Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Regal RNC looking for a coronation

I don't really understand US political party rules, but it looks
like somebody is trying to run the Reps from the back room.

The Reps always were a party of money. However, with the
apparent law change, rich guys can really start pulling hard
 on the strings.

What this amounts to is a bunch of back room deals to get
Ron Paul to disappear from everything to do with the
convention, which is now over. They've abrogated the
rights of those who voted for Paul to be heard.

There was a vote that was scripted before the
voice vote was even cast. If you watch this
teleprompter shot, John Boner was told what
to say.
If you see the video, these are some everyday Reps
members who are thoroughly pissed off. I don't
suppose this will lead to a big third-party drive.
It should. And Ron Paul should lead it, just because.

let's cut to the video:

I’ll bet even with this groundswell, Ron Paul will still be
too chicken to run. He probably has been threatened
with death, because if he hasn’t, he’s a complete sell-out,
and the last opportunity to take back the US government
for their people.

The bigger picture, as some see it, is that the RNC has to
find a way to doctor the election, when Mormon Rand
don't have a chance. Benny Nunu needs his romp through
the middle East. And he just showed up the US. Perhaps
he wanted to donate to somebody's campaign.