Although Snowden is now the man of the hour, the
thin and blurred line between Hollywood and the
government allowed an actor to learn about the
things that Snowden has recently announced.
Read below:
Shia did not believe that we were that
vulnerable and then the "consultant"
found a 2-year old phone call by Shia,
and played it back to him.
Crazy shit
checkit: boing boing
Shia LaBeouf, a prescient phone surveillance whistleblower
Xeni Jardin at 5:24 pm Wed, Jun 12, 2013
Oh, if only we'd listened to Shia LaBeouf. CBC News reports that back in 2008, while the actor was promoting his film Eagle Eye, (about a mysterious stranger who spies on other people's phone calls), he told Tonight Show host Jay Leno the movie's FBI consultant warned him the government was doing just that, on a grand scale, with innocent Americans. "He told me that one in five phone calls that you make are recorded and logged, and I laughed at him and then he played back a phone conversation I'd had two years prior," said LaBeouf. And we ignored him.