When you put it into one paragraph it's truly shocking.
Most terrorists like to blow stuff up and get caught, or
martyred, and end of story.
The cunning ones try to destroy the polity from inside the
That's what we got in the EU, right now.
Checkitout: taki's mag [follow the link for more. it's gooood]
Nothing Left to Steal
by Taki Theodoracopulos November 10, 2011
Another thing you Brits forgot: Delors, Trichet, and the generation of 1968 are now in the positions of power. The ludicrous Baroness Ashton—still cramming to understand what the word bonjour means—was a CND/CPGB fellow traveler; Javier Solana an ex-Trotskyite; Manuel Barroso an ex-Maoist; Joschka Fisher an ex-terrorist; and so on. In other words, the scum that failed to win power over us through force of arms is now leading us by the nose through stealth and the EU Trojan horse. Somebody wake up David Cameron.....
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