When he's an American congressman.
That would be added to the inside info they get from Wall Street,
that are, while not illegal, definetly immoral, and function as
legal bribes.
It's one thing to be against public health care. They are Americans,
after all. It's another thing to sell yourself as a lobbyist
for big Med and get them access to your colleagues, especially
those whose bank accounts need a little massaging.
There are only a few Congressmen who are relatively clean,
though don't say I made them angels:
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Denis Kucinich, Ohio
Anthony Weiner, former. He was got to. Turpitudes.
Alan Grayson, former. He was got to. GOP money bags and lies
one congresswoman from Cleveland whose name I can't find.
Any others?
Most of the rest are Flushmores.
If they weren't already millionnaires, they became so
by becoming politicians
Mark Twain says it best:
Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.
- What Is Man?
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
- Mark Twain, a Biography
Congressman is the trivialist distinction for a full grown man.
- Notebook #14, Nov. 1877 - July 1878