a tunnel. This is because the Palestinians have been short of English teachers due to an unfortunate local incident (read: they were blitzed), and Tony hasn't been doing anything lately, despite having a job description -
DIPLOMAT (believe it or not).
So, Tony-boy went into an English class with a guitar. I can just picture it now:Tony: Can you say 'imperialist'? (strumming in B-flat)
Class: -silence-
Tony: I'm in charge here! (E-7th ipsolidian scale)
Class: (Chorus) we've seen worse (in G)
I can see that you people are impossible to re-educate.
No wonder you're in this STATE. (a guitar string snaps)
School Head:
Actually, it's not a state.
It's an occupied territory.
A kind-of permanent, open-air jail.
It's inhuman and immoral, but you know that.
Right, Elvis?
Showing that English self-control when they get angry-
Tony : _______!
As Tony was leaving, the kids opened up and exchanged bon mots... in English, finally!
"Bush's lapdog" was heard, as was
"I think he's Catholic now" as well as
"same difference" and lastly,
"if the bombing starts again, do you think he'll leave?" which brought howls of laughter.
-Costick67 (8^P