scratch your fitch.
Is the itch you can't stop scratching is on the part of your head
inside of which your reasoning brain lives, then you're healthy.
It has been proved that the 3 ratings agencies are in NY so that
they can be bribed by the big banks.
Doesn't the rest of the world realise, therefore, that they
are being screwed intentionally, explicitly?
the banks were shown to have made deals with
one or the other agency, through the use of blackmail.
"You won't gimme triple A? I know somebody who will"
"ya, ya. those loans are safe." "you have my word"
That's how the conversation goes. not went. goes.
Therefore US business wins.
It also works well for the UK. Let’s compare the UK debt
statistics, national and bank statistics,
with those of countries on the ratings skids, like Austria.
The UK has a triple A because it's a banking centre that the
American banks rely on to do their shadiest of deals.
Strangely, though Fitch is French-owned, I believe, they don't
move to Paris.