Monday, 10 December 2012

Applied Talebbing- or How to cause a black swan

For those who were impressed with the idea that
"a black swan can come along at any moment",
why wait for one. Create one yourself.

Taleb himself thinks that bottom-up
trial and error is the way to go. No use
waiting for a theory to end this cataclysm.
We'll be into the 22nd before anybody from
a university saves humanity.
I guess humanity will have to do the saving.

There's a great documentary on HFT trading
[I'll get it later]
that showed how a misreading of the news
media (because HFT computers crunch news,
as well as savings, and countries)
caused a flash crash two years ago.

Only the SEC in the US know who did it,
but they're not talking.

Anyway, here's more on how to
trip the algos
This may be the only option for mathematically-
inclined justice freaks, or say, Anonymous to 
try to kick off the cataclysm that we know the 
economy needs. We can feed on the bankers livers
with some farva beans and a glass of Chianti, and get
back to life like it was before 2008.

Let's cut to the video [check 22:50]

22:50 Algos misread a story

Let us pray for the Mother of all Swans:

my dear old Swanee