It's team boxing night!
the goal of the game is for one side to knock out the other
You got two teams:
In the red corner:
the Workers , wearing shirts saying:
Too stupid to be capitalists.
Too polite to be terrorists.
Too polite to be terrorists.
In the green corner:
the Capitalists , wearing the shirts saying:
Here's the play-by-play, with our commentator, Biff.
"Hello everybody"
"Here we are at the Coliseum"
"Both sides are ready to go"
Round 1
"Oh, we start off with a stunning upper-cut.
The Caps have pushed for and received free capital transfer, globally.
They can take the Workers' money and stuff it in Thailand, or wherever.
The Workers are reeling already. This won't last long."
"The Workers come back with a feeble punch to the shoulder.
They're claiming that democracy and technology will always provide a better future.
It's as if somebody brained them.
I think the ref oughtta do a standing count."
"The Caps rap the Workers in the head with a series of blows.
The WTO and IMF have stepped in and asked for and gotten the repealing of the
anti-trust and derivative laws in the US.
That means it will happen all over the world, and the WTO/IMF will make sure of that."
"The Workers are bloody but they're still moving well.
Employment is still good, growth seems to be increasing, but it's only
personal debt that's actually growing.
They'll have to change their strategy soon."
"It seems that the Caps are hiding something in their gloves.
Yes indeed, they can, as always, send their profits to tax havens thus not paying taxes.
In fact, they can help their customers, who are already rich, do the same.
Deadly stuff for national economies.
But, it's globalisation time. The time of government is over.
I wonder how long it will take the Workers to figure this out.
They'll probably be the Slaves by then, I'm afraid."
"Round's over. Workers now have time to pick up their teeth, and gather their thoughts."

Round 2
"The Caps come out charging with both hands flailing.
American financial regulators allow derivatives and hedging to take off.
Britain follows suit believing that it will stimulate growth.
Pretty soon, workers won't know whether they're coming or going.
Nobody can make sense of derivatives, so fraud is rife!"
"What a shocker! The Caps have started to punch each other in the face.
The bloody contest may soon be over.
The financial house of cards has come crashing down as rich boys pummel each other.
A massive game of 'I don't trust that motherf%^&ker' is breaking loose.
They have stopped lending money to each other.
They have snatched defeat out of the hands of victory.
Let's see if the Workers can maneouvre around and score some points."

"Oh, I spoke to soon. The Caps are spitting in the direction of their opponents
and the Workers are simply falling over.
The Caps have blackmailed world governments. The banks are too big to fail, you see.
Regulation won't likely change because the Caps have lobbyists working on governments, softening them up."
"I wonder if the Worker's coach, Democracy, is going to save the day.
I've just been handed this note.
'Democracy has long since changed sides, but the Workers don't know it yet.'
Democrats need money to get elected and the only ones with money are the Caps.
Truth be told, the Workers have been been accusing Democracy of stinking of corruption, lately.
Now seems like a good time to say this as the Workers are on their last legs.
"Don't look now, but help is at hand.
The Caps receive a bailout and fresh bonuses.
Ben Bernanke and Gordon Brown, shrugging their shoulders,
take the heat for the Caps.
They're looking better than ever.
Invinceable, even.
Meanwhile, the banks are not giving out loans.
Workers are being thrown out onto the streets."

"The Workers are getting up and making one last charge.
They're screaming and stomping, but the Caps have bullfighting rags.
Ole, once. Ole, twice.
This is a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
The Workers can't even score one punch.
They're losing jobs, houses, futures.
Education and re-training are also being cut back.
Health care is also on the ropes.
Pension money has disappeared.
What will they do?
When will they realise that most of what they hold dear has been an illusion?
Progress, democracy, freedoms, fairness, peace."
"The ref starts, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7..."
And that, folks, is how the Caps have almost knocked out the Workers, in two rounds,
or decades, if you will.
The couple that gave birth to the demon seed Caps is none other than
"Oh ya, let's do in the whole planet." and
"I love it when you talk dirty."
At least she's still alive to drink from thegoblet of spit & misery.
I wonder what it feels like to know that you had a hand in ruining capitalism?Actually, to hell with the theory.
She's indirectly ruined millions of livelihoods.
She's indirectly ruined millions of livelihoods.
Theories don't starve to death.
They don't sleep in their cars, or on the street.
Theories don't scavenge in garbage cans.
They don't risk their lives in a leaky boat.
They don't sleep in their cars, or on the street.
Theories don't scavenge in garbage cans.
They don't risk their lives in a leaky boat.
Costick67 (8^P
* there's ample proof that Reagan was a feeble puppet, so don't go pissing on his grave, or anything. Ironically, the somewhat undead Thatcher already had a statue made in her likeness, and it has already lost its head to a cricket bat, from some crazed democrat, I'm sure. Reagan said Maggie was the 'best man in England', with the devil up her quiff.
pics from fotosearch.com
Matt Taibbi [how bankers are raping and pillaging American cities]

Joseph Stiglitz [he names Reagan and Thatcher as the authors of our demise.]