Thursday, 29 November 2012

Canuck goalie stops the buck, at Bank of England

I've always said, us Canucks are good with figures.
Some of us are even good with numbers.

This is related to Mark Carney, who is set to become
the new capo at the Bank of England.

He was a backup goalie on Harvard's hockey team,
while studying. That usually means a free education, too.

Good, frugal Canucks.

However, he may soon be called the Autumn Guy, over here
because that's what they call Fall, over here. Who's gonna
take the fall for all this banking fraud? The colonial.

Although, it must be said that nobody thought that
Osbourne was nuts, on this call anyway.
It's because Canada received most of the Scottish immigrants,
and their frugality and "friendliness" have been with us
ever since.

Max Keiser said that it's rather ironic that the guy is named
Carney, seeing as the BoE is carnie side-show freak show.
Bearded ladies and so on. Bernanke, too.

Being the goalie and being the director of the BoE are similar
experiences. You're part of a team, but you're left by yourself,
especially if you let an easy one go by.
Mervyn had it easy, because he was a Sir, in a deferent
country. The colonial will get flayed.

I think Carney has about the same odds as a soccer goalie
has on a penalty shot, in an away game.
you get my drift?