I have been wondering out loud, how much Goldman Sachs
is making off the immoral/illegal deal that got Greece
into the Euro.
Apparently Greece got 2.8 billion Euros in 2003,
and Goldman's bill totals 5.7 billion, so far.
Thanks to the BBC.Dunbar was the first guy to break this
story, years ago. He told the EU and everybody was
the three monkeys.
Let's cut to the video:
Nick Dunbar, author of 'The Devil's Derivatives', reveals how the country turned to investment bank Goldman Sachs for help getting around the deficit rules.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Friday, 24 February 2012
last chapter in the summer's riots
This last article in the triptich will be used
to show that my guess was right about the summer's riots.
It took the government 7 months to tell the populace that
the police are largely to blame for inflaming the people
of Tottenham.
Of course, PM Cameron was on tv the very next day
after the riots to pour scorn on the rioters and put
them in jail for something as insignificant as a £5 bottle
of plonk.
There was opportunistic activity, but the minority
communities in the inner cities are under police
surveillance, with ridiculous 'racist' stop & search
policies. So, they exploded into violence.
London riots are part of the culture of the last
thousand years.
IshitUnot: Guardian
Joblessness and 'toxic relations' with police are blamed for Tottenham riot
Citizens inquiry reports that London borough suffers from lack of employment and 'low self-esteem' after interviewing 700 locals
Paul Lewis
* guardian.co.uk, Sunday 5 February 2012 17.53 GMT
A "citizens inquiry" into the riots in Tottenham will conclude they were partly caused by high youth unemployment and toxic relations with local police, arguing the disorder reveals the need for a major regeneration project in the area.
The north London borough was the first place to suffer riots last summer, when a protest about the police shooting of local man Mark Duggan turned violent. The trouble which started in Tottenham exactly six months ago quickly spread across London and to other English cities.
The report produced by the Citizens Inquiry into the Tottenham Riots, a grassroots coalition of locals, reveals that many in the community believe their area was "left to burn".
The study, which involved interviews with 700 people, will be launched on Tuesday at an event hosted by Reading the Riots, the Guardian and London School of Economics study into the August disturbances.
More than 270 rioters were interviewed in the Reading the Riots study, which found the government had mistaken the role of gangs and social media in the riots. It also found that hostility toward police, particularly over the use of stop and search, was a big factor.
The home secretary, Theresa May, later announced a police review of the use of stop and search and the Metropolitan police commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, indicated the tactic is to be reformed in the capital.
The Tottenham report was written by a panel of nine commissioners, including four members of the clergy and a headteacher. It paints a picture of a community suffering from a poor reputation and low self-esteem.
It identified poor relations with police and a lack of jobs in the area as important "causes" of the riots. Criminal "opportunism" was also considered significant.
"From the stories we heard, there has been a long-term deterioration of the relationship between people in our community and the police, in particular young people from ethnic minorities," it will say. "Stop and search was frequently described as being excessive and disrespectful."
It adds: "A concerted effort is needed by all parties to rebuild a more positive relationship between community in Tottenham and the police" and says large numbers "feel Tottenham was left to burn".
The report proposes involving the community in the training of new police recruits in the Haringey borough and calls on the Met to "increase diversity" among its officers.
to show that my guess was right about the summer's riots.
It took the government 7 months to tell the populace that
the police are largely to blame for inflaming the people
of Tottenham.
Of course, PM Cameron was on tv the very next day
after the riots to pour scorn on the rioters and put
them in jail for something as insignificant as a £5 bottle
of plonk.
There was opportunistic activity, but the minority
communities in the inner cities are under police
surveillance, with ridiculous 'racist' stop & search
policies. So, they exploded into violence.
London riots are part of the culture of the last
thousand years.
IshitUnot: Guardian
Joblessness and 'toxic relations' with police are blamed for Tottenham riot
Citizens inquiry reports that London borough suffers from lack of employment and 'low self-esteem' after interviewing 700 locals
Paul Lewis
* guardian.co.uk, Sunday 5 February 2012 17.53 GMT
A "citizens inquiry" into the riots in Tottenham will conclude they were partly caused by high youth unemployment and toxic relations with local police, arguing the disorder reveals the need for a major regeneration project in the area.
The north London borough was the first place to suffer riots last summer, when a protest about the police shooting of local man Mark Duggan turned violent. The trouble which started in Tottenham exactly six months ago quickly spread across London and to other English cities.
The report produced by the Citizens Inquiry into the Tottenham Riots, a grassroots coalition of locals, reveals that many in the community believe their area was "left to burn".
The study, which involved interviews with 700 people, will be launched on Tuesday at an event hosted by Reading the Riots, the Guardian and London School of Economics study into the August disturbances.
More than 270 rioters were interviewed in the Reading the Riots study, which found the government had mistaken the role of gangs and social media in the riots. It also found that hostility toward police, particularly over the use of stop and search, was a big factor.
The home secretary, Theresa May, later announced a police review of the use of stop and search and the Metropolitan police commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, indicated the tactic is to be reformed in the capital.
The Tottenham report was written by a panel of nine commissioners, including four members of the clergy and a headteacher. It paints a picture of a community suffering from a poor reputation and low self-esteem.
It identified poor relations with police and a lack of jobs in the area as important "causes" of the riots. Criminal "opportunism" was also considered significant.
"From the stories we heard, there has been a long-term deterioration of the relationship between people in our community and the police, in particular young people from ethnic minorities," it will say. "Stop and search was frequently described as being excessive and disrespectful."
It adds: "A concerted effort is needed by all parties to rebuild a more positive relationship between community in Tottenham and the police" and says large numbers "feel Tottenham was left to burn".
The report proposes involving the community in the training of new police recruits in the Haringey borough and calls on the Met to "increase diversity" among its officers.
Irish moxy
It turns out that the country has been run by oligarchs,
without any concern for the law. This video will show you
what is meant by unconstitutional government action.
And the realisation of the this legal loophole has made
the Irish able to defend their homes from their own
nationalised banks seizing them, with the aid of the
I gotta congratulate them
how to use a constitution for something other than kindling
without any concern for the law. This video will show you
what is meant by unconstitutional government action.
And the realisation of the this legal loophole has made
the Irish able to defend their homes from their own
nationalised banks seizing them, with the aid of the
I gotta congratulate them
how to use a constitution for something other than kindling
why be moody and poor, with no standards?
scratch your fitch.
Is the itch you can't stop scratching is on the part of your head
inside of which your reasoning brain lives, then you're healthy.
It has been proved that the 3 ratings agencies are in NY so that
they can be bribed by the big banks.
Doesn't the rest of the world realise, therefore, that they
are being screwed intentionally, explicitly?
the banks were shown to have made deals with
one or the other agency, through the use of blackmail.
"You won't gimme triple A? I know somebody who will"
"ya, ya. those loans are safe." "you have my word"
That's how the conversation goes. not went. goes.
Therefore US business wins.
It also works well for the UK. Let’s compare the UK debt
statistics, national and bank statistics,
with those of countries on the ratings skids, like Austria.
The UK has a triple A because it's a banking centre that the
American banks rely on to do their shadiest of deals.
Strangely, though Fitch is French-owned, I believe, they don't
move to Paris.
Is the itch you can't stop scratching is on the part of your head
inside of which your reasoning brain lives, then you're healthy.
It has been proved that the 3 ratings agencies are in NY so that
they can be bribed by the big banks.
Doesn't the rest of the world realise, therefore, that they
are being screwed intentionally, explicitly?
the banks were shown to have made deals with
one or the other agency, through the use of blackmail.
"You won't gimme triple A? I know somebody who will"
"ya, ya. those loans are safe." "you have my word"
That's how the conversation goes. not went. goes.
Therefore US business wins.
It also works well for the UK. Let’s compare the UK debt
statistics, national and bank statistics,
with those of countries on the ratings skids, like Austria.
The UK has a triple A because it's a banking centre that the
American banks rely on to do their shadiest of deals.
Strangely, though Fitch is French-owned, I believe, they don't
move to Paris.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
cavities and tweets, we check 'em all

The US is already a tough country to go to because, to leave,
you need to be patted down or filmed naked to check you for
Now, we know the US asks for passenger lists with all personal
details, address and so on. (Airlines within the EU are now
doing this as well for internal flights.)
What this story says is that they are even checking your electronic
presence, which means that Google and others must be surrendering
this information without our knowledge and giving the US
gov free access to everything we write.
This time a 'threat' to unbury Marilyn Monroe and blow up the Capitol
was enough for a couple to be ejected before they left the airport.
IshitUnot: Russia Today
British tourists imprisoned and deported from US… for Twitter jokes
Published: 31 January, 2012, 22:38
If the decomposed corpse of Marilyn Monroe is robbed from the grave, the terrorists have won.
Authorities in America take threats seriously, and when it comes to Hollywood royalty nearly 50 years past their expiration date, the feds don’t kid around. So when a would-be British tourist joked about digging up the body of famed Hollywood starlet Marilyn Monroe, US officials, to say the least, were not amused.
The attempts at humor were posted on the Twitter account of Leigh Van Bryan, 26, which somehow managed to make its way to the US Department of Homeland Security at the same time the British resident’s plane arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. When Van Bryan and his 24-year-old traveling companion arrived at LAX last week, feds were waiting for them.
... Not before the feds searched their luggage for a shovel and spade though, says Bunting.
“I almost burst out laughing when they asked me if I was going to be Leigh's lookout while he dug up Marilyn Monroe,” she adds.
Not only did Homeland Security not check their British slang, but they didn’t do all their research either. Both detainees say that the Marilyn Monroe joke was a reference to the American cartoon Family Guy.
see also http://jonathanturley.org/2012/01/30/british-couple-ejected-from-u-s-for-tweeting-about-wanting-to-dig-up-marilyn-monroe-and-destroy-america-on-vacation/
Monday, 20 February 2012
Barosso saves Ireland, from freedom & justice
As I mentioned, Barosso has overseen the bank putsch in Ireland.
This can be the only conclusion if anybody followed how the crisis
began in Ireland.
The rules under which the banks gambled and lent fake money to
one another was under the supervision of Ireland but also of the EU.
If those banks failed, they should have gone bankrupt. Instead, the
Irish people are being enslaved.
Now, some time ago, Irish MEP Joe Higgins complained about this,
to Barosso. And got a flippant response:
Higgins: "you enslave the working people...
the financial markets that lead you around by the nose"
Barosso: "the irresponsible behaviour of some Irish institutions
and by the lack of supervision in the Irish market"
So, by this Barosso thinks it's Ireland that should clean up after an
international banking crisis. That's only because he's unelected.
What petty potentate wouldn't act in this way?
I hope to see how flippant Barosso will be after the crisis leads
to far right and far left parties who want to curtail Brussels, and
its extravagant expenses.
IshitUnot: 2- Telegraph & Business Insider
European Commission spends millions on private jets, luxury holidays and cocktail parties
The European Commission has spent more than £8 million on private jet travel, luxury holiday resorts and cocktail parties, an investigation has disclosed.
10:00PM BST 01 Jun 2011
Commissioners travelled in limousines, stayed in five star hotels and splashed out on lavish gifts including Tiffany jewellery as their member states faced savage budget cuts and rising EU taxes.
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism into spending by the EU executive has shown that more than €7.5m (£6.6m) was spent on private jet travel for commissioners between 2006 and 2010.
Baroness Ashton, the British EU foreign minister, came under fire when it was reported that she had demanded her own private jet less than 100 days into her new role in March last year.
Tens of thousands more was spent accommodating commissioners at luxury five star resorts in exotic locations such as Papua New Guinea, Ghana and Vietnam, the spending figures show.
The Commission also ran up a bill of more than €300,000 (£263,511) for lavish cocktail parties, including an event in Amsterdam costing €75,000, which was described as “a night filled with wonder like no other”. ....
European Commission President Barroso Spends €249,000 On Private Jets In Just 9 Months
Sarah Rappaport|June 02, 2011|364|0
0 0 European tax revenue is paying for more than bailouts for debt-stricken nations. It's also providing private jets, top-tier hotel rooms, and Tiffany jewelry to European Commission members, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (via The Guardian).
Their report details extravagant spending by the European Commission and its president, Jose Manuel Barroso. Here are some of ways the Commission has squandered millions of euros:
•Barroso's office racked up €249,000 on charges for private jets in just 9 months. During this period, he attended the UN conference on climate change.
•Barroso and eight assistants spent €28,000 on a four-night stay at New York's Peninsula Hotel.
•The commission spent €20,000 on gifts for guest speakers including Tiffany jewelry, cuff links, and fountain pens between 2008-2009.
•€300,000 was spent on cocktail parties, including one blowout €75,000 night in Amsterdam
Despite these charges, the European Commission is asking for a 4.9% increase in its budget.
Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-06-02/europe/29955037_1_fountain-pens-climate-change-report-details#ixzz1n8nOykDJ
This can be the only conclusion if anybody followed how the crisis
began in Ireland.
The rules under which the banks gambled and lent fake money to
one another was under the supervision of Ireland but also of the EU.
If those banks failed, they should have gone bankrupt. Instead, the
Irish people are being enslaved.
Now, some time ago, Irish MEP Joe Higgins complained about this,
to Barosso. And got a flippant response:
Higgins: "you enslave the working people...
the financial markets that lead you around by the nose"
Barosso: "the irresponsible behaviour of some Irish institutions
and by the lack of supervision in the Irish market"
So, by this Barosso thinks it's Ireland that should clean up after an
international banking crisis. That's only because he's unelected.
What petty potentate wouldn't act in this way?
I hope to see how flippant Barosso will be after the crisis leads
to far right and far left parties who want to curtail Brussels, and
its extravagant expenses.
IshitUnot: 2- Telegraph & Business Insider
European Commission spends millions on private jets, luxury holidays and cocktail parties
The European Commission has spent more than £8 million on private jet travel, luxury holiday resorts and cocktail parties, an investigation has disclosed.
10:00PM BST 01 Jun 2011
Commissioners travelled in limousines, stayed in five star hotels and splashed out on lavish gifts including Tiffany jewellery as their member states faced savage budget cuts and rising EU taxes.
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism into spending by the EU executive has shown that more than €7.5m (£6.6m) was spent on private jet travel for commissioners between 2006 and 2010.
Baroness Ashton, the British EU foreign minister, came under fire when it was reported that she had demanded her own private jet less than 100 days into her new role in March last year.
Tens of thousands more was spent accommodating commissioners at luxury five star resorts in exotic locations such as Papua New Guinea, Ghana and Vietnam, the spending figures show.
The Commission also ran up a bill of more than €300,000 (£263,511) for lavish cocktail parties, including an event in Amsterdam costing €75,000, which was described as “a night filled with wonder like no other”. ....
European Commission President Barroso Spends €249,000 On Private Jets In Just 9 Months
Sarah Rappaport|June 02, 2011|364|0
0 0 European tax revenue is paying for more than bailouts for debt-stricken nations. It's also providing private jets, top-tier hotel rooms, and Tiffany jewelry to European Commission members, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (via The Guardian).
Their report details extravagant spending by the European Commission and its president, Jose Manuel Barroso. Here are some of ways the Commission has squandered millions of euros:
•Barroso's office racked up €249,000 on charges for private jets in just 9 months. During this period, he attended the UN conference on climate change.
•Barroso and eight assistants spent €28,000 on a four-night stay at New York's Peninsula Hotel.
•The commission spent €20,000 on gifts for guest speakers including Tiffany jewelry, cuff links, and fountain pens between 2008-2009.
•€300,000 was spent on cocktail parties, including one blowout €75,000 night in Amsterdam
Despite these charges, the European Commission is asking for a 4.9% increase in its budget.
Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-06-02/europe/29955037_1_fountain-pens-climate-change-report-details#ixzz1n8nOykDJ
Celtic tiger scratches baby-faced apologist for fascism
Vincent Brown tears off the suit-&-tie bullshit of the ECB,
when the ECB (read German) flunky came to Ireland
to say:
‘ve are zorry for fikking you, ok?’
Actually, Ireland was the first mafia shakedown.
when the ECB (read German) flunky came to Ireland
to say:
‘ve are zorry for fikking you, ok?’
Actually, Ireland was the first mafia shakedown.
They were muscled to pay off their banks’ debts.
This was well before Papademos and Monti.
This was the first major anti-democratic action of the EU cabal.
Greece and Portugal were just countries with debts
Greece and Portugal were just countries with debts
that fell afoul of the CDS game.
Ireland was clearly a bank-led putsch. Led by the EU.
Watch the veteran tear the liver out of that wunder-kind.
Watch the veteran tear the liver out of that wunder-kind.
Arbeit macht frei
It's the death of the Protestant world-view.
If people just work harder and pay up more taxes,
all will go better.
Why is it that Germany is taking the lead in the
subjugation of Greece? Don't they have broke banks?
I guess if they don't take out the gung-ho attack dogs,
then they might get fined for banking fraud.
So, they turned the tables on countries which have been
bankrupted by those same bankrupt banks.
Perfect. The bankers don't work, and get our money, while
we work and don't get money.
The prison gulag beckons.
The crisis of Protestantism as a world view-
my take on the mcwilliams video above.
Now that the sino-confuscian model is soon to take over
(I don’t know what it’s gonna mean,
but I think we’ll be destined to make i-phones,
working in a pen full of our own waste matter)
It’s the protestant ethic and sense of absolute superiority
and their version of rectitude (etymology- from rectum)
that built the globalised economy and awakened the Chinese monster,
and the lesser, and more amorous, Brazilian samba monster.
That means the UK, the US, and even Germany and Holland,
that also happen to have the most toxic banks-
what a surprise.
That’s some work ethic!
Now, this crisis is the death knell for that world view
and this is why the banks are holding firm.
If we break those banks, then we’ll be free, for a bit.
What will it cost in lives? Don’t know. Whether you’re religious or not,
it’s your duty to fight the protestant ethic.
It will finally succumb to the complex ethical quagmire
that the rest of us live in, and it will stop being so uptight,
and be happy with its corruption. Right now, Protestants are
hypocrites. Their banks are guilty of f*cking up,
and yet they insist we pay.
It really shows you how empires ebb and flow, like natural features,
and weather patterns.
Protestant greed, vanity and brotherly hatred
led to the creation of the dynamic China that we see today.
The hatred of lowly workers brought wage arbitrage and
actually led to capitalists doing deals
with a seemingly Communist country (you remember the Red Devil?),
and the rest is history.
So, I say to the protestant world view
“don’t let the door hit you on the fat ass on your way out”.
Next stop, hypocritical, sinning millenarian protestants who
help a small mid-east country of another faith with its plans
to destroy the world, so that they can be raptured.
I can’t wait to find out who that is.
"eye of Newt, hair of Mitt,
boil and bubble and all that shit"
If people just work harder and pay up more taxes,
all will go better.
Why is it that Germany is taking the lead in the
subjugation of Greece? Don't they have broke banks?
I guess if they don't take out the gung-ho attack dogs,
then they might get fined for banking fraud.
So, they turned the tables on countries which have been
bankrupted by those same bankrupt banks.
Perfect. The bankers don't work, and get our money, while
we work and don't get money.
The prison gulag beckons.
The crisis of Protestantism as a world view-
my take on the mcwilliams video above.
Now that the sino-confuscian model is soon to take over
(I don’t know what it’s gonna mean,
but I think we’ll be destined to make i-phones,
working in a pen full of our own waste matter)
It’s the protestant ethic and sense of absolute superiority
and their version of rectitude (etymology- from rectum)
that built the globalised economy and awakened the Chinese monster,
and the lesser, and more amorous, Brazilian samba monster.
That means the UK, the US, and even Germany and Holland,
that also happen to have the most toxic banks-
what a surprise.
That’s some work ethic!
Now, this crisis is the death knell for that world view
and this is why the banks are holding firm.
If we break those banks, then we’ll be free, for a bit.
What will it cost in lives? Don’t know. Whether you’re religious or not,
it’s your duty to fight the protestant ethic.
It will finally succumb to the complex ethical quagmire
that the rest of us live in, and it will stop being so uptight,
and be happy with its corruption. Right now, Protestants are
hypocrites. Their banks are guilty of f*cking up,
and yet they insist we pay.
It really shows you how empires ebb and flow, like natural features,
and weather patterns.
Protestant greed, vanity and brotherly hatred
led to the creation of the dynamic China that we see today.
The hatred of lowly workers brought wage arbitrage and
actually led to capitalists doing deals
with a seemingly Communist country (you remember the Red Devil?),
and the rest is history.
So, I say to the protestant world view
“don’t let the door hit you on the fat ass on your way out”.
Next stop, hypocritical, sinning millenarian protestants who
help a small mid-east country of another faith with its plans
to destroy the world, so that they can be raptured.
I can’t wait to find out who that is.
"eye of Newt, hair of Mitt,
boil and bubble and all that shit"
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Canary in a gold mine
Government of UK tries to reclassify public land into
private land, because it doesn't want people
wandering around telling bankers what they think
of them.
They doesn't think that bankers will get lynched, do they?
Anyway, the article below from Private Eye isn't
completely correct about Paternoster Square, because
he claims it's public land, as in "part of London".
Ya, it's part of London. The part that belongs to
an offshore jurisdiction, right smack in the middle
of the EU, along with Lichtenstein and Monaco.
The City of London
belongs to a 'corporation', which is Old English for
'a bunch of rich anti-democratic offshore banking bastards'.
It's been going on since before William of Orange.
Now, banks use the offshore thing to do business in London
and pay minimal taxes, because they say "we're not really here,
so we'll pay some token Rolls Royce tax to the government"
What I don't understand is how the City was allowed to do the
same at Canary Wharf which is not part of the City Corporation.
I'd like to see the paperwork on that costly
philosophical, political and legal leap into the unknown.
Are bankers doing "offshore banking" in Canary Wharf?
Has jurisdiction over Canary Wharf been ceded to the City Corp?
Private Eye 1302 Piloti pg16
The blurring of public and private space has also been evident in London, where no demonstrations against the greed of incompetent bankers may take place in Canary Wharf or in Broadgate in the City of London because, we are told , these developments are ‘privately owned’. And the St. Paul’s protesters had wanted to occupy the new Paternoster Square where the Stock Exchange is located, but the police sealed off the area saying it was private property. Since when are public streets and squares in London regarded as private? On the Bedford Estate, for instance, the gates that restricted entry to the area were removed by act of parliament in 1893. In Bedford Square, laid out by the Duke of Bedford in the 1770s, the garden remains private but, for better or worse, traffic runs through it and it is a public space.
The present Paternoster Square lies on the site of Paternoster Row, a thoroughfare in existence since medieval times....a sign went up announcing that ‘Paternoster Square is private land’. This is strange, as Rowan Moore has recently observed, “as almost every architectural statement, planning application , and press release, in the protracted redevelopment of Paternoster Square, described this ‘private land’ as ‘public space’.
private land, because it doesn't want people
wandering around telling bankers what they think
of them.
They doesn't think that bankers will get lynched, do they?
Anyway, the article below from Private Eye isn't
completely correct about Paternoster Square, because
he claims it's public land, as in "part of London".
Ya, it's part of London. The part that belongs to
an offshore jurisdiction, right smack in the middle
of the EU, along with Lichtenstein and Monaco.
The City of London
belongs to a 'corporation', which is Old English for
'a bunch of rich anti-democratic offshore banking bastards'.
It's been going on since before William of Orange.
Now, banks use the offshore thing to do business in London
and pay minimal taxes, because they say "we're not really here,
so we'll pay some token Rolls Royce tax to the government"
What I don't understand is how the City was allowed to do the
same at Canary Wharf which is not part of the City Corporation.
I'd like to see the paperwork on that costly
philosophical, political and legal leap into the unknown.
Are bankers doing "offshore banking" in Canary Wharf?
Has jurisdiction over Canary Wharf been ceded to the City Corp?
Private Eye 1302 Piloti pg16
The blurring of public and private space has also been evident in London, where no demonstrations against the greed of incompetent bankers may take place in Canary Wharf or in Broadgate in the City of London because, we are told , these developments are ‘privately owned’. And the St. Paul’s protesters had wanted to occupy the new Paternoster Square where the Stock Exchange is located, but the police sealed off the area saying it was private property. Since when are public streets and squares in London regarded as private? On the Bedford Estate, for instance, the gates that restricted entry to the area were removed by act of parliament in 1893. In Bedford Square, laid out by the Duke of Bedford in the 1770s, the garden remains private but, for better or worse, traffic runs through it and it is a public space.
The present Paternoster Square lies on the site of Paternoster Row, a thoroughfare in existence since medieval times....a sign went up announcing that ‘Paternoster Square is private land’. This is strange, as Rowan Moore has recently observed, “as almost every architectural statement, planning application , and press release, in the protracted redevelopment of Paternoster Square, described this ‘private land’ as ‘public space’.
free public money for Cali
One of the few US states that's not nosediving into recession
is North Dakota. The sensible among us know that this is
partly due to the fact that it has its own public bank.
Now, there's a gang in Cali that want one. The Cali
government is notoriously poor at running things, so
I wouldn't let Cali run an ice-cream truck, but that's
besides the point.
It's probably losing money to Goldman Sachs like everybody
else, so a public bank would be good, in theory.
Two issues:
Mish Shedlock rejects public banks out of hand,
while at the same time saying taxing banks is wrong.
Despite that logical black hole in his head,
he does seem to have good financial ideas, unless you
talk about worker rights, and pensions. Then he goes
off the rails again. He didn't even want to discuss
the good and bad of NDakota.
He also didn't fully criticise the Cali advertising.
Of course, in this way, he is also dissing the UK.
Most of the major banks are being babysat by the Nanny State.
The Cali advertising, in true Hollywood style is a
technical re-lipsynch of the Wizard of Oz, complete
with the song sung in me-so-stupid voice. THAT is what
is scary about the Cali gang. Have a look at this
psychotic bullcrap and tell me if these people deserve
a bank, or a padded cell.
let's cut to the video:
I can't find it on Mish's blog.
IshitUnot: washington's blog Sept 2011
California May Launch Public Bank, Which Could Help Take the Power To Manipulate the System Away From the Insolvent Giant Banks
Posted on September 16, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
California Passes Bill to Study Public Bank
The California legislature has passed a bill to study public banking. If you don’t know what public banking is (North Dakota already has a public bank, which is helping to keep that state in the green) and why this issue is so important – read this and this for background.
This could take away the power of the giant, insolvent banks to manipulate the money system. See this and this.
Governor Brown Is On the Fence On Vetoing Or Signing … But He’s On the Fence
Ellen Brown – whose Public Banking Institute helped pass the bill – says that California governor Jerry Brown is considering vetoing the bill. Brown suggests that Californians call Governor Brown to urge him to sign the bill (AB750) into law:
is North Dakota. The sensible among us know that this is
partly due to the fact that it has its own public bank.
Now, there's a gang in Cali that want one. The Cali
government is notoriously poor at running things, so
I wouldn't let Cali run an ice-cream truck, but that's
besides the point.
It's probably losing money to Goldman Sachs like everybody
else, so a public bank would be good, in theory.
Two issues:
Mish Shedlock rejects public banks out of hand,
while at the same time saying taxing banks is wrong.
Despite that logical black hole in his head,
he does seem to have good financial ideas, unless you
talk about worker rights, and pensions. Then he goes
off the rails again. He didn't even want to discuss
the good and bad of NDakota.
He also didn't fully criticise the Cali advertising.
Of course, in this way, he is also dissing the UK.
Most of the major banks are being babysat by the Nanny State.
The Cali advertising, in true Hollywood style is a
technical re-lipsynch of the Wizard of Oz, complete
with the song sung in me-so-stupid voice. THAT is what
is scary about the Cali gang. Have a look at this
psychotic bullcrap and tell me if these people deserve
a bank, or a padded cell.
let's cut to the video:
I can't find it on Mish's blog.
IshitUnot: washington's blog Sept 2011
California May Launch Public Bank, Which Could Help Take the Power To Manipulate the System Away From the Insolvent Giant Banks
Posted on September 16, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog
California Passes Bill to Study Public Bank
The California legislature has passed a bill to study public banking. If you don’t know what public banking is (North Dakota already has a public bank, which is helping to keep that state in the green) and why this issue is so important – read this and this for background.
This could take away the power of the giant, insolvent banks to manipulate the money system. See this and this.
Governor Brown Is On the Fence On Vetoing Or Signing … But He’s On the Fence
Ellen Brown – whose Public Banking Institute helped pass the bill – says that California governor Jerry Brown is considering vetoing the bill. Brown suggests that Californians call Governor Brown to urge him to sign the bill (AB750) into law:
Thursday, 16 February 2012
as long as Jamie gets his money
I think Michael Hudson said that MF had bet wrongly on Greece,
so I pieced this theory together:
Corzine was not in on the derivative zeitgeist,
and instead bet on Greek default with CDSs.
Greece, as it stands, won't default, because:
default=CDS= bank collapse (but you know that).
So, his company MFGlowball had to die.
However, since he’s too big to fail
(not MF, but Senator/Governor Corzine),
and JPMorgue is too big to fail,
Corzine seems to have been allowed
to pilfer his customers’ money,
with no criminal charges, to pay off JPM,
and now he’ll get a position somewhere important
representing the US
as his consolation prize for betting on the wrong side.
this saved tbtf jp morgan from crisis.
So Corzine could have made the deal
in order to save himself,
or maybe he was told to do it, to save JPMorgue.
It was either that, or pay him off with Fed money,
under the table.
so I pieced this theory together:
Corzine was not in on the derivative zeitgeist,
and instead bet on Greek default with CDSs.
Greece, as it stands, won't default, because:
default=CDS= bank collapse (but you know that).
So, his company MFGlowball had to die.
However, since he’s too big to fail
(not MF, but Senator/Governor Corzine),
and JPMorgue is too big to fail,
Corzine seems to have been allowed
to pilfer his customers’ money,
with no criminal charges, to pay off JPM,
and now he’ll get a position somewhere important
representing the US
as his consolation prize for betting on the wrong side.
this saved tbtf jp morgan from crisis.
So Corzine could have made the deal
in order to save himself,
or maybe he was told to do it, to save JPMorgue.
It was either that, or pay him off with Fed money,
under the table.
British kiss of death
How is it that a bastion of Anglo-Saxon capitalism
is so shitty at supporting or even allowing
beneficial, obvious money-making activity?
You can argue that the banks have been allowed to
become feeble, but when you look at how the Brits
killed off two other behemoths,
you can see that the banks
are just part of a trend.
Nationalised car production.
now dead
Nationalised coal extraction.
now dead
Nationalised banks.
now zombies
They've also got that with music prizes
The Mercury music prize always goes to a band that
will soon fade into oblivion.
They go on an ego trip and then come down realising
that music is not about prizes. It's about money. Du-uuh.
more coming soon
is so shitty at supporting or even allowing
beneficial, obvious money-making activity?
You can argue that the banks have been allowed to
become feeble, but when you look at how the Brits
killed off two other behemoths,
you can see that the banks
are just part of a trend.
Nationalised car production.
now dead
Nationalised coal extraction.
now dead
Nationalised banks.
now zombies
They've also got that with music prizes
The Mercury music prize always goes to a band that
will soon fade into oblivion.
They go on an ego trip and then come down realising
that music is not about prizes. It's about money. Du-uuh.
more coming soon
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
the globalisation organised-bankster war is revealed
[it's not an assassination. It's make-believe.Godfather- copyright to some studio SOPA/PIPA/PISSA]
Euroland, where the rollercoasters are debt charts and exchange rates,
has been doing the tango, lambada and breakdancing to avoid a
CDS moment
over the Greek debt.
It's odd how a 30/50/70% haircut is not a default, innit?
a default triggers a CDS. ching-ching. payday!
So, why don't they? That's the mystery, scooby.
Follow along, wontcha?
Now we know who can call a CDS a CDS.
It's the ISDA
if you're thinking ISO (9000), then these guys are the opposite.
They 'regulate' the derivatives market.
What I don't understand is that most derivatives
are not clearly labelled as to
what they're about,
who's involved,
when they come due.
They're all in the shadow market, and seem to be pulled out
at will, to destabilise markets,
but I digress.
So, the ISDA is made up of ...
many of the banks and hedgers who are using
derivatives as a weapon of financial terror.
So, why don't they let the vultures attack Greece
and call a CDS?
I'll tell you.
If the CDS is called, then all the shadow crap
will come unravelled as all the major banks in the
world try to unravel the whole ball of wool
and figure out who owes whom what.
This is part of the mess of 2008,
and it has been left a mess.
So, they can't shoot, yet,
and if they had any desire to do so,
I'm sure the capo di tutti capi,
the US government
would have wacked them all.
Remember, Geithners directive to Europe was
'US banks are not to lose a dollar',
and that message was wikileaked
so that everybody, including the ISDA could hear it.
let's cut to the video:
Jim Sinclair is interviewed.
HIGHLIGHTS, and (my analysis), all mixed up-
-98% of CDOs are at US banks. (So US is muscling the isda).
-The isda is owned by the profligate banks.
"More powerful than governments."
-Those who have hedged themselves against Greece will sweat.
Like MF Global. ISDA prefered to let MF blow up.
(and they know who else will blow up).
Because they hold the cards.
(They can control whether a country goes broke?)
Therefore, QE3 is designed to help keep banks afloat in light of the fact
that a CDS is not a CDS.
In the final analysis, you have to know which way the wind is blowing
before you set up a CDS. If you don't understand human nature, just
go bet on the horses.
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