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Ayn Rand thought of doing two things concurrently,
which is saying a lot for someone
of her limited mental capacity.
She, at once, wanted to give wanton greed
the appearance of having a philosophical basis
and also desired to make herself rich.
With "Atlas shrugged",
she took a swipe at both.
I can only assume that she knew
what rich people everywhere wanted to read,
and if so, she was actually fairly intelligent.
Rich folk and their hangers-on
have been eating up her crap for decades.
Her work has a biblical-size following among some big names (more later).
On the academic side,
her ideas are full of holes
that a bus could drive through.
So, either she hadn't the brains to think it through,
or there is no way to legitimise might-is-right, philosophically,
or the last choice is ....
she was too busy getting rich to think about true philosophy.
She, at once, wanted to give wanton greed
the appearance of having a philosophical basis
and also desired to make herself rich.
With "Atlas shrugged",
she took a swipe at both.
I can only assume that she knew
what rich people everywhere wanted to read,
and if so, she was actually fairly intelligent.
Rich folk and their hangers-on
have been eating up her crap for decades.
Her work has a biblical-size following among some big names (more later).
On the academic side,
her ideas are full of holes
that a bus could drive through.
So, either she hadn't the brains to think it through,
or there is no way to legitimise might-is-right, philosophically,
or the last choice is ....
she was too busy getting rich to think about true philosophy.
Anyway, the T.H.E. trashes her, once and for all. More to come
The last insult is how all greedy Richies who read Rand think that her story's entrepreneurs are fantastic, which in some ways they are. They created something or realised its manufacture. Not bad.
However, that has nothing to do with the lazy layabouts pushing fradulent paper around the world. They are about as important to the world as bagel delivery boys. King of them all is Alan Greenspan, Rand's biggest (i.e. most destructive monetarist) fan. He oversaw the biggest financial collapse the world has ever seen.
What does that say for Rand's ideas when Greenspan that said he "learned everything" from her?
She's bankrupt, like all her big fans.
It gives the morally bankrupt "an easy-to-follow protocol and a glamour that serves as both corporate feelgood and marketing tool." This quotation is actually about the benefits to the real Mafia of reading (or watching- for illiterates) and following the tactics of fictional Mafia stories. Do you see the similarities to Rand and the Randies?
Mafia is as mafia does. Gabagool!
Bada-bing, it's a hedge-market thing.
Gerald L. Houseman 'Objectionable content' Times Higher Education no 1914 ppg 16-18
Aditya Charkrabortty 'Brain food: why the mafia study gangster movies' Guardian G2 pg13
-Costick67 (8^P