For those of you Canucks hoping that the Conservatives will sell us out
to the US again, you're in luck.
Those goofs are getting the Amerks to give them copyright legislation
and then showing them how good the new Canadian laws are, before they're
even voted on in parliament.
So, stop Harper already.
[harper's not the greatest Canadian]
checkitout: from Techdirt
Canadian Politician Secretly Asked US To Ramp Up Diplomatic Pressure To Pass Draconian Anti-Consumer Copyright Law
from the selling-out-your-own-citizens dept
Michael Geist recently wrote about some more leaked State Department cables concerning copyright policy in a foreign country -- this time in his home country of Canada, where, as we've seen pretty much everywhere else, when it comes to copyright policy, everything shows the close handiwork of American interests. In fact, one cable Geist highlights concerns a Canadian politician promising US diplomats that they can see a copy of the copyright reform proposal before it's even introduced in Parliament. Even more ridiculous is the fact that a Canadian bureaucrat, Zoe Addington, then the director of policy for Industry Minister Tony Clement, flat out told the Americans that some in the Canadian government wanted the US to put Canada on its "naughty list" of pirate havens [watch out, you sh*theads, they'll bomb you. They're just looking for an excuse, you f%&8kin dummies- Costick67] (better known as the "Special 301" list), claiming that such a designation would be helpful in ramming through draconian anti-consumer copyright laws. Pretty hard for Canadian politicians to continue to insist that its copyright reform efforts are not "made in America" when you see a story like this.