Monday, 26 March 2012

ECB tries Nazi methods of undermining a currency. it's own

Undermining a currency used to be what you did to your enemy.
That was WW2. We're so much more advanced today, that we
do it to our own currency. It helps sell our products
cheaply around the world.

Nazi forged bank notes hit sterling confidence, MI5 files show
By Sanchia Berg Today programme, BBC Radio 4
A counterfeit British banknote Counterfeit British bank notes created by Nazis amounted to 10% of sterling in circulation
* British 'cash' made by Nazis sold
* Film tells of Nazi camp forgers
Nazi counterfeiting "destroyed" confidence in the British currency in Europe by the end of World War II, according to newly released MI5 files.
A 1945 report in the National Archives suggests Germany began production of the fake notes five years earlier in a bid to undermine sterling.