Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Burning fake money to get real money

Let me see if I've learned anything from the last
5 years of business activity:

This form of bankster immolation is the gist of the
Bankster Putsch of 2008.
Explained simply, in order to balloon debt levels,
banks had only to give out loans,
because they are money, created on a keyboard.
Nobody actually gets to see the money in most transactions.
The same with derivatives. They are simply contracts to pay,
and piss poor ones too. They are insurance, without deposits,
or oversight.
They were used to rob real money invested by pension funds,
the world over. They don't call it the baby boom for nothing.
The banksters took the money, and "boom" went the pensions.
and Baby, did they ever blow up nice, like.

So, when this system seized up, what happened? Governments
gave money to the banks. This time, this was money with
reality attached. The banksters have long since lined their pockets
with the stuff.
Of course, countries don't have actual cash, free and clear,
but they can always print up some.
The very real bill goes to you and me.

What have banksters done with the real money?
Paid off political leaders. Yes. with your money.
They seem to be bribing your highest-ranking politicians.
Let's try the opposite theory. Has anyone tried to
stop the financial problems that caused the '08 crash?
Ain't that just democracy?

Here are some cute bears to soothe your souls