The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word - Let Freedom Ka-Ching | ||||
If you can't see the video above, then: I'll wait while you view it. Then, come back and read this:
There are certain things in life
that you are taught from a young age
that you will believe for the rest of your life,
never questioning its truth,
or why it is true,
or how it became true,
like Santa Claus.
Here's one example
where I'm guilty
and so are youz all! :
We all "know" that
the corporation is viewed as 'a person'
by the law.
This was first mentioned in the 19th century,
in the US.

I thought that this had been proven
by precedent in a US court. (precedent is 'like' law)
Since I don't know enough
about the law,
I never questioned it.
"The Corporation" documentary caused me
to wonder if this decision
was wrong,
or if it could ever be reversed.
It even showed us how, if a corp. is a person,
it should be locked away as a
Why? It harms others and has no morals.
That excellent documentary still
never questioned whether the precedent existed.
As it turns out,
it took Steven Colbert
to tell the world,
that there never was a precedent.
It was, like Republican propaganda,
just something that
certain businessmen repeated
until it became accepted as truth,
[Remember Sadam & Al Qaeda, sitting in a tree...?]
If anybody cares,
that's FRAUD!
Thousands of times over!
Jail time. singing "moon river"!
So, I suppose the rest of the world has,
since that time,
followed suit,
and changed their laws,
[not to mention giving corp.s access to everything.]
like a bunch of sheep(s),allowing corporations to graze freely
everywhere in the world
(that's what the WTO was for, doncha know?)
and take everything for themselves.
It's called globalisation.
Remember, governments have given
the keys to our future
to a psychopath!
So, what's the moral of this story? 2 things
1 Corporations, which used to be insignificant,
have used the law
to their advantage for a long time.
So, now, they're bigger than governments.
Too BIG to fail.
Too STOOPID to succeed, without theft.

2 Corporations and executives have shown
how politically stupid they are
by needing over 100 years
to take over the whole world,
even though they have had
every politician and lawyer
from here to Timbuktu
in their pockets.
F#$%&*&ing MORONS!
Haven't they seen movies about
evil dictators or communist governments?
Actually, they did us in by looking like normal people
instead of looking like Hitler or Mussolini
and then lying like rugs. [see Exiled story below]
But, they are in charge now,
so, from now on,
please, if you come in contact with them,
it's Mr. Moron,
or Sir Moron,
or Lord Moron
as the case may be.
Then, you can ask them
to lend you the money
to buy a fried chicken
and a side-order of taters, if you're hungry.

-Costick67 (8^P
Exiled online:
Exiled online:
By Mark Ames