Hey, dawg! You play football?
I've got just the news for you, folks.
While half the world is starving and
the other half is working for the benefit of their bankers,
the news media in the UK spent most of last month treating us to a story about
who's dicking what.
Our fella, John Terry, the married captain of the UK squad was apparently popping a model.
What's the problem in that? Well, apparently she used to be the date of one of his GB
teammates, Wayne Bridge.
No, no, no. John didn't steal her from Wayne. That would be too interesting.
He just caught her on the bounce, I suppose. So, apparently the media wants us to believe that Wayne is upset at this. Why would he be upset?
Well, for starters, he's on the national team which means that women
should be worshipping at his feet, or thereabouts. For a woman not only to leave you
but to go for a teammate is to question your skills as a conqueror of women's
hearts (as if he ever looked that far north).
So, it's an old-fashioned dick-wagging contest.
In the end, the hypocritical media (tucking their whores in their trenchcoats)
took time out of their important days to tell us how 'disgusted we all are'.
The review of this non-story was mocked best by Newswipe on the BBC.
So, John lost his job on the team. Not because of a moral turpitude,
but because media hacks are bad luck, and too many of those wankers were
hanging around the team bus, drooling. It would only be a matter of time
before one player was gonna
haul off and punch a pap in the head, sending the player straight to court.
You see? bad luck, indeed.
should be worshipping at his feet, or thereabouts. For a woman not only to leave you
but to go for a teammate is to question your skills as a conqueror of women's
hearts (as if he ever looked that far north).
So, it's an old-fashioned dick-wagging contest.
In the end, the hypocritical media (tucking their whores in their trenchcoats)
took time out of their important days to tell us how 'disgusted we all are'.
The review of this non-story was mocked best by Newswipe on the BBC.
So, John lost his job on the team. Not because of a moral turpitude,
but because media hacks are bad luck, and too many of those wankers were
hanging around the team bus, drooling. It would only be a matter of time
before one player was gonna
haul off and punch a pap in the head, sending the player straight to court.
You see? bad luck, indeed.
-Costick67 (8^P