[The Dragon's Den is a British show where brave people pitch their ideas to four ridiculously successful businessmen, in the hope that one or more will fund their idea]
politicians and businessmen sit in judgement of people*
who are just trying to find enough work
to have money
to eat and keep warm.
Show 1
Respect for working overtime
A young office worker approaches the Fat Cat panel and meekly asks a question:

Fat Cat Pete responds:

Where's that Russian oligarch gone to? I gotta kiss up to him...regularly. If you'll excuse me.
Even the Fat Cats have daddies. More next week. Stay tuned.
-the above is a fictional story, mostly.
-Costick67 (8^P
* I've put them together because they're the tag team of people-screwers
** he actually did say that and it was printed in the media. checkitout
*** they've been trying
fotos (in order) from:
fotosearch.com, 38 degrees.org