You see, there's a wisdom to killing them off slowly. Maybe nobody important will notice if they kill a few thousand every year. Nobody would want to shock the markets in these troubled times by annihilating a whole society. That was the Nazi's mistake.

How can you enjoy your ice-chilled drinks with those Hamassers blowing stuff up? Issie's propaganda says Hamas poses a threat to the whole world, just like Iraq did. That's why they must be cornered in Gaza. Oh......they are... okay.
I'm surprised that those folks have waited 61 years to make their big uprising. The Polish one in WW2 flared up within a year. They saw they were cornered and that they were being ever more limited, so pop goes the uprising. Alasm it was ruthlessly crushed. The Gazers must be saying what's the use, we've been caged already. I guess the Palestinians are just lazy. Poor buggers.
I think Darwin had something to say about that kind of laziness. I think he said, "Either you have the Protestant work ethic, or you're screwed, anthropologically speaking." I'd like to add to that the corollary which says, if you want to do the screwing (I mean empire-size screwing) these days, become Evangelical Born-Again Protestant (see below).
