Byline: Congressman Prophet says 'Politicians will be elected directly by corporations'
This news is fresh from the US, the cultural leader of the world. Everything new and American is adopted around the world, as you know.
Example: the US legal 'system' fraudulently made the concept "corporation=person" a part of legal precedent (see prior story). Now, it doesn't even have to use the IMF, World Bank or the UN to enforce this, worldwide. It's a de facto law which will soon allow companies to fight for their 'human rights'.
can't live forever in tin shacks in illegal shanty-towns,
ignored by the government. Don't you know that?

cry to you about. Fl%^&k 'em all.
Thanks to a Supreme Court decision on a 'campaign' film that slagged off Hillary Clinton, 2 years ago, the court had a chance to make precedent again (consult a lawyer).
Instead of limiting political media campaigns funded by groups, corporations and glee clubs,
it opened the barn door, REAL WIDE, Cletis.
So, the eternal whiner, Senator Grayson of Florida says that, thanks to the 'law', politicians will soon be elected directly by the corporations whose advertisements they'll wear on their suits, like a NASCAR or F1 driver.
This, is Senator Citgo:

The Member for M&Ms:

The Representative from Ay!Caramba:

Next week: the new book by Evan De Bollox called
which runs a utopian country,
metes out justice through its metrosexual android robot, Gearbox. Who's the man, now, eh, James Cameron?

Film critics think that a robot is a brilliant metaphor for a corporation: automatic, inflexible, thoughtless, naturally sociopathic.
fotos from:
checkitout: [comments- Costick67]
January 21, 2010 11:51 AM
The court decision completely ignores the likelihood that corporations will spend money to elect officials who will do their bidding, and punish those who won't. It allows unlimited election spending by all corporations, even foreign ones. "The Supreme Court has decided to protect the rights of GE, Volkswagen, Lukoil and Aramco, at the expense of our right to good government," Grayson added.
Congressman Grayson was in the courtroom when the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision. Grayson circulated a petition yesterday, saying: "Unlimited corporate spending on campaigns means the government is up for sale, and that the law itself will be bought and sold." Within hours, more than 10,000 people had signed the petition. Rep. Grayson delivered those petitions to the Court this morning.
Rep. Grayson also has introduced five bills, the Save Our Democracy package, in anticipation of the Supreme Court's ruling. When he introduced the bills, Grayson said, "if this goes unchallenged, then you can kiss your country goodbye."
Today, Rep. Grayson called for immediate action on his Save Our Democracy bills. "If we do nothing, then before long, there won't be Senators from Oklahoma or Virginia, there will be Senators from Citibank and Walmart. Maybe they will wear insignias on their $500 suits, like NASCAR drivers do."
Grayson urges people to contact their Senators and Representatives, and urge support for the Save Our Democracy bills.
from : http://grayson.house.gov/2010/01/grayson-condemns-court-ruling.shtmlp.s. here's a nice little review of how sold-out the US government is, from Thomas Frank. I wonder how low long this can last. It must be destroying the country. Worse yet, I think they're doing a good job of exporting this gutting of the last thing protecting people from slavery, a proper government: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcEBg8aUtRE&feature=player_embedded