You won't be getting the truth out of politicians, especially when it's about their money.
Here's proof:
We get the politicians we deserve? Bullsh*t.Here's proof:
We're lucky we're allowed to vote. Politics is not for the plebes.
We get the politicians the main parties foist on us (with party strategy sheets on "how to lie to voters", in their fists). An independent would have to be a cross between Rasputin, the Pied Piper and Jesus in order to win because the main parties have the ear of the media.
Voting is like 'buyer beware'. Of course, the public doesn't buy off the politicians. The rich interests do. Also, because we're putting our faith in people, there are even more risks. They could say one thing, and do another. They could change their minds after pressure from the party whip. Then, we gotta wait 4 years to "get a recall".
So, 'we' send a chump to London to represent his party, not his people, but first of all is the spouse. The first order of business is to give the job of personal secretary to his wife. About 60% of politicians are doing this. Of course, the wives wouldn't have it any other way. It would mean fewer mistresses

and charges of sexual harrassment.
However, if family ties were cut, it would mean 350 ordinary plebians would have a paycheck to support their own family. As it stands, it's essentially another 30 thousand quid bonus for the 'voice of our town in London'.
more cow patties.
I've even heard the word sexual discrimination used to dissuade people from changing the law. Sexual discrimination? Is it because most spouses are women? What about female politicians and gays? Don't they count? Don't they have spouses?Then they took the money for a London residence and used it to pay off mortgage loans. What this means is that, instead of helping landlords in London make some money, politicians effectively get a 20 thou bonus and use it to buy a house at public expense.
So, what happens when you squeeze the old boys on the hill? They start saying that , if you take away the perks, only rich lads will be able to afford to be politicians.
You'll be taking away the men and women who are productive only insofar as knowing how to line their pockets.I'm supposed to be impressed with these politicians?
I say 'good-bye'. Who cares if they're rich or just non-poor?
Really rich guys wouldn't use the bonus money to buy a house. They probably have 5 or more already. and their wives wouldn't deign to pound a keyboard. They'd be too busy at Harrod's.At 68 thou, politicking is still a fantastic job,
even without the 50 thou in bonuses.
even without the 50 thou in bonuses.

What are they worried about? Maybe, some working class people will be allowed to represent poor areas like Longsight, Manchester instead of some "white-collar criminal" from Didsbury? Perhaps the politicians can't handle the truth.
UPDATE: It seems the only reason Westminster's been so up front lately with their scamming is that they want to give back their 50 thousand in immoral bonuses for a clean 40 thousand pound raise in their regular pay. In this way, the wife can spend the year at Harrod's, and the new house will be bought without anyone being able to grouse.
-Costick67 (8^P