Duck for cover
before they
f*%&$k us over.
Now, I'm talking about an act of group protection. I'm not writing in support of the wholesale colonialisation of a continent by bloodthirsty Europeans.
In the movies, when pilgrims' wagon trains came under attack, they used to place them in a circle and used them as a barricade against marauders. Somehow the marauders had the sense that the Europeans were going to steal everything from under the marauders' feet, and they were right. No wonder they were pissed off.
Anyway, back to today. You realise that we're in a crisis. Okay. Well, governments say that they'll "tighten up the stock markets" and "tax the wealthy" , but you and I know that
we're going to be made to pay
for the whole shootin' match.
So, what do you do?
They're gonna get you where it hurts. They'll tax everything you like, so it's time to give those things up, or make your own.
some easy examples:
1) trade stuff with your neighbours. Kids clothes, tools, services, etc.
e.g. One person drives all the kids to school, the other cuts both lawns.
No money changes hands; no tax is paid.
2) most importantly, grow your own food
3) if you can't get off the sinful stuff, you can still survive:
alcohol: make your own beer, wine or moonshine. Make sure it won't make you blind, then invite friends.
cigarettes (not the cancer sticks in the stores):
make your own tobacco. Just be careful it's not wacky-tabacky or poppies.
If you've read my Orlov story (starving rich people) or my cow story above, you've read my diatribe about overcoming your cravings for processed food and you'll lose weight in the bargain (I've done it). Starve the producers of processed "non-food".
If the government wants to hurt consumers,
then don't be a "typical consumer" .
Being just a "consumer" means always being a loser.
More later
-Costick67 ( 8^P