Forget the fact that Gordon Brown has less than 7 weeks left in his term, LEGALLY!
He is too scared to call an election. Nevertheless, everyone is acting like it's
on your marks, get set, manipulate the public
point 1
hang 'em high
the media are talking about 'the fear of a hung parliament'
that means 'hey, people. Vote the way we tell you'
Hedgers are also pulling this canard in order
to gain from naked negative positions on the Pound.
[pic- semi-naked negative position]
Labour's PM Brown may be doing this to make people think
that the Tories' Cameron (the flip side of the political cult of personality)
is incompetent, so folks should vote for Labour,
even though we're sure that Labour is incompetent.
Why not vote for the Liberal Democrats?
Well, as I've said before, the Lib Dems are not a real choice.
They were designed to guarantee the victory of the party
that's 'destined' (by somebody) to win, by stealing votes from the other party.
Also, when the heat is on them, the Lib Dems' brains melt.
They say some of the stupidest things humanly possible (stay tuned).
Also, they're fat, rich and wear ridiculously loud, fat ties.
point 2
The conserva-tories & Cameron are indeed incompetent
David Cameron has been trying to show himself as progressive
without giving away his wonderful secrets of the Tory political arts.
He makes startling proclamations, which, upon reflection
look like pretty stupid ideas (stay tuned).
Why is he doing that?
Well, he gets his ideas from his toffs.
The British bureaucracy is also run by lesser Oxford and Cambridge
graduates of the upper classes; toffs.
Cameron is trying to allay fears by showing the present toffs in government
that he likes idiot toffs feeding him ideas, and so Cameron will not be seeking
to fire/sack any of the existing Mr.Bean lookalikes hiding in the Ministries.
This... will smooth the wheels of the transition, or so it is thought.
point 3
Labour: "what f$%^*ked up track record?"
Gordon Brown seems like an earnest man
who wants to help people.
When he talks about people's needs
you could almost forget that he decided to
increase income tax on people earning as little as 2 thousand pounds!
point 4
it's all about administration, not politics
This is the post-ideology era.
'Not even a cigarette paper between the parties',
is the old saying, over here. They're identical. Do you really think that
David Cameron would not have taken the UK into war?
Pfft- HAH! xD
One sharp, pointy-head at the BBC recently
said how, with globalisation, governments have very
little that they can do to help anybody.
They've lost any economic power they had now that
the banks are running the show.
Point in fact: no government has done
anything to limit the hedge/derivative markets that
will certainly explode once again,
very soon.
So, it's all about administration. I've already all but proved
that all three parties are incompetent, meaning their admin will
be awful,
so what choice is there? None of the above parties.
point 5
Majority rule is serial dictatorship.
Unless people riot in the streets, governments do not
listen. Margaret Thatcher's pole tax was the last time
that that lady turned, in the mid 1980s.
Since then, it's been 5-year dictators who have
taken the UK into war after war,
even though we all know that they're morally wrong,
to almost 100% certainty.
However, those wars do help the oil companies,
the military industrial complex and the US.
They also assist in the bankrupting of the UK, so that politicians
are 'forced' to make cuts to education and hospitals.
point 6
please vote for me, today & every day!
If there is no majority winner, the game is still in play.
All the parties will be trying to do what the people want,
every day,
so that they'll be voted in, in the next election.
That's more like it.
Politicians know what's right. They simply refuse to do it.
It's human nature. If you were
given carte blanche for 5 years, would you listen to anybody?
fat freaking chance.
If you think that indecision will rule,
I say that the vital stuff will be decided on,
because of the maxim above.
Everything else, like pet projects and corrupt handouts, will languish.
If you believe that anything a politician does
has a negative effect on his country, then
the less they do, the better.
thank you
I may be starting a new blog to encourage this political movement.
UPDATE: We've succeeded!
point 1
hang 'em high
the media are talking about 'the fear of a hung parliament'
that means 'hey, people. Vote the way we tell you'
Hedgers are also pulling this canard in order
to gain from naked negative positions on the Pound.

Of course, the implication is 'hung parliament=disaster=worry'.
that's why the don't call it a coalition.
Hanging reminds people of nooses and capital punishment.
(Well, rest easy, folks)
that's why the don't call it a coalition.
Hanging reminds people of nooses and capital punishment.
(Well, rest easy, folks)
that the Tories' Cameron (the flip side of the political cult of personality)
is incompetent, so folks should vote for Labour,
even though we're sure that Labour is incompetent.
Why not vote for the Liberal Democrats?
Well, as I've said before, the Lib Dems are not a real choice.
They were designed to guarantee the victory of the party
that's 'destined' (by somebody) to win, by stealing votes from the other party.
Also, when the heat is on them, the Lib Dems' brains melt.
They say some of the stupidest things humanly possible (stay tuned).
Also, they're fat, rich and wear ridiculously loud, fat ties.
point 2
The conserva-tories & Cameron are indeed incompetent
David Cameron has been trying to show himself as progressive
without giving away his wonderful secrets of the Tory political arts.
He makes startling proclamations, which, upon reflection
look like pretty stupid ideas (stay tuned).
Why is he doing that?
Well, he gets his ideas from his toffs.
The British bureaucracy is also run by lesser Oxford and Cambridge
graduates of the upper classes; toffs.
Cameron is trying to allay fears by showing the present toffs in government
that he likes idiot toffs feeding him ideas, and so Cameron will not be seeking
to fire/sack any of the existing Mr.Bean lookalikes hiding in the Ministries.
This... will smooth the wheels of the transition, or so it is thought.
point 3
Labour: "what f$%^*ked up track record?"
Gordon Brown seems like an earnest man
who wants to help people.
When he talks about people's needs
you could almost forget that he decided to
increase income tax on people earning as little as 2 thousand pounds!
point 4
it's all about administration, not politics
This is the post-ideology era.
'Not even a cigarette paper between the parties',
is the old saying, over here. They're identical. Do you really think that
David Cameron would not have taken the UK into war?
Pfft- HAH! xD
One sharp, pointy-head at the BBC recently
said how, with globalisation, governments have very
little that they can do to help anybody.
They've lost any economic power they had now that
the banks are running the show.
Point in fact: no government has done
anything to limit the hedge/derivative markets that
will certainly explode once again,
very soon.
So, it's all about administration. I've already all but proved
that all three parties are incompetent, meaning their admin will
be awful,
so what choice is there? None of the above parties.
point 5
Majority rule is serial dictatorship.
Unless people riot in the streets, governments do not
listen. Margaret Thatcher's pole tax was the last time
that that lady turned, in the mid 1980s.
Since then, it's been 5-year dictators who have
taken the UK into war after war,
even though we all know that they're morally wrong,
to almost 100% certainty.
However, those wars do help the oil companies,
the military industrial complex and the US.
They also assist in the bankrupting of the UK, so that politicians
are 'forced' to make cuts to education and hospitals.
point 6
please vote for me, today & every day!
If there is no majority winner, the game is still in play.
All the parties will be trying to do what the people want,
every day,
so that they'll be voted in, in the next election.
That's more like it.
Politicians know what's right. They simply refuse to do it.
It's human nature. If you were
given carte blanche for 5 years, would you listen to anybody?
fat freaking chance.
If you think that indecision will rule,
I say that the vital stuff will be decided on,
because of the maxim above.
Everything else, like pet projects and corrupt handouts, will languish.
If you believe that anything a politician does
has a negative effect on his country, then
the less they do, the better.
thank you
I may be starting a new blog to encourage this political movement.
UPDATE: We've succeeded!
-Costick67 (8^P