Wednesday, 3 June 2009

WTO What Terrific Oppression

Back in the innocent days of 1999, journalists were asked whether the WTO, instead of being the vehicle for the rich to oppress the poor, should also help workers, you know, with stuff like a

living wage
(ie. being able to afford food, clothes and a home)
common rights and benefits
(e.g. health care, no child labour,
education for kids, etc.)
around the world, so that factories could not just skip from country to country, like a pair of flying Nike shoes.

Well, their response was less than supportive:
(copyright, the Guardian 1999)

[It's hard to see, so:

Negative (thumbs down): Financial Times, Wall St. Journal, Economist, LA Times.

50/50: Guardian, Times (London), Washington Post, New York Times.]

It was nice of them to use these simple-to-understand hand gestures, so even the illiterate could get the message. The true message, though, is actually represented by an even simpler hand gesture, one for which Bush43 is well- known.


WTO's message to workers:

The media's message to workers:
Workers' return message to them bastards:
Can't we all just get along!?

"Get along"? In whose interest would that be?

-Costick67 ( 8^P