a pox on both their houses.
When David Cameron went to Brussels to kick the Continent around,
it was just more kabuki theatre.
Every time those 'heads' meet, I gotta find out the true meaning
of their actions. So, watch the video below.
You thought it was only Cameron playing the baddie?
Well, the other option, the 'just piss off, Dave' option,
was to allow the EU's unelected bureaucrats to run your
ministry of finance, if they see fit. It is again creeping
anti-democracy, in the guise of saving a Euro currency
whose goose is cooked.
How do you like them canards? Conneries? Putain!
Luckily, some of the former Eastern Bloc countries, like
the Czech Rep and Poland recognise imperialism when they
see it.
checkitout: Carl Denninger
European leaders must cease their “theatrics” and avoid curbing economic growth in forging a closer fiscal union to overcome the region’s debt crisis, Polish Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak said.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Thatcher unleashed a bunch of Enrons
fleecing the public is good for business.
It was stupid to have the government monopolise heating and electricity.
It's so inefficient.
It's much better to take the riches that Britain provides to all,
and give them away to something called an 'oil company'. Since they
can get the oil, it's theirs, not everybody's.
It's best then to help that oil company re-cuperate its expenses
by gouging the public.
There are now 5 or so energy companies in the UK. They are a cartel,
and fix the prices, which is uncompetitive.
They pass on increases in oil costs , but not the decreases.
Apparently 2000 people die each winter because they don't have enough
money to heat their homes.
I'm sure those companies are trading on CDOs and CDSs as well, with
fancy accounting and the tax haven tricks. Just like Enron, and
everybody else in the oligarchy.
more later
Ed Milliband has heard the call.
Ed Miliband calls for an end to Britain's 'rip-off consumer culture'
Labour leader urges David Cameron to take a tougher approach to 'predatory' companies that exploited customers
Ben Quinn
* The Guardian, Wednesday 18 January 2012
• Energy companies: the big energy firms should be broken up and transparent pricing introduced to enable proper competition.
Thousands dying because they can't afford heating bills... and green taxes are adding to the burden
* Cold houses also result in tens of thousands of cases of respiratory problems and sickness
* Profits of energy firms have risen to £125-a-year per customer
* Consumer group says Government is a long way from getting to grips with crisis that puts a strain on NHS during winter
By Sean Poulter, Consumer Affairs Editor
Last updated at 3:22 PM on 20th October 2011
Rising profits: The dark yellow net margin line on this graph spikes from August this year upwards, with Ofgem predicting that suppliers' margins will level out more next year if fuel bills and prices remain the same
More than 2,700 people are dying each year in England and Wales because they cannot afford to keep their homes warm, according to an official study.
The spiralling cost of gas and electricity combined with the impact of green taxes is putting health and lives at risk, researchers found.
The study concluded that green taxes on household power bills are ‘regressive’ and have a disproportionate impact on poorer households.
The warning of the dangers to health comes from social policy expert Professor John Hills, of the London School of Economics, in a study commissioned by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne.
On the policy of adding green taxes to bills, Professor Hills said: ‘Those energy and climate policies that lead to higher prices will largely have a regressive impact.’
He highlighted a government study which found that the poorest one-fifth of households would see their income fall 0.8 per cent as a direct result of green taxes and the move to renewable energy, while the richest fifth would break even.
Professor Hills said: ‘Whether this regressive outcome, which would tend to increase fuel poverty, occurs depends on both more recent developments, such as the Warm Home Discount, and decisions yet to be taken.’
The Warm Home Discount of £120 off electricity bills is currently being offered to around 600,000 of the poorest households.
Green taxes designed to meet a £200billion bill to switch to wind, wave, solar and nuclear power currently add around £100 to annual bills.
However, this figure is set to rise sharply in the next few years and will hit the poor, particularly pensioners on fixed incomes, harder than most.
It was stupid to have the government monopolise heating and electricity.
It's so inefficient.
It's much better to take the riches that Britain provides to all,
and give them away to something called an 'oil company'. Since they
can get the oil, it's theirs, not everybody's.
It's best then to help that oil company re-cuperate its expenses
by gouging the public.
There are now 5 or so energy companies in the UK. They are a cartel,
and fix the prices, which is uncompetitive.
They pass on increases in oil costs , but not the decreases.
Apparently 2000 people die each winter because they don't have enough
money to heat their homes.
I'm sure those companies are trading on CDOs and CDSs as well, with
fancy accounting and the tax haven tricks. Just like Enron, and
everybody else in the oligarchy.
more later
Ed Milliband has heard the call.
Ed Miliband calls for an end to Britain's 'rip-off consumer culture'
Labour leader urges David Cameron to take a tougher approach to 'predatory' companies that exploited customers
Ben Quinn
* The Guardian, Wednesday 18 January 2012
• Energy companies: the big energy firms should be broken up and transparent pricing introduced to enable proper competition.
Thousands dying because they can't afford heating bills... and green taxes are adding to the burden
* Cold houses also result in tens of thousands of cases of respiratory problems and sickness
* Profits of energy firms have risen to £125-a-year per customer
* Consumer group says Government is a long way from getting to grips with crisis that puts a strain on NHS during winter
By Sean Poulter, Consumer Affairs Editor
Last updated at 3:22 PM on 20th October 2011
Rising profits: The dark yellow net margin line on this graph spikes from August this year upwards, with Ofgem predicting that suppliers' margins will level out more next year if fuel bills and prices remain the same
More than 2,700 people are dying each year in England and Wales because they cannot afford to keep their homes warm, according to an official study.
The spiralling cost of gas and electricity combined with the impact of green taxes is putting health and lives at risk, researchers found.
The study concluded that green taxes on household power bills are ‘regressive’ and have a disproportionate impact on poorer households.
The warning of the dangers to health comes from social policy expert Professor John Hills, of the London School of Economics, in a study commissioned by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne.
On the policy of adding green taxes to bills, Professor Hills said: ‘Those energy and climate policies that lead to higher prices will largely have a regressive impact.’
He highlighted a government study which found that the poorest one-fifth of households would see their income fall 0.8 per cent as a direct result of green taxes and the move to renewable energy, while the richest fifth would break even.
Professor Hills said: ‘Whether this regressive outcome, which would tend to increase fuel poverty, occurs depends on both more recent developments, such as the Warm Home Discount, and decisions yet to be taken.’
The Warm Home Discount of £120 off electricity bills is currently being offered to around 600,000 of the poorest households.
Green taxes designed to meet a £200billion bill to switch to wind, wave, solar and nuclear power currently add around £100 to annual bills.
However, this figure is set to rise sharply in the next few years and will hit the poor, particularly pensioners on fixed incomes, harder than most.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
When is telling the truth damaging to your health?
When you're running for the Republican nomination for president.
Ron Paul is taking a lot of risks by calling a spade a spade.
I fear for his life, because he’s on track to win the GOP, and
that will simply not be allowed to happen.
Paul has said, repeatedly:
-US democracy is not fair
-Patriot Act was opportunistic grab of civil rights
-US army's actions around the world cause terrorism
-US wars should end
Watch out for grassy knolls, my friend.
[watch out for men dressed as kids' characters from Britain, especially the 'gay' one]
checkitout: zerohedge
Ron Paul: “The PATRIOT Act Was Written Many, Many Years Before 9/11 [And The Attacks Simply Provided] An Opportunity
Submitted by George Washington on 12/09/2011 18:16 -0500
Politico notes:
Ron Paul isn’t backing down from his position that the U.S. has provoked terrorists through foreign military occupation and that officials tried to capitalize on Sept. 11 attacks.
“Think of what happened after 9/11, the minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat,” Paul said Thursday night before a packed room of more than 1,000 students and supporters. “That’s exactly what they’re doing now with Iran.”
His libertarian ideals have struck a cord with many, but conservatives remain deeply wary of Paul’s foreign policy positions, including his assertion that the U.S. provoked the Sept. 11 attacks by maintaining military bases in foreign countries. Paul’s position as the lone dove in the GOP race has made him a foil for some of his hawkish Republican opponents.
“Extremists have taken over, and they’re the ones who run the foreign policy and have convinced us to go along with all these wars,” Paul said Wednesday night.
Paul said that claims Iran could be developing a nuclear weapon are just part of an effort to scare Americans into going to war again.
Paul said of the possibility that Iran has a nuclear weapon is “not true at all.” “It doesn’t mean they might not want a nuclear weapon.”
No other country, Paul said, is capable of attacking the United States.
“How many foreign countries can threaten us right now?” Paul asked sarcastically. “How many are likely to invade us or drop a bomb on us? I can’t imagine.”
“The PATRIOT Act was written many, many years before 9/11,” Paul said. The attacks simply provided “an opportunity for some people to do what they wanted to do,” he said.
“I wish we could guarantee a democratic and honest election in this country as well,” Paul said. “The democratic process in this country has a long way to go.” Mr. Paul is right.
Ron Paul is taking a lot of risks by calling a spade a spade.
I fear for his life, because he’s on track to win the GOP, and
that will simply not be allowed to happen.
Paul has said, repeatedly:
-US democracy is not fair
-Patriot Act was opportunistic grab of civil rights
-US army's actions around the world cause terrorism
-US wars should end
Watch out for grassy knolls, my friend.
[watch out for men dressed as kids' characters from Britain, especially the 'gay' one]
checkitout: zerohedge
Ron Paul: “The PATRIOT Act Was Written Many, Many Years Before 9/11 [And The Attacks Simply Provided] An Opportunity
Submitted by George Washington on 12/09/2011 18:16 -0500
Politico notes:
Ron Paul isn’t backing down from his position that the U.S. has provoked terrorists through foreign military occupation and that officials tried to capitalize on Sept. 11 attacks.
“Think of what happened after 9/11, the minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat,” Paul said Thursday night before a packed room of more than 1,000 students and supporters. “That’s exactly what they’re doing now with Iran.”
His libertarian ideals have struck a cord with many, but conservatives remain deeply wary of Paul’s foreign policy positions, including his assertion that the U.S. provoked the Sept. 11 attacks by maintaining military bases in foreign countries. Paul’s position as the lone dove in the GOP race has made him a foil for some of his hawkish Republican opponents.
“Extremists have taken over, and they’re the ones who run the foreign policy and have convinced us to go along with all these wars,” Paul said Wednesday night.
Paul said that claims Iran could be developing a nuclear weapon are just part of an effort to scare Americans into going to war again.
Paul said of the possibility that Iran has a nuclear weapon is “not true at all.” “It doesn’t mean they might not want a nuclear weapon.”
No other country, Paul said, is capable of attacking the United States.
“How many foreign countries can threaten us right now?” Paul asked sarcastically. “How many are likely to invade us or drop a bomb on us? I can’t imagine.”
“The PATRIOT Act was written many, many years before 9/11,” Paul said. The attacks simply provided “an opportunity for some people to do what they wanted to do,” he said.
“I wish we could guarantee a democratic and honest election in this country as well,” Paul said. “The democratic process in this country has a long way to go.” Mr. Paul is right.
The Daily Mainstream Media Faberian

All harmless political activity is illegal.
All malfeasance has the government stamp of approval.
Move along. Nothing to see here.

Grimace and Gromit

The mark of the fool, Cameron, is still there. Look at his grimaces.
Turn up the heat a little , and it's a gern-fest. Clegg , too.
He feels the pain of not being part of the continent he
loves. It’s a theoretical love of European history, Roman and so on.
He did the right thing for the wrong reasons. He was given orders by
the banks, who are in turn
ruining the British and EU economies, if not the whole world.
David Cameron did the only other thing he could have and
followed his banks' desires. Another reason for this is
that GB is fiscally vulnerable and can’t do a 3% limit on its
yearly defecit, because of the banks and the debt they’ve
shifted to their loosey-arsed sovereign.
I support most of what Ash says (below), but I also think
that, though fiscal control is good I’m more worried about
the accumulated debt. Also, I don’t go for the federal EU
because look what it did to Greece’s and Italy’s democracies,
just to save a few northern banks. That’s not the right
kind of union. In fact there’s too much money being
thrown at unelected politicians in the Commission of Barosso,
and van Rumpoy.
They’re profligate and beyond reproach. I think they should
have stuck to a trade union and a few laws to protect the
environment and labour.
Also all this recent bullshit will not turn the tide with the
current crisis. It’s like, there’s a fire today and instead of
fighting it, they’re ordering new fire trucks for 2 years from
If you want good reasons for not signing the treaty,
look at the other Chuks'
(Czech Rep, Hungary, UK, Sweden) reasons,
particularly the Czech Chuks.
They just threw off the Russians, and were not wearing
rose-coloured glasses and were not enamored of the EU,
but merely a practical nation joining a customs union,
or so they thought.
checkitout: Ash in the Guardian
“The Czechs are profoundly Eurosceptic and an observer said the domestic problems of Petr Necas's government were so acute that "it is unrealistic now to be part of some agreements of this kind". He added: "There are no real euro fans in the Czech Republic."Jan Zahradil, a fellow member of the Civic Democratic party and chairman of the European Conservatives and Reformists group, explicitly praised David Cameron and Necas for "defending the interests of their citizens" and refusing to surrender fiscal sovereignty."The leaders of the eurozone unfortunately missed the opportunity to transform the EU into a flexible, open structure, insisting instead on a narrow-minded and obsolete federalist concept, which leads the EU only in one direction: that of ever-closer integration," he added – welcoming a two-speed, two-tier Europe and insisting on protection for the single market.”
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Merkel plays Punch and Judy with Cameron
The Euro referendum try by back benchers was an attempt to sweep
away anti-EU sentiment for the next few years, because it takes a
few years for the lazy Conservative back benchers to get up the
guts/blood pressure to make a rather opinion felt.
One of the lazy, fat victims is Boris Johnson the ‘second’,
some say first Conservative politician in the UK. He thinks
that Cameron will stand up to Merkozy, when he has studied
the history of the Continent since antiquity and sees
himself as part of that history. He will ask for nothing
and be thrown a bone by Merkozy that he can take home
for the UK to nibble on.
away anti-EU sentiment for the next few years, because it takes a
few years for the lazy Conservative back benchers to get up the
guts/blood pressure to make a rather opinion felt.
One of the lazy, fat victims is Boris Johnson the ‘second’,
some say first Conservative politician in the UK. He thinks
that Cameron will stand up to Merkozy, when he has studied
the history of the Continent since antiquity and sees
himself as part of that history. He will ask for nothing
and be thrown a bone by Merkozy that he can take home
for the UK to nibble on.
Hitler and Churchill redux
Used to be a time when I would say that we should have let
the Germans run all the trains and car factories in Europe.
But , Hitler wouldn't have been happy with only that.
But I'm beginning to wonder why my ancestors fought these
guys off. We went into the EU, with the intention of
stopping wars, the best intentions. And we've ended up with
a common currency that is being run by bankers, and those
bankers are 'making' the unelected leaders of Europe
call a halt to democracy: van Rumpy, Barosso, Merkel.
Will this lead to war?
Once met a former stagiaire from Belgium who told me
that the EU = whatever Germany, the UK and France want
is what happens. I found it hard to defend, until this week.
And now that the whole thing is coming crashing down,
those three are deciding and nobody seems to be complaining.
It's a troika, dammit!
Now we can see it clearly. Merkel can cancel Sarkozy, but she
can't stop the UK. Luckily for her, Cameron is a twit. Anyway,
the way things are going, Hitler's dream is coming true.
the Germans run all the trains and car factories in Europe.
But , Hitler wouldn't have been happy with only that.
But I'm beginning to wonder why my ancestors fought these
guys off. We went into the EU, with the intention of
stopping wars, the best intentions. And we've ended up with
a common currency that is being run by bankers, and those
bankers are 'making' the unelected leaders of Europe
call a halt to democracy: van Rumpy, Barosso, Merkel.
Will this lead to war?
Once met a former stagiaire from Belgium who told me
that the EU = whatever Germany, the UK and France want
is what happens. I found it hard to defend, until this week.
And now that the whole thing is coming crashing down,
those three are deciding and nobody seems to be complaining.
It's a troika, dammit!
Now we can see it clearly. Merkel can cancel Sarkozy, but she
can't stop the UK. Luckily for her, Cameron is a twit. Anyway,
the way things are going, Hitler's dream is coming true.
Monday, 5 December 2011
when is an insider also a lobbyist?

When he's an American congressman.
That would be added to the inside info they get from Wall Street,
that are, while not illegal, definetly immoral, and function as
legal bribes.
It's one thing to be against public health care. They are Americans,
after all. It's another thing to sell yourself as a lobbyist
for big Med and get them access to your colleagues, especially
those whose bank accounts need a little massaging.
There are only a few Congressmen who are relatively clean,
though don't say I made them angels:
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Denis Kucinich, Ohio
Anthony Weiner, former. He was got to. Turpitudes.
Alan Grayson, former. He was got to. GOP money bags and lies
one congresswoman from Cleveland whose name I can't find.
Any others?
Most of the rest are Flushmores.
If they weren't already millionnaires, they became so
by becoming politicians
Mark Twain says it best:
Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.
- What Is Man?
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
- Mark Twain, a Biography
Congressman is the trivialist distinction for a full grown man.
- Notebook #14, Nov. 1877 - July 1878
Don't say I didn't warn you

It looks like the US stock market is built on nothing
but fraud and deceit. From the CME not backing up the
MF Global customers who were stolen from, to the
lack of trials for the '08 crash, this bird is cooked.
Here's a lady who puts it succinctly:
on Financial Sense Website
Ann Barnhardt: Well that is the point of this. We are now living in a lawless, Marxist, Communist, usurped, what used to be a representative republic but is no more. This is no longer a nation of laws....
It is Chris Christy who beat Jon Corzine to become the governor of New Jersey. So yes, this Republican, Chris Christy, was elected in New Jersey—uber liberal, blue state New Jersey—because Corzine financially destroyed this state. And again, this guy Corzine is former head of Goldman. He is not stupid. You have to stop thinking that these people are just misguided or that there is some sort of a difference of opinion on economic theory. These people are nefariously trying to destroy everything in this country. It's called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Go in and destroy and collapse the entire economy, everything and then rebuild a new Marxist, Socialist, fascist state...
Total systemic collapse. Get out! I don’t know how I can be anymore plain about this. I say this over and over and over again and then I get scads of emails saying, well I can’t get out of my 401k. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Take the penalty and get the hell out of there. What would you rather do? Would you rather pay the 10% penalty or would you rather have it all go up in smoke?
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