Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Holocaust photographer rejects invite from Isr.

[pic banksy]
It makes me both

sad and happy that Janina Struck,

a person who knows a thing or two about human suffering
has seen the similarities between Nazi Germany
and a certain well-connected middle-eastern country*.
So much so, that she doesn't want to go there to speak about her work
on the Holocaust.

You no believe?
This is the blurb that appeared in Haaretz newspaper:

Janina Struck, the photographer and author of the highly acclaimed book Photographing the
Holocaust’ was invited to give a paper at Yad Vashem about the subject matter of her book. She decided not to go, writing that “Since the Israeli attack on Gaza in December and January, during which time the IDF killed more than a thousand people, and due to Israel's continued violation and disregard for international law and human rights, I am afraid that as much as I respect the work of Yad Vashem, I find it impossible to accept an official invitation from an institution of the State of Israel.[..]
During the research for my book [] it was images that portrayed cruelty, humiliation, the disregard for human life and the most basic principles of human decency that I found among the most disturbing. Now I find similarly disturbing the images from Gaza that show vast areas reduced to rubble, grieving homeless families, and distressed and hungry children – the result of the abhorrent activities of the IDF.”
Apparently, the organizers did not act on her request that her statement be read out at the
Source http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/spages/1110830. html
by Tim Goheen McClatchy
We're starting to wake up from a big bad nightmare, folks.
-Costick67 (8^P See my older blogs on the subject: 'Tony Blair', 'UK universities', 'prophet part 3 & 'news flash'
*Talk about your history repeating itself, the shoe being on the other foot this time. Victim becomes victimiser, without even flinching.
Oh, the humanity of it all!