Sunday, 20 December 2009

The Fat Cats' Den of Inequity

Byline: The business model of sell or die, of power and desperation, is being brought to everyday life as ordinary people struggle to keep going

[The Dragon's Den is a British show where brave people pitch their ideas to four ridiculously successful businessmen, in the hope that one or more will fund their idea]

In the Fat Cats' Den of Inequity,

politicians and businessmen sit in judgement of people*
who are just trying to find enough work
to have money
to eat and keep warm.

Show 1
Respect for working overtime

A young office worker approaches the Fat Cat panel and meekly asks a question:
Steve Karoshi: According to the EU law, we're not supposed to work more than 48 hours a week. I just wanted to know whether hourly-paid workers like me can get time-and-a-half for overtime hours and holidays. I mean, it's easier to pay me extra than it is to hire another worker, and I'm willing to work hard.

Fat Cat Pete responds:
I'm going to crush your union.** You're a Postie, right? You're screwed. We're privatising you***, ya lazy pillock. Who do you think I am? Maggie Thatcher? You're lucky you have a job. By the way, we don't have many holidays anyway. We've got BANK holidays. Not the same thing, you see?
Where's that Russian oligarch gone to? I gotta kiss up to him...regularly. If you'll excuse me.

Even the Fat Cats have daddies. More next week. Stay tuned.

-the above is a fictional story, mostly.

-Costick67 (8^P
* I've put them together because they're the tag team of people-screwers
** he actually did say that and it was printed in the media. checkitout
*** they've been trying

fotos (in order) from:, 38

Monday, 7 December 2009

One education system for sale- CHEAP

This will be story about a country that I've seen from up close for over a decade now. I formulated some opinions about schools, and they've been verified lately.

What if you had a good public education system and decided to destroy it through cuts, bureaucracy and privatisation of educational delivery? What would the motivation be?

Only the permanent social stratification of that society would be a logical goal from what I've seen. It's a long-term class war wherein the government seems to want to cut off its own nose to spite its face. One of the richest countries in the world has little manufacturing, not because of a lack of brains, but because most kids can't get a good education.

When your country is falling down to the bottom of the OECD's 30 Western countries, wouldn't you be trying to sort a few things out? Well, I know a country which isn't.

Their literacy stats are horrible. Their graduation rates are horrible. All they seem to do is pull rabbits out of hats to distract the media and the part of the public without kids. Parents can't help but know what's going on.

Case in point:
The solution to the bad school stats was to blame the 'crappy old school buildings' that previous administrations had built, and, the schools' administrators. These are being replaced. While they were at it, the government decided to let their business buddies build and run the new-fangled schools. These are the new ACADEMIES.
Perfectly good buildings were scrapped, students were moved to new architecturally-brilliant buildings, built by corporations with some of their own cash, but largely with government money (read: loans). These academies were even allowed to ignore school-board regulations and teach whatever bullcrap they wanted.
They put forth a beautiful picture, Bella figura as the Italians say. But, the truth was rather bruta.
Most of them are falling short of expectations, both educationally and financially. Apparently, some of them have resorted to withholding promised investment, leaving the government holding the bag.

My limited experience of the history of British schools has shown me a few things, but I lack enough knowledge to recommend answers, beyond the obvious stuff.

As the maudlin, old-fart Pink Floyd video says, 'we don't need no education'. They're double-negativing away, but describing what I've heard was a horrible system, in some parts, where teachers broke down and beat students. I don't know how widespread it was, but it didn't stop until the '70s.

Now, the shoe is on the other, younger, foot. School kids are out of control, and are being encouraged to be so. I don't know if this still stands, but a few years ago, I heard that students who have actually struck a teacher are not only kept in school, but kept in class. Why would an education system, especially one run almost directly by the national government, encourage students to beat teachers? It is well- known that
new teachers average about 5 years at work
before running away, screaming.

The system is even paying a large proportion of new teachers
to go through a year's training.

I've seen it myself, albeit only a few times. The teachers visibly shake during lessons, because they can't reign in students. They often spend their breaks chain-smoking.
Teachers and administrators are kept onsite until the evening filling in paperwork, so that the government can control data and thus misrepresent results and foster divisions (the reporting of racial incidents is particularly funny because schools reporting zero-problems are inspected and berated.). Somehow, the government avoids
getting trashed over this
downgrading of so many children's futures
in this game with few winners.
Alas, I guess they were unable to fool the OECD.

It has been my opinion for 7 or 8 years that this deep-sixing (as we call it) was being done by the government itself in order to keep the poor poor, and to keep the (white-collar) middle classes paying 7000 pounds a year for private education, even if it means taking out loans. You see, it's good for the economy if people spend (same modus operandi in Health). Meanwhile, politicians disproportionately send their kids to private education because they came from those ranks, or because the populace is paying politicians so much money as to make this possible.
Unfortunately, the rich in this country are unable or unwilling to pull the country out of the doldrums. They're comfortable & lazy. Therefore, the government is throwing the country down the crapper.

more later

-Costick67 (8^P

Education Guardian 1 Dec 2009 stories:
-The case of the missing students- Andrew Mourant
-'A ludicrously expensive con-trick'-Warwick Mansell
Guardian, 1 Dec 2009 story:
Lost youth-UK plummets in education table for teenagers- Rachel Williams
Young people in the UK are among the least educated in the developed world, tumbling down the tables since the mid-1990s, according to analysis released today.

Among countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), only Turkey and Mexico have a smaller proportion of 15- to 19-year-olds in education, the University and Colleges Union (UCU) said.

In 1995, the UK was ranked 19th among the 30 countries, with 72% of the group still at school, college or university. But by 2007, it had slumped to 26th place, overtaken by countries such as Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece. Figures for Japan and Canada were not available in the most recent set of data, which was for 2007.

A similar story is seen in the proportions of those aged 20-29 in education, where the UK fell from 15th in the table to 25th, with 17%.

The UCU said Brazil, Chile, Estonia, Slovenia, Israel and Russia were performing better than the UK, with higher, and still-increasing, proportions of young people in education.

Britain now risked being overtaken by the few countries still below it and being seen as "the poor man of the developed world, ill-prepared for life in the new knowledge economy", if urgent action were not taken.

The UCU's general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: "This shocking analysis brings home just how much the UK has to do if it wants to remain a key player in the new global knowledge economy.

"We cannot rely on our proud history when it comes to educational achievement or innovation.

"We have to face up to the fact that we cannot remain a first-world country with third-world levels of participation in education. Other developed countries are pulling away from us, and the developing nations are catching up and looking like they will overtake us.""The figures should worry us all. Sticking plaster policies from parties looking for votes just will not do."

A spokeswoman for the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills said further and higher education was of crucial importance to the government.

She added: "We now have the highest ever rate of 16- to 18-year-olds participating in education or training (79.7%), more people than ever in our history are now attending university (1.92m), and the number of adults participating in further education stands at over 3.7m in 2008/09. We are proud of this record, but far from complacent.

"We remain committed to a world-class skills base by 2020 and have challenging targets in place to achieve that."

---end of story

would you lend 100 billion to a communist?

Would you change someone's religion or beliefs in order to make money off them?
What would happen if they, in turn, were conning you? Who's the fool?

For those of us who know some of the basics of Islamic beliefs regarding interest and banking, it was no surprise that the government of Dubai racked up debts in the corporation it started, and then tried to wash their hands of that debt. Some say it's as high as 120 billion bucks.

Before I realised what was going on, I had seen them build some stuff which made my jaw drop. Islands shaped like the globe (below), as a housing development, another island project that looked like a palm (below). The biggest hotel in the world (below). A Formula one race, which is not a cheap venture, even before you pay off Bernie Ecclestone.
So, I figured, in my rose-coloured glasses Western view of the world thought that they had oil money otherwise they wouldn't have done it, or been allowed to do it. Actually, they don't. Other parts of the UAE do, but not Dubai.

who would lend a corporation 120 billion?
Here's where the con job comes in. Perfectly sensible banks, whatever that means in the age of derivatives, were throwing billions at a corporation in the expectation/assumption that, if everything went tits-up, the Dubai government or the Abu Dhabi oil money would pay off the debts. Now, what do we know about 'assumptions'? Well, they were mostly wrong about the Oily backers. Until recently, Dubai was ducking and weaving, and shuttling back and forth to the Oily Kings, until finally Abu Dhabi gave them what amounts to, for them, an elasticated roll of cash, 10 billion.

Can you imagine those banks, like the usual, suspect British suspect banks, trying to seize assets IN DUBAI! No chance of that. The Dubai corporation does have assets in the West, like airlines, which can be seized. Let's see how this plays out.

[pic-building for sail, cheap]
[pic- fan me, I'm broke]
[pic- the world of debt]
[pic- non-Muslim hotel guest]

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Anti-apartheid rally in L, 2nite

I was at an anti-apartheid rally tonight at the School of Oriental and African Studies in downtown London.
present were :
Ronnie Kasrils - former minister in Nelson Mandela's ANC government and anti-Apartheid activist

Bongani Masuku - International Secretary Cosatu - the SouthAfrican trade union federation

George Mahlangu - Campaigns Coordinator, Cosatu - the South African trade union federation

They had some interesting things to teach the audience about what's right for the whole world, and how peaceful resistance to human rights abuses is the way to go.

Terry Brotherstonee General Council of the Scottish TUC union. Check their plain, clear and decisive investigation of the situation on the ground in the W.Bank & Gaza Str. (below, including some Banksy art.)

Yasmin Khan Senior Campaigns Officer for War on Want. She said that the main cause of poverty is war. What a surprise. If you're willing to kill your victims with guns, then starving them should be easy.

Prof Steven Rose. A declared non-self-hater (I heard him say so), from BRICUP.

Mr. O. Barghouti - Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions


He had stories of how people are being starved and deprived of water, and other, lesser, human rights violations. It's pretty ugly hearing about these kinds of things going on in our day. It's interesting to see how many UK institutions (unions, government, media) are complicit in this "slow genocide".

-These speakers'll be in Manchester, Leeds and Glasgow soon.

-Costick67 (8^P


spread the word

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Canadian Big-brother routine at the border

Hi there conspiracy theorists. Here's red-hot proof that governments know who you are and where you are, at any given moment.

Amy Goodman, who has gotten herself in lots of trouble with draconian governments and police just because she speaks the truth about .....draconian governments. I'm not talking about Afghanistan under the Taliban. I mean the governments of the US and Canada, now.
She was stopped at the border. She was pulled over quickly as if they knew who she was.
The had their questioning ready and recorded everything she said.

Listen to what the WANKERS at the border of my home country wanted to know:

Whether Amy was going to dis the Vancouver Olympics.

OOh, watch out for dangerous words!
Apparently, some local Canucks are protesting the Olympics for green reasons.
The Armed Protectors of Canada's Purity
checked Amy's car, computers and her papers. They wanted her notes, even.
So, I guess the Bush doctrine has taken hold in Canada. Legal dissent is being made to seem illegal and the bullying of dissenters is becoming normal in the name of anti-terrorism.
Olympics equals oppression.
I hope the dissent succeeds in getting airtime and support.

nuff said.
[I couldn't embed it]

-Costick67 (8^P

spread the word

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Osama, the tool, Bin Laden

You know the guy; the black sheep of the Bush family's favourite Saudi clan. I mean, 50 kids or something. That's not a family, it's a small corporation.

Well, even this black sheep has been so useful to Bush43 and his politics.
He was used to smear Clinton, because Clinton let OBL slip through the CIA's fingers.
He was used to help re-elect Bush43 by making a key 'election' speech from his cave.

Well, it seems that Bush43 did exactly the same as Clinton. When the US army was closing in on OBL in Tora Bora (see Rod Stewart's song), Bush43 called off the hunt.
You see, Bush43 had bigger fish to fry.
Iraqi fish, fried in their natural oils, BP & Shell

A fresh senate report (below) says that the army let OBL get away.
They don't say why, but one brave New Yorker, probably from Brooklyn (Home of the Brave), a politician named Maurice (the Henchman) Hinchey, said that it was done in order for the US to use OBL as their permanent bogeyman.
Specifically, they wanted to use OBL as a reason to invade Iraq.
Does that sound nuts?
What about the excuses given by Bush43 and Blair.
They were all bullsh*t. And the biggest lie was that
Al-Qd was linked with Sadam.
So, who's nuts now?

spread the word

-Costick67 (8^P

info: the senate report and the AP story
1 senate web:
2 Senate report: Bin Laden was 'within our grasp'
Senate Democratic report says US missed chance to chase down Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora
AP News- copyright
Nov 29, 2009 06:27 EST

Osama bin Laden was unquestionably within reach of U.S. troops in the mountains of Tora Bora when American military leaders made the crucial and costly decision not to pursue the terrorist leader with massive force, a Senate report says.
The report asserts that the failure to kill or capture bin Laden at his most vulnerable in December 2001 has had lasting consequences beyond the fate of one man. Bin Laden's escape laid the foundation for today's reinvigorated Afghan insurgency and inflamed the internal strife now endangering Pakistan, it says.

Staff members for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Democratic majority prepared the report at the request of the chairman, Sen. John Kerry, as President Barack Obama prepares to boost U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

The Massachusetts senator and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate has long argued the Bush administration missed a chance to get the al-Qaida leader and top deputies when they were holed up in the forbidding mountainous area of eastern Afghanistan only three months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Although limited to a review of military operations eight years old, the report could also be read as a cautionary note for those resisting an increased troop presence there now.

More pointedly, it seeks to affix a measure of blame for the state of the war today on military leaders under former president George W. Bush, specifically Donald H. Rumsfeld as defense secretary and his top military commander, Tommy Franks.

"Removing the al-Qaida leader from the battlefield eight years ago would not have eliminated the worldwide extremist threat," the report says. "But the decisions that opened the door for his escape to Pakistan allowed bin Laden to emerge as a potent symbolic figure who continues to attract a steady flow of money and inspire fanatics worldwide. The failure to finish the job represents a lost opportunity that forever altered the course of the conflict in Afghanistan and the future of international terrorism."

The report states categorically that bin Laden was hiding in Tora Bora when the U.S. had the means to mount a rapid assault with several thousand troops at least. It says that a review of existing literature, unclassified government records and interviews with central participants "removes any lingering doubts and makes it clear that Osama bin Laden was within our grasp at Tora Bora."

On or about Dec. 16, 2001, bin Laden and bodyguards "walked unmolested out of Tora Bora and disappeared into Pakistan's unregulated tribal area," where he is still believed to be based, the report says.

Instead of a massive attack, fewer than 100 U.S. commandos, working with Afghan militias, tried to capitalize on air strikes and track down their prey.

"The vast array of American military power, from sniper teams to the most mobile divisions of the Marine Corps and the Army, was kept on the sidelines," the report said.

At the time, Rumsfeld expressed concern that a large U.S. troop presence might fuel a backlash and he and some others said the evidence was not conclusive about bin Laden's location.
___the end

Thou shalt not use a car like an assault weapon

[mclaren F1,]
[pic- koenigsegg ,]
[pic- Ferrari Enzo.]
[pic bugatti Veyron, autodata]

I'm so enamoured of cars that I could be convinced that the Lord sent them unto us as a present for just being so righteous!
So, we've had them for a century now and we've managed to take this most liberating of products and make it into a boring tool like any iron or tea kettle. Except its as dangerous as an illegal appliance that may save you two bucks and then take your life.
We hate driving because of the gridlock, sh*tty drivers, parking fees, wheel-clampers, fuel prices, speed limits, speed cameras and the list goes on.

We are, of course, to blame for all this.
What used to represent manhood and freedom, now represents car loans and rising insurance costs and running costs.
Here in the UK, when cars were slow but had anchors for brakes, there was no speed limit.
So, what did drivers do. They drove like idiots, killing people.
When I was growing up, we used to say, if you can't walk (cuz you're drunk) you can always drive.
How many times have you heard this "I don't remember how I got my car home last night".

Too much joy leads to stupidity.

Why do we have gridlock?
We think that since governments have bottomless bank accounts, they'll keep building roads for us to get to work. It is amazing, seeing as governments love to screw the little guy, that they do build roads at all. But, in my hometown, we discovered that, the more lanes and roads you build, the more people will use their cars.
I lived through to the end of the post-war growth period, where a new highway lane always made the nightly news. Then, we kept seeing the following:
"The new highway XYZ just opened yesterday, and today they're having tail-gate parties because the road is gridlocked."
Too much joy leads to stupidity.

We think we have the right to use our cars to get to work.
to buy smokes at the corner store.
to go to the gym to exercise our lazy arses.
to pick up hookers. xD

What are we gonna do?
the great solution-finder
click here
Anyway, I've long since decided that, if you want to enjoy cars, you go to a race track.
I know it's stupid because you don't go anywhere, but it's the only place you can test your car's limits and your driving skill without killing scores of people.
Just look at my other blog to see the increasing number of stories of my exploits.
I'm actually an environmentally-sensitive guy, who loves wringing the sh*t out of a race car on the weekend.
I went to Brands Hatch a couple of weeks ago. I was a passenger in a JP2 Le-mans style car. The driver was going about 90%, but instead of being freaked and out of control, I was laughing and yelling 'yee-haws' all over the place.
Life was making sense again.
But, back on the public road, I still believe in fuel tax, speed cameras, congestion charges, speed limits, etc. largely because the world is full of driving idiots. The Dukes of Hazard is a tv show. Nobody should drive like that, except on the car chase police shows.
Have you looked at the car-death statistics lately?
40 000 in the US annually
The BBC said that each deadly car accident costs the economy
1 million pounds.
Even if he's exaggerating, it's still a cash hemorrhage.
9 people die on British roads on average, every day.
Their families are always devastated.
One race driver once said it's like bloody warfare out there.
Another race driver said he's more scared of driving on the highway than on a race track.
Too much joy leads to stupidity.

I also learned what a public menace on wheels I had been only once I got on a race track and was shown how to drive properly. I learned that road safety is priority #1.
I've loved driving ever since. I've done millions of miles, but it's still scary, if you think about it. Even I get carried away by the enjoyment of it all. But, I'm still alive. Thank thee, Lord.

I'll bet that if the Old Testament were being written today, the forbidden fruit would instead be a Ferrari and a driver's license.
The car is supposed to
get us from point A to point B,
without killing anyone and
without bankrupting the government.
End of story.

the stats
I don't mind the companies mentioning the cost, the horsepower and torque, or the 0-60 times.
I do dislike the 0-100 times and the top speed. Anything over 70mph is illegal in the UK.
Top speed stats are like phallus size. Everyone brags about it, but nobody's gonna see it.
Can you imagine measuring a phallus at 270mph?
If you crash, they'll be scooping you up with a shovel.
The conscientious Germans limit their cars to 155mph.
That's still mash-potato-land for your head.
Nice way to die, though, especially if you record it.

[the guy filmed his own last, stupid moments.]

enjoy the numbers:



0-60 mph: 1.67 sec

1005 bhp

Top speed 270 mph.

Bugatti Veyron

$1,400,000 - $1,400,000

1,001 BHP

0-60 2.3 sec

Mclaren f1

$1 million

627 bhp/ 479 lb/ft

0-60 3.2 sec

241 mph

Saleen S7

550 BHP/ 525 lb/ft

3.3 sec

220 mph

Ferrari Enzo

650 BHP/ 485 lb/ft

3.3 sec

218 mph

Koenigsegg cc

655 BHP/ 553lb/ft

3.2 sec

245 mph

-Costick67 (8^P

1 [lots of bloody crashes.]
BBC's The_Joy_of_Motoring/"> [it's gonna disappear soon, so hurry up]

Monday, 30 November 2009

the globe's warming;no, it isn't;yes, it is; no;yes

Byline: the best way to discover if Global warming exists is to ask insurers! They're paying for it.

Vat are you sinking?
Before reading this article, perhaps you should acquaint yourself mit Cherman Inglish. I'll explain why later.

Anyway, in the video above, a boat is sinking.

In this case, we're talking about the world sinking. Why not ask the Germans?

I've been a follower, and sometimes a member, of Greenpeace, that fine Canadian institution. They've had the guts to attack whaling boats, climb Parliament in London, etc getting shot at.
They think and act. Gotta like 'em. Balls o' steel.

They've been telling us this Warming stuff for decades. Of course, they're right. But, they're not winning the day.
We have to be honest. Nobody, AT ALL, wants to cramp their own style in order to save the planet. I'm not even going to ask you to look around you and see how your surroundings compare with the average African's. How much material bullshit do we have to surround ourselves with in order to be happy?

Add it up, folks.
Have we cut down on our pointless trips with these cheap airlines?
Probably not.
Who keeps track of their mileage?
Are you cutting down? Probably not.
I think about it all the time, but I'm neurotic anyway. Still, if I'm honest, I could do more.

There's always someone on tv telling you that the sky is not falling. For example, the BBC's recent Question Time with Jon Dimbleby had a crazy bag lady from the Daily Mail newspaper who said 'there's no proof. In fact, it's cold in here......are you gonna eat that?'.
The Conservative politician nearby, who was a scientist, contradicted her, but he did not want to support the green message whole-heartedly.
He knows that his right 'o centre constituency is full of hedonists. They already 'suffer' with the congestion tax, and fuel tax, and gridlock.
Poor Bentleys. Can't even stretch their legs. xD

But, I'm sick of this opinion bullshit. Warming's not an opinion.
It's either getting worse, or it isn't.
Sh*t or get off the pot

We have no one in the media of any weight who will say clearly
'we got a problem. Let's solve it.'
All of them are afraid of the shit-storm from the powers.

Bush43 had the world stage and he said, Warming's not been proved.
So, unbelievably, we've all relaxed.
I know why. We want to enjoy LIFE, in a

I think this relativism is a particular Anglophone sickness.
So much of Anglo media is controlled by some nasty Dr. Evil-type, like Rupert Murdoch,
and they don't want us to do anything other than

Unfortunately, Mr. Perignon, consuming=waste.
So, don't look to them for the answer. But, I DO want answers.
So, I turn to the Germans. They're always practical and logical, and now that we're past warring with them, we should start listening to them.
They cut through the bullcrap very well.
Their Volkswagen is one of the few companies that actually caused the derivatives traders to eat their own naked shorts.
Badda-bing! Lookitup. Cost 'em billions.
Who makes the best cars [The iconic British Mini is now Das Mini.*]? The fastest trains? Which Euro-country has the biggest economy and the most manufacturing. The best green laws and infrastructure? The same answer, every time.

I say, if you can't beat them, make fun of them. The British have a whole comedy cottage-industry focused on belittling the Hun. The Brits would rather do that than straighten out their own house.
Seriously, though. The Krauts're stiff and dour, but they know what they're doing.

One of their insurance companies, Munich RE has been keeping track of disasters. Why not? They pay out on insurance policies when disaster strikes. So, it's in their interest to be clear about this stuff. Instead of keeping this to themselves, they're actually informing the world.
Talk about your crazy business model.
It's like Wiki-crazy though, folks. Lookitup
The BBC news just showed a reporter visiting them. There's also this article in the The Local, a German newspaper. They've studied the money lost since the 50s and they say the growth in payouts for environmental disasters has been
So, they're going green and investing in green energy.
Das ist gut.
Why are British and American insurers so quiet?
aren't they losing money, too?
Your answer please:____
End of discussion for me.
-Costick67 (8^P

spread the word

-Google: Munich RE press release on 2008 disasters
*[I realise that this talk about manufacturing cars doesn't fit my enviro-message.]

Sunday, 22 November 2009

bond futures. tie me down for this one

[pic - bonds in their truest sense]

We are tied quite tightly to our stock markets. In the past, they were just a fancy game, akin to a casino. Now, we cannot expand our economy without them. Unfortunately, that makes us as much of a fraud as the stock markets are.

That's okay. We like being beat on. We've been bad boys and girls. Haven't we? We trusted banks and government with our money. We trusted democracy and gave it legitimacy, only for the rich and their corporations to take it over. AND, we refuse to stand up to this apocalyptic-style government.
So, we deserve the markets that we get. The weak should even stop complaining verbally. Submit to the power.
Say after me:
"I'm bad, spank me."
"I've been bad, please take my money and pension."
"I've sinned, and voted for crooked politicians. Throw me out on the street."

coming soon: Bull markets

-Costick67 (8^P

Wooly economics

No, this is not about the stock market. But it could be, if you want.

After having heard many sides of the sorry case of the Woolworth's bankruptcy and dissolution, I've figured out a few interesting tidbits which could help us all survive the hard economic times that are to come.

I think their employees feel an inflated sense of self-importance. It's okay for a large employer to get help directly from a government, especially from an unpopular government that feels guilty for chucking the whole nation into hock.

However, it seems like they wanted the government to prop up their losing store. They seemed to think that they were special employees, in a special business, who were supposed to be taken care of. They were just retail clerks in a piss-poor retail store.
[pic- the market strikes back]
That's the miserable thing about Tesco, Sainsbury and Walmart and the like. They pay poor unfortunate souls a fiver an hour to put stuff on shelves so that customers can come in and buy them.

It's sad for me to watch that soul-destroying work going on because I've done my share of that kind of work. Those people will never be able to buy even the smallest of flats, unless they work 16+ hours a day, times seven days a week. Take 16/7 and add a couple of decades with no vacations. It's a dead-end, in other words. [read Anna Sam's book Checkout]
That's what's good and bad about big stores. The stuff is cheap, but the employees are a negligible cost. So, bosses make a killing, and governments are not terribly concerned with this imbalanced situation. It reminds me of the coal mine owners vs. coalminers comparison. Castles, Lordships and royal parties vs. working hard for a sandwich and a rented place to sleep.

But, that's not the worst thing about Wooly's. Even as an occasional customer, I could see that their junk was not leaving the shelves. The products were spending years gathering dust and bosses there didn't seem to be too worried about it. So, in this environment, with big boys like Tesco ruling, the Wooly's franchise deserved to fold, especially in this recession.
It was a vulnerable domino.

Wooly's employees are presented on tv and they mention that generations of the same family were working at some stores. It were an institution! Ya, a sick one. Kinda like the government.

When it comes down to it, retail does not add anything to the economy. It produces nothing. All it does is present stuff to consumers. All of us, stores included, live off of what we produce from farms on the land, oil under the land, manufactured products sold overseas, international trade profits, derivatives fraud and enslaving Iraq (to give a recent example). If that money doesn't flow, the economy loses its shine. However, we do, these days have life support. Almost all of us have loans, whether on credit cards, bank loans or mortgages. To me, that's life support.
It's such a good life support that everyone wants it; no one can live without it.*

It allowed a manager at Wooly's to buy a two-storey semi-detached house with 3 or 4 bedrooms and front and rear gardens/yards. That's far too big a box to hold only a couple and their 1.2 kids. But, if the bank will give you the money, you just go for it, doncha?

That's all ILL! It creates a bubble in the economy. It heats up the economy because we're spending the money we will earn years into the future. It eventually makes us work more and harder for the same pay, due to our worrying.
Then comes the occasional crash,
when many people lose their jobs, and have to stop deficit spending (that's what a loan is).
The dominoes start wobbling.
The unemployed can lose their house (the banks never lose, because their loans inflate house prices) largely because they're overextended; in debt up to their eyeballs. This can push other vulnerable enterprises into bankruptcy and so on.

I'm not going to give anyone a speech on saving, but it's only part of the solution. Besides, if everybody does lock their wallets, we'll go into an economic nosedive as everyone tries to pay off their debts. A few intelligent individuals can however find a way not to be so vulnerable to crashes by not carrying unnecessary debt. If nothing else, the lack of debt worries won't cost you your sleep.

The one part of society that will never live within its means is the government. They give loans to banks that we'll never be able to pay off, enslaving future generations and cutting back on all the public essentials like education, healthcare and pensions (this has already been happening for years in the UK). Govenments are essentially out of control, democracy or no democracy.
They can literally give our money away and we can do nothing about it.
[pic- "Go on, take it. You're too precious to starve."]

Unless....we wise up, buy less, buy with cash, buy used (tax-free) and trade services amongst ourselves (tax-free; e.g. lawn-cutting for taxiing). Because, no matter what we do, the government is going to waste every penny it gets from us, and will print more money, until the Chinese, Oily and Japanese economies can no longer bear our debt (the govenment's and our personal debt). Ya, they're carrying us on their backs, because they make stuff (that we buy) and they also save money (our money). But don't worry. They're really uncool, so don't go copying them. They'll only cramp your LARGE lifestyle.
[pic- Terry Rodgers Palace of Automorphic Delights -redux for PG rating]

So, if you think life is wonderful now, or at least that it was until last year, it was illusion. Live for the here & now and you might be able to keep a smaller, but more sustainable smile on your face.

-Costick67 (8^P
other pics from
* this is why Back to the Future and Bill & Ted -type films are so popular. In our heads, we just think we'll solve everything by reaching into the future for a bit of wisdom and some cash. we borrow from our future, and banks help us do it. At what cost, folks?
P.S. I won't even get into the environmental benefits of changing our ways.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

latest stock market report

Goldman Sachs dividends on the rise.
Goldman Sachs to return the people's money over 20 years instead of paying taxes.
The Dow Jones index rose 10% yesterday.
Banks are taking public money and still foreclosing on houses.
Bankers have no shame. It's not required by law.
I hope you know that stocks began being used in England
for farm workers who dared to ask for more money
(they knew that demand for labour was high after the Black Death).
Therefore, in that era,
creating economic strife was enough to have someone
confined in stocks in public and shamed.
So, what about now?
What should we do to the bankers
who took our money and jobs?

The government ignore our moral outrage
while the media refuses to place them into the focus of public scrutiny?
I want names and faces,
income and bonuses made public.
I may have to do this myself.
stay tuned.
-Costick67 (8^P

A long history, from

Stocks and pillories have been used in parts of Europe more than 1000 years, probably much longer in Asia, and certainly before reliable records began. The earliest recorded reference to stocks in Europe appears in the Utrecht Psalter, which dates from around 820 AD.

Stocks had become common in England by the mid-14th century. In 1351 a law (the Statute of Labourers) was introduced requiring every town to provide and maintain a set of stocks. This had been implemented as a reaction to the Black Death, which had halved the population. The consequent scarcity of labour had enabled agricultural labourers to demand increased pay. The Statute attempted to discourage this trend by providing that anyone demanding (or offering) higher wages should be set in the stocks for up to 3 days.

Stocks were later used to control the unemployed. A statute passed in 1495 required that vagabonds should be set in the stocks for 3 days on bread and water and then sent away (where presumably they would have faced a similar fate). If a vagabond returned to the same parish, he or she would receive another 6 days in the stocks. These punishments were however seen as excessive and the lengths of time in the stocks were later reduced to 1 and 3 days respectively.

A Statute of 1605 required that anyone convicted of drunkenness should receive six hours in the stocks, and those convicted of being a drunkard (as opposed to be caught drunk) should suffer 4 hours in the stocks or pay a substantial fine (of 3 shillings and 6 pence). A slightly later Statute made it legal to set those caught swearing in the stocks for 1 hour, if they could or would not pay a 12 pence fine. In practice the authorities preferred offenders to pay fines as the monies were used to fund poor relief.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

we get the politicians we deserve. Therefore we are evil.

[pic- you can't handle the truth!]
You won't be getting the truth out of politicians, especially when it's about their money.
Here's proof:
We get the politicians we deserve? Bullsh*t.
We're lucky we're allowed to vote. Politics is not for the plebes.
We get the politicians the main parties foist on us (with party strategy sheets on "how to lie to voters", in their fists). An independent would have to be a cross between Rasputin, the Pied Piper and Jesus in order to win because the main parties have the ear of the media.

Voting is like 'buyer beware'. Of course, the public doesn't buy off the politicians. The rich interests do. Also, because we're putting our faith in people, there are even more risks. They could say one thing, and do another. They could change their minds after pressure from the party whip. Then, we gotta wait 4 years to "get a recall".

So, 'we' send a chump to London to represent his party, not his people, but first of all is the spouse. The first order of business is to give the job of personal secretary to his wife. About 60% of politicians are doing this. Of course, the wives wouldn't have it any other way. It would mean fewer mistresses
[pic- yes, minister, yes!]
and charges of sexual harrassment.
However, if family ties were cut, it would mean 350 ordinary plebians would have a paycheck to support their own family. As it stands, it's essentially another 30 thousand quid bonus for the 'voice of our town in London'.

more cow patties.
I've even heard the word sexual discrimination used to dissuade people from changing the law. Sexual discrimination? Is it because most spouses are women? What about female politicians and gays? Don't they count? Don't they have spouses?

Then they took the money for a London residence and used it to pay off mortgage loans. What this means is that, instead of helping landlords in London make some money, politicians effectively get a 20 thou bonus and use it to buy a house at public expense.

So, what happens when you squeeze the old boys on the hill? They start saying that , if you take away the perks, only rich lads will be able to afford to be politicians.

You'll be taking away the men and women who are productive only insofar as knowing how to line their pockets.I'm supposed to be impressed with these politicians?
I say 'good-bye'. Who cares if they're rich or just non-poor?
Really rich guys wouldn't use the bonus money to buy a house. They probably have 5 or more already. and their wives wouldn't deign to pound a keyboard. They'd be too busy at Harrod's.
At 68 thou, politicking is still a fantastic job,
even without the 50 thou in bonuses.

What are they worried about? Maybe, some working class people will be allowed to represent poor areas like Longsight, Manchester instead of some "white-collar criminal" from Didsbury? Perhaps the politicians can't handle the truth.

UPDATE: It seems the only reason Westminster's been so up front lately with their scamming is that they want to give back their 50 thousand in immoral bonuses for a clean 40 thousand pound raise in their regular pay. In this way, the wife can spend the year at Harrod's, and the new house will be bought without anyone being able to grouse.

-Costick67 (8^P

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Rock's royal couple, de-moated in Ottawa

This is something which will forever be proof of how boring Ottawa's local politicians and public are, sitting in front of their television sets and deciding to celebrate reality-tv stars with a tenuous link to the Capital.
Shannon Tweed Day was mooted by a local politician, and shot down by mayor Doug Thompson.*
The emotion and column inches given to the topic were nuts! I'm sure Quebec succession didn't generate this size of mail bag.

Shannon Tweed, who happened to start becoming a somebody in Ottawa, was originally from Newfoundland. She was a bar manager for a while when she became acknowledged as a babe,
[bit of a wardrobe malfunction there! pic-]

by none other than viagra-poppin', stinkin' of wee-wee Hugh Hefner and his groundbreaking feminist Playwankrag. (more on him some other time)

She was FINE, though.

That's why she high-tailed it out of this somnolescent burg**.

Well, she sauntered back in triumphally to support her partner's*** little music ensemble, Keep It Simple Stupid. She was just minding her own business like a good Newfie girl, until a bored politician seized the moment to get his 15 minutes of fame by latching onto someone famous.
Anyway, they were invited to visit the parliament with full honours in recognition of their regal status.
The partner was allowed to address parliament, as you would expect:
"Rockin' the mic!"
"Order, order!" "get me a scotch."
"what's it take to get a waitress in here?"
"Pfffft.HAAAA! get it?", tapping the mic, "Is this on?"
He joked, playing up to the stuffed suits in the front row
who cleared their throats in disapproval.

Then, he proceeded to weigh into policy issues, shocking the House:
"Whataya doin' givin' free health care?"
"Youz freaks!"

Funny thing is, in all the articles, Shannon's called an "actress."
As far as her acting career is concerned, let's say a few things:
-the less said the better, poor thing.
-reality tv saved her image.
-it sure got Ozzy out of the gutter.
-at least it's obvious she didn't try to sleep her way to the top in H-wood, 'cuz she didn't even get anywhere near the middle. Wiki and Ytube it, if you dare.

-Costick67 (8^P
other pics-
* Her Jewish husband, Gene Simmons, encapsulated feelings well when he said "Not everybody loved Jesus either."
** like Dan Akroyd, Rich Little, Paul Anka, Tom Green, Alanis Morisette and lots of other fine, non-boring folks.
*** It's so regal to have a partner rather than a wife/husband. Look at Prince Chuck and his, tram.., dromi...Camilla!
One article- "Rock's royal couple cause big downtown stir" Tony Lofaro & Katie Daubs, Ottawa Citizen July 2009

filet of democracy, in a fish wrapper

Byline: FEMALE Afghan politician dares to speak the truth

A certain kind of boredom makes me occasionally reach for one of the many free newspapers being forced on people in public places, here in London. This time it was the Metro (19 August)

What should I see but an interview with an Afghan politician.
Before you imagine backward-looking guys in foot-long beards, stinking like cattle, think again.

Latest Afghan political news:
what do you know? Karzai is corrupt. It's not him, really. It's the American guys telling him what to do that's the problem. Oil guys...government guys..After fixing the first round, he was gifted the second-round victory, instead of having to run against a dead-man walking, Dr. Abdullah (squared), who is not a Unocal employee.

[pic- Metro]
Anyway, Malalai Joya (her book: Raising my voice) did a 60 second interview which laid out the whole sick opera for us to peruse:
The Barber of Kabul
starring: Hamid "Sweeney" Karzai
Malalai "Die Hard" Joya
assorted warlords and kingpins
[my comments- Costick67]
Scene 1- threatened by corrupt politicians
Joya: "in parliament they couldn't tolerate me because I told the truth. They turned off my microphone...they insulted and threatened me....There are people saying they 'must punish [me] with the Kalashnikov.'"
Joya: "other democratic men and women in my country have been power is able to hide the truth"
Joya: "we democrats have two, to compromise with a warlord, drug-lord government [she didn't mention Karzai's brother's drug business by name]... with the mask of Pinochet, Hitler, Khomeini." "Your governments have replaced the fundamentalist rule of the Taliban with another fundamentalist regime who are responsible for killing, torture and repression."

Scene 2-the real reason for the invasion:
Joya: "People have always wanted to occupy Afghanistan because of its geopolitical location and also to have access to the valuable gas and oil of the Central Asian Republics."

Scene 3-
Chorus: life is better now with the US/UK in town, right?
Joya: "NO....Men and women of my country suffer from injustice, insecurity, joblessness, poverty, corruption. ..We have 'jungle law'. I have meetings with young girls and children who have been brutally raped."

Scene 4-
Chorus: There's been outrage in Britain at each British soldier killed in the conflict. Should there be the same level of outrage for every Afghan civilian killed?
Joya: "Of course. The blood of our people is shed like water. ...150 civilians killed by air strikes [true], most of them women and children. Bombing doesn't bring peace" [true].

Scene 5-the future of Afghanistan
Joya: "These criminals in government have no support among the hearts of our people...All the British families who have lost loved ones in Afghanistan should raise their voice against injustice, and also against more of their taxes funding an occupation that keeps a gang of corrupt warlords in power in Kabul."

Scene 6-
Chorus: are you hopeful about tomorrow's election? [the corrupt one, mentioned above]
Joya: "The election is a showcase of the US government. We have a famous saying that it's not important who is voting, it's important who is counting [she was right]. The next president...will be selected ...[by] the White House."
Update: Apparently the US army has been paying off the Taliban, so that they would allow American supply shipments to pass. It's amazing how weak the US looks. They stick their chests out and say "We don't deal with terrorists," but they do, daily. The Taliban are not the terrorists, by the way, the invaders are.
checkitout: Bruce Wilson, Talk to Action, or on Alternet.
Also, the 'ambassador' to Kabul recommends no further troop increases, because Karzai is corrupt.
Latest: Now I see what Corruption those Americans are talking about. The Afghans are giving minerals contracts to the Chinese, instead of gifting them to the Yanks.
-Costick67 (8^P
[check my old stories: Mass Media stories, and (tech blog) Grease is the word]
I remind you'all. Check the documentary Rethinking Afghanistan which says that there's no Al Qaeda over there any more, and our politicians know it. Doesn't stop them lying. The latest prevaricator was the Finance Minister, A. Darling (on the Politics Show, 1 Nov.). "We are fighting...Taliban...terror at home ...blah...blah". The Taliban is not Al Qaeda, and US/UK and Canadian soldiers are fighting the Taliban. What good is that?
I remind you'all. The Taliban warned the US that Al Qaeda was planning a big attack on a US city.
I remind you'all. The Taliban has been removed, not because they allowed Al Qaeda to run around unchecked, but because the Taliban wanted too much money to allow a Central-Asian-gas pipeline to pass through the country. The plans were already set before 11 Sept '01.
I remind you'all. Unocal (oil company) employee, Hamid Karzai, hosted the Taliban in his home in Houston.