Canada Day celebrations. Canuck festivities, orderly, as always.

"alright, fine. stop whining, you can have a country",
responding to our request,
"please, please, please, can we have a country?"
Then the Brits said,
'you still have to worship the Queen, okay?' to which we said,
'what else would you expect? we're spineless.'
I swear, republicanism is weaker here than in the UK.
Before Europeans brought over the garden gnome to install in front of homes (also displaying the residents' mental and emotional retardation),

the aboriginals had these totem poles to inform and instill fear. They're carved from old-growth trees. -gasp!-
In case you're thinking it's all animism and love for nature, check THIS one out (above and below pics). It starts at the top with the pater familias of the tribe, and then below is the "latest" leader, who was a whale hunter, with the spear in his hands (it's a coastal British Columbia tribe). As the story goes, he got so pissed off at one guy that he sewed him into the belly of a slain whale and sent him out to sea. I sh*t-you-not! You see the whale in black and the guy inside, right? the guy with the puckered lips, kissing his butt good-bye.
another view:

Now, the Parliament and the Papanack Zoo. I'm not sure which is which.
more photos later
-Costick67 ( 8^P