I'm working on a theory that will explain what's going on in the international economic scene.
It's American economic warfare on the Euro.
Before the collapse, derivatives were 'authorised' by Wall Street by private assessors like Moody's and were sold around the world to help the US solve its main problem with globalisation: it has lost its manufacturing, and therefore its cash. It borrows money but it all goes to consumption of cheap Chinese goods. So, derivatives were fraudulent instruments designed to balance things a bit.Of course, now EVERYBODY, even in Stupidstan, knows that American
derivatives are a flaming bag of fecal matter.
Although the JPs and Goldmans are still swallowing up American companies and small cities, thanks to derivatives and swaps, it's still not enough.
What are the economic wizards on Wall Street to do in order to get richer? Well, they can start by hedging that something will fail.
Of course they can't sell a derivative and hedge against its success, because that's fraud. Goldman Sachs is discovering that now, in court.
Goldman's investors are paying the price for this in lost income,
and suing the Golden boys.
[Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2320751920100423]Anyway, it seems that the Golden boys got their claws into Greece. Initially, the Greeks used them to hide their massive current account deficit (so they could get into the Euro*). However, when you make a
deal with the devil, the Horned One** always comes for the payoff
Now, the wizards did those swaps and then hedged against them, and won. So, Greece's debt is a hot potato. Nobody wants to give them money unless the interest rate is astronomical, and unless its insured, something which trades on the hedge market.
Everyone was making Greece into their own personal football, but I'll leave that for another time. The media reports using the word 'default' were rife even three months ago. This stinks of hedger-talk to me. They had taken out a position against Greece, and were scaring the markets. Meanwhile, the media was just reporting what any rich guy tells them.
That's why the Greeks called in the IMF. The hedgers have made it impossible for GR to get loans.
[UPDATE: the latest rumour is that Greece called in the default experts Lazard, even though Lazard and Greece say this is false.
I thought initially that the only reason for this was in order to send Greece deeper into the lion's mouth (the US). You see, the hedgers are Americans, and the IMF is largely funded by the US, despite the fact that that country is essentially broke.
So, I thought it was a political move to bring Greece, America's favourite little cat toy***, back into its sphere of influence, and out of the warm embrace of the EU.
Actually, they don't play favourites. They'll screw anybody. Their embassies worldwide are the nexus of a tornado of political intrigue.
This is only half the story, so far. This debacle is unsettling the Euro, which is the dollar's main competitor. Now that the dollar is being chucked around like rice at a wedding, the US needs its competitor to suffer as well, otherwise the dollar will go into freefall.
This seems like a conspiracy, but I think that the US government's advisors are some of the same crafty bastards who made
Also, why has there been no regulation of Wall Street in the 2 years since the collapse? Is it because the collapse was a controlled collapse, funded by the taxpayer
and that its work (destroying the Euro) is not yet done.
Maybe they're waiting for Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy to crash as well.
Economic warfare, you say?
Of course, their collapse will also speed up the US's collapse, but they'll cross that bridge when it presents itself.
UPDATE: Euro Central Bank smells the Shit&Piss of a Moody rat:
The ECB have saved Greek bonds from US speculators and debt-rating agencies.
BY THE WAY, these agencies are under investigation in the US for falsifying their analyses.
[TOP SECRET: Thanks to the investigations,
the UK's (the only friend of America) TRIPLE AAA status
is going to be re-adjusted ....uhm... downward.
-I just wrote the TOP SECRET message last night. Today it's been verified.
You see, the agencies are private companies and Goldman's, among others, were strong-arming them into approving their sh*t derivatives. i.e. 'NO TRIPLE AAA+, no money.':
It's too late now, anyway. Speculators are gonna feast on Italy, Spain and Portugal,
[pic chooseyouritem.com]
-Costick67 (8^P
* The EU must be stupid. How did Greece go from basket case one day, to Euro entry the next?
** Conversely, the Horny Ones are in the SEC watching internet porn, instead of watching
pre-eminent banker-bater, Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs:
-See what Schiff said in Oct 09 about the dollar falling out of favour:
They're effectively screwed.
Everyone was making Greece into their own personal football, but I'll leave that for another time. The media reports using the word 'default' were rife even three months ago. This stinks of hedger-talk to me. They had taken out a position against Greece, and were scaring the markets. Meanwhile, the media was just reporting what any rich guy tells them.
That's why the Greeks called in the IMF. The hedgers have made it impossible for GR to get loans.
[UPDATE: the latest rumour is that Greece called in the default experts Lazard, even though Lazard and Greece say this is false.
I thought initially that the only reason for this was in order to send Greece deeper into the lion's mouth (the US). You see, the hedgers are Americans, and the IMF is largely funded by the US, despite the fact that that country is essentially broke.
So, I thought it was a political move to bring Greece, America's favourite little cat toy***, back into its sphere of influence, and out of the warm embrace of the EU.
Actually, they don't play favourites. They'll screw anybody. Their embassies worldwide are the nexus of a tornado of political intrigue.
This is only half the story, so far. This debacle is unsettling the Euro, which is the dollar's main competitor. Now that the dollar is being chucked around like rice at a wedding, the US needs its competitor to suffer as well, otherwise the dollar will go into freefall.
This seems like a conspiracy, but I think that the US government's advisors are some of the same crafty bastards who made
banking a weapon of mass destruction.
It would not take much for the US government to help Wall Street and help itself at the same time. You remember how they took the best Nazi minds after WW2.Also, why has there been no regulation of Wall Street in the 2 years since the collapse? Is it because the collapse was a controlled collapse, funded by the taxpayer
and that its work (destroying the Euro) is not yet done.
Maybe they're waiting for Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy to crash as well.
Economic warfare, you say?
Of course, their collapse will also speed up the US's collapse, but they'll cross that bridge when it presents itself.
UPDATE: Euro Central Bank smells the Shit&Piss of a Moody rat:
The ECB have saved Greek bonds from US speculators and debt-rating agencies.
BY THE WAY, these agencies are under investigation in the US for falsifying their analyses.
[TOP SECRET: Thanks to the investigations,
the UK's (the only friend of America) TRIPLE AAA status
is going to be re-adjusted ....uhm... downward.
13% defecit this year (worse than Greece),
68% debt-to-GDP (worse than Spain and Portugal),
400% total debt-to-GDP(worst in the world)]
[UPDATE: UK is vulnerable http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/may/06/sovereign-debt-crisis-uk-banking]68% debt-to-GDP (worse than Spain and Portugal),
400% total debt-to-GDP(worst in the world)]
-I just wrote the TOP SECRET message last night. Today it's been verified.
You see, the agencies are private companies and Goldman's, among others, were strong-arming them into approving their sh*t derivatives. i.e. 'NO TRIPLE AAA+, no money.':
It's too late now, anyway. Speculators are gonna feast on Italy, Spain and Portugal,
then the UK and US, and KABOOM!
If you had the chance to completely screw entire countries, wouldn't you do it?In the name of capitalism?
Cheeky hedging, in the olden days:
-Costick67 (8^P
* The EU must be stupid. How did Greece go from basket case one day, to Euro entry the next?
** Conversely, the Horny Ones are in the SEC watching internet porn, instead of watching
Wall Street screw Middle America, anally.
*** Check the history of the 1967-74 junta and the invasion of Cyprus.checkitout:
pre-eminent banker-bater, Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs:
-See what Schiff said in Oct 09 about the dollar falling out of favour:
Enjoy Max Keiser (a 'former' trader) April 2010: