Sunday, 22 March 2015

Varoufakis changes Europe's tune

It is most amazing that in a world of
polite bureaucrats in nice suits holding
thousand-Euro pens would use these
pens to sign up people for compulsory
slavery, without a splotch of ink or
blood being spilled.

I think that this system needs Yianis
Varoufakis who will use the polite
methods of the system and the stage
that his personality, skill, intellect
and experience have allowed, to
tell Europe and the world something new.

the truth about the Euro
He and Tsipras have been changing the
discourse and the way that the Powers
speak, where they gather and how they
treat Greece. 

Every time Merkel or Schauble insults
Greece, more of the world wakes up
to the fact that Europe is a sort of Fourth
Reich. Germany leads the EU directly
on the issue of Greece. 

I'll prove it later, but for now, I'd like to 
show another change in the scene. In Greece,
the rich oligarchs who have run the country
for years have not cared one jot for the 
fate of the country. Rich people don't have
a country, in their hearts, which is what makes
them dangerous, especially when they feel
they don't have to pay tax.

So, one representation of that is the International
Chamber of Commerce in Greece. It's leader 
Nicolas Vernicos (whom I don't know much 
about) was speaking on France 24 yesterday.

He was talking about people suffering, about 
Greece's obvious power in shipping and tourism
bringing money to "the people" and not just 
German banks. This is nothing short of amazing.
An oligarch in Greece has actually found his heart.

Now, I assume that his shipping business is 
run out of London or Switzerland, meaning that
he likely does not pay tax in Greece, and is likely
part of the problem, but for him to speak up is 
still incredible.#

This is an interview he had 4 years ago, and I'll
study it later to see how much he has changed 
his tune, while we wait for the new interview
to be posted to Ytube.

 This change of tune is due to Syriza, Tsipras and
Varoufakis. Only