How did banks bring us to the edge? (in less than 100 words)
paper-economy banks
bankrupted (ironically) the public and the real economies.
Then they took loans and got cheap government insurance to cover their losses.
That means
banks get the profits, and the
public gets the
Then they continued
foreclosing on houses.
then they got back to immoral
derivative trading, like nothing just happened.
NOW, they want to pocket their
YEARS from now,
they will have yet to pay off their debts
to government (in lieu of taxes).
so, here's my salute to bankers' supreme
Gold (man) Sachs of Sh*t
-the paper chase.
Trading Boys have found a way to
bend laws of economics by pushing paper around and somehow making profits out of it. So bad is the problem that many people have
rejected manufacturing and gone trading.
they're chucking out basic economic theory and common sense
(trading shares which they don't own),
and they've
neutralised all effective legal/regulatory oversight,
and because they're
piggy-backed on the real economy,
when they f&%%&*ck up,
we, the little worker ants,
all pay the price. And the rich call it
survival of the fittest.
Pork pies (lies) and prevarication.
If the following problems are solved, then maybe we'll be able to return to
Don't bet on it happening, though.
Chapter 1: Externalisation
According to "The Corporation" documentary,
one purpose of businesses is to
externalise problems.
That means to
make others pay for their problems.
If a factory has
polluted an area, they expect the
public to clean it up.
If banks have
the risk of gambling losses, they want the
public to insure them against it and
when it fails, for the
public to pay up lots of money.
all they need is corrupt politicians to
do the monkey.
see no evil...
Chapter 2: Philosophy of me-me-meAyn Rand, the
grandiloquent, dead fiction writer, tried to show
how capitalists (re-baptised as the makers of all things useful) are
the bestest because they follow their own self-interest.
Her (anti-) Objectivist theory tried to say that
the more that government tries to solve problems, the worse it gets.
That's true, but
only when
capitalists (admittedly aided by corrupt politicians)
screw things up totally,
perfecting externalisation.
We, the idiots, trust government to keep this kind of bullsh*t from happening.
Still, governments are not willing to return to the post-1929-Crash
antitrust laws and other regulations because
politics is still corrupt.
So corrupt politicians
threw money at the capitalists.
The capitalists were so convinced of their superiority that they
expected it to happen,
and said '
thank you, do you have any more?'
So, it's not government that's to blame, it's
corrupt government, full of
pseudo-political capitalists that is screwing up.
So, when right-wing pundits are calling the pay-outs to their friends, and government support of failing manufacturers as 'big government', they're doing it with a big smile on their faces. Why? Those very same right-wingers get to
party like it's 1999on public money, when they don't pay taxes, and then they get to look like
wise guys, smirking at fair-minded people while they criticise the largesse they themselves are benefitting from.
Since the media and governments are largely corrupt,
they get to
prove Ayn Rand right:
Self-interest is the only thing that would work all the time,
but only when there's no government or law
to stop corporations from victimising people in the name of profit.Looks like
brutal survival of the fittest (but it isn't-you'll see).
some examples:
Health insurance (US), heating fuel (UK), Energy trading (US), banking and derivative trading (every-f^**$^&^ckin-where), etc.
Chapter 3: Survival of the fattestWhen right-wingers trot out the theory of
survival of the fittest, to explain the success of rich people, they're talking out their arses.
they got plenty of
free protection and
benefits from
society, the ungrateful bastards.
If you look at the ever-popular
wilderness documentaries(how else are we going to witness nature?),
you see how brutal survival really is.
It's eat
and be eaten.

So, what IS the difference with human society,
Because of our evolved sense of
fairness, we provide
police officers to protect fat, rich guys' stuff from the
coniving, starving, wretched bastards who would try to take it away.
(why are they starving? because of laws favouring the rich- what irony!)
why do the
courts and expensive
lawyers exist?
So that, when fat Richie, or his company is doing something illegal or immoral, Richie gets to
avoid legal (and moral)
Why do rich folk surround themselves with locks, guards, walls, and fast cars?
avoid moral justice.Nobody can get near enough to them to give them a piece of their minds.
So, we've established that fat, rich people are cunning and
Didn't at least some of the rich get
benefits from
state-sponsored education, healthcare or anything else public, like the use of a library, or a playing field? I guess not. They're
self-made. Nobody helped them. Not even their parents (where are they? check the poorest, moneyless bastards in the old-folks homes. That's where they are because they begat heathen-beast humanoids).
So, if we were to have survival of the fittest, then Richie would
lose his protection.* By the way, if things keep going as they are, some day, the public will take "survival" seriously and exact revenge. Not quite yet. The middle-class (white-collar workers) is not yet starving in sufficient numbers. It's the pissed-off middle class that you should be worrying about when you support survival of the fittest. They'll take it literally and then it's
Night of the Living Dead
[pic- "Brains!"]
for rich folk.
Now, watch those animal videos and imagine yourself being killed and/or eaten.
You like?
Chapter 4: territorialismIt's funny to hear rich people, who've got more rights and more access than the rest of us, talking about
ownership and
It's funny how rich folk manage to get the
right to rape the land, as if it's theirs.
Politicians are just so thrilled to have
fresh bribes and a few jobs for the voters that they'll let coal, oil, gas, trees, fish(es) go to the fittest businessman.
Since when does it belong to those guys? How can oil-rich countries like Nigeria be so poor? It's not that their politicians are super-corrupt, it's that the whole business is corrupt.
If any
economist wanted to get shot, all he would have to do is to prove
how oil companies should be paying about
$40 a barrel to the government (for the right and to
cover public expenses like roads, pollution control, etc. that co.s now get for free) just to get the oil out of the ground, and then more taxes on profits (with money going to schools, hospitals and good stuff.). They'd still make a killing, but now oil companies are also killing
people; they get the US/UK to knock off governments, because oil barons have BEEN ALLOWED to become too powerful.
Well! In the
Rockefeller's Standard Oil was cut to pieces for the same reason. Now, the oil companies are in charge.
UPDATE: (at, Michael Moore said we must 'declare that all the
energy resources above and beneath the ground are
owned collectively by all of us', in "Michael Moore's action plan: 15 things every American can do right now")
For survival of the fittest to apply to humans, there has to be an open natural environment. Ownership and fences make no sense to animals.

[Buenos Aires- chic next to shabby shanty]
Richie keeps his land only if he can fend for himself. That means
fighting off other competitors for the
land, the
riches it contains, his
spouse (for procreation),

[best 3 outta 5 for your wife.]
and kids (for food).
As it is, the rich've stolen
exclusive access to land and
underground resources. So, that's why Richie is rich. Wonderful, so he builds a house with a big fence to keep out the competition. That would not happen in the wild. So, men would tend to be killed around the age of 40 because they'd be unable to fend for themselves against
younger bucks.
So, 'fair', humanitarian society has made it possible for the rich to avoid anything to do with survival of the fittest. They are the
antithesis of survival of the fittest.
Chapter 5: Religion and charityThis matters more in the US, where politicians get elected simply because they claim to be religious or because they believe in traditional values and where rich people go to church and keep a straight face when they hear about the
selflessness of Jesus. They can carry on being greedy and claim to be at God's side.** Horsesh*t! all of it.
If they read the important chapters of , say, Christian writing,
they would feel obliged to give away most of what they've
amassed. So, they're not Christian or whatever. I don't care what they SAY.
give it all away, first, then I'll listen.
Jesus chucked the money-traders out of the temple. Is there a Christian stock-broker willing to chuck himself out work? if not, they're not Christian or whatever.
If politicians have caused the
death of innocent people, especially by deception, then they are not supposed to profess subjugation to God, because they're lying. Tony
Blair and
Bush43 have caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people, yet they publically declare themselves to be Christians. Crock of feces!
I suppose they feel that they can get the '
get out of hell' card by asking for forgiveness at some point before they die. That might work for the occasional gambler or adulter, but not for a
mass-murderer. If there were visible Christian justice, they'd be damned by God into a living hell on Earth right now.
In the US, some religious groups will help the poor and uninsured get medical care, but in some cases, the sick have to
feign Christian belief. If those religious groups were something more than a
tax-write-off machine, they would go looking to save people from their own miserable fate. If they did, there would be more Christians. They would take Jesus as their example, and show what Christianity is supposed to be. Even so, they wouldn't have to give up anything serious other than their time (the house and car are safe). f#%%^cking
suburban religious morons.
And don't get me started on the Pope, but I did write about him a few stories ago. In the end, there's no such thing as true
religious charity in this world. So, religions should just
piss off and stop lying. Also, you can't be super-rich and religious.
So, if anybody's interested, rich people are neither lions in the wild nor the fittest people, just the most morally-corrupt, cunning, chicken-sh*t hoarders. They would not survive without
the peaceful society that we provide for them. We allow them to rape the land and keep some of it for their gargantuan houses. Also, they haven't got a moral leg to stand on because they help no one but themselves, and
inflict pain on others (the very definition of
externalisation). So, they should stop reaching out to God in order to feel better. They should just be happy with who they are:
They're just miserable, sociopathic sacks of sh*t. Thank you.
-Costick67 (8^P
pics from
* check
Ames' story where parts of
Alabama have been so
bankrupted by Wall Street that they can no longer afford police, necessitating the use of the
army to quel rioting and complaining. Many people in that relatively warm state cannot afford
heating, if they want
water service as well.
** (from Ames' story) "Bo Pilgrim, the head of Pilgrim's Pride, once told his Texas church that he was worth over $1 billion before the market crash,
and he's still worth hundreds of millions. His rapacity was boundless..."