Although this is not a complete list, I want to cheer on the few brave souls in the US Congress who are working hard against
that is American politics.
They are not only pissing off their colleagues, who are,
in the majority being bought off, but they're also pissing off
the big interest groups, like banks or health insurers,
at least a bit.
If the BIG BOYS get what they want, they'll let these
few good people talk all they want, 5 minutes at a time*.
If the biggies fail to get what they want,
this blog entry becomes a deathwatch:
Alan Grayson, Democrat- Florida
Marcy Kaptur, Democrat- Ohio
Bernie Sanders, Independent- Vermont
and even,
a late entrant for his support of Public Option health-care,
believe it or don't,
Rolland Burris, Democrat- Illinois
UPDATE: hold on. Let's wait for the bill
if it's good, then add:
Harry Reid, Democrat
Nancy Pelosi, Democrat- Cali
Let's look at the very definition of excellence, intelligence and bravery:
Alan Grayson
1. vs. Ben Bernanke
The Fed is giving away money left and right
BB didn't know where $500 billion went.
Grayson grilled him. Apparently he's the only one.
When BB played stupid, Grayson laughed in his face.[3:20]
2. vs. Republican health care plan
Grayson says "Republicans want you to die quickly."
When asked to apologise, Grayson apologised to the 44 000
Americans who die ANNUALLY
because of a lack of health care [Harvard research].
3. Butthead Bill O'Reilly of Fixed News thinks Grayson is a pinhead.
No reBUTTal needed.
4. Grayson grills Citigroup CEO
for sucking money out of the government.
Citiboy revealed that the government also gave banks
THE BEST INSURANCE in the market,
with no winnings for the government.
His fitting conclusion: "heads, the banks win, tails the people lose"
and lying about their pay and lying about ...well... everything.
He was only allowed 5 minutes of questioning.
Meanwhile, the US economy was
being chucked into a black hole.
when they pull out the 'anti-semite' card.
Yup, they've done it.
It used to be peaceloving, peace-treaty freaks in Congress
who were called 'a-s', but the virus has spread.
You wanna find out who did this? Go ahead.
I'm not advertising for anti-democratic liars.
Marcy Kaptur
1. Tale of Two Countries
Wall Street vs. US mainstreet
Massive bonuses on WS, at the same time
that JP Morgan is pushing foreclosures on houses.
2. Squat in your own homes
Foreclosing banks ("vultures") don't have the staff,
and often don't have the paperwork.
to lock up the houses they're foreclosing on,
so Kaptur says "stay put".
3. Banks are having money orgies, and refuse to
talk about foreclosures. Check out this
explanation of what's wrong with the banks (see all parts)
Bernie Sanders
1. the middle class is collapsing.
2. Sanders takes a kick at Bernanke
for 3.2 trillion leant out:
3. Sander's workplace is corrupt,
bought and paid for. No new laws
regulating Wall Street, because $5 billion has been spent
to pay for politicians, by banks, 1.2 billion by pharma, etc.:
Rolland Burris
Even though he was appointed by
sleaze-ophile Blagojavich to replace Obama
he seems to be representing his people... on health care
1. Health care
Without a Public Option, where the government provides
insurance to those unable to pay for it,
then this upcoming bill is useless to bad.
So, Burris is saying he'll vote for PO, or nothing [read 1 below]
This man, the Senate majority leader has just announced the Democratic end-game (running around and past the Republicans) of including a Public (health insurance) Option, while allowing crazy governors to opt out, especially if they're not interested in re-election.
Let's wait and see what the actual law is. It just passed one stage with one to go.
Nancy Pelosi-not
(coming soon)
Although the Mob of Idiots outside Congress is seeking to maul her, Michael Moore says the healthcare bill has become a watered-down disaster. see MMFlint on Twitter.
Coming soon: a few brave Europeans
-Costick67 (8^P
WASHINGTON – For Democrats determined to get a health care bill, Sen. Roland Burris is like the house guest who couldn't be refused, won't soon be leaving and poses a plausible threat of ruining holiday dinner. Suddenly, he can no longer be ignored.
And he says he won't compromise.
Bitterly, the Democrats seated Burris. But when it came out that Burris had admitted what he had denied under oath — that he'd unsuccessfully tried to raise money for Blagojevich — Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill., suggested that Burris resign. He refused.
Meanwhile, his relationship with the rest of his caucus has settled into one of mutual, if chilly, benefit.
"Yeah, that's the one," Burris said.