We thought the world had learned its lesson with the last massive financial crisis
but the real boost started when our
in unision with the barking-mad Nazis.
You'd think we'da learned something from the last world war, but anyway...
This time, the mess is bigger and the G7 governments are as corrupt as the bankers,
and they've sent all their manufacturing over to Asia, so there's no bouncing back for
the finance-based stock-market-casino cash economies of the West,
and the cash is toilet paper anyway.
When this casino (in Italiano, 'casino' means whorehouse)
comes crashing down like a... 'house of cards', baby!
they'll cut to the panic button. Gotta cover their tracks, and have a war!
So, I still think that the US has got the most to lose, and it doesn't like losing.
What are the methods of modern US warfare?:
1) spot the threat/opportunity: China, Iraq, Afghanistan
2) start the propaganda machine: weapons of MD, currency manipulation
3) use a pawn to gain entry: Allawi, South Korea
4) manipulate the pawn: wargames and leaks
5) start knocking on the country's door
6) prevent disaster: the destruction of the dollar
7) start the hot war
Parts 1:
Chinese whispers
It's already starting its plans for an escalation in the Korean peninsula, so that their army will
soon be knocking on China's door.
I known it's a crazy move, but the US hasn't got many moves left as world leader, unless it takes out the competition. That's what it's doing to the Euro, as we speak.
Let me explain. China has a lot of the US debt, because China thought that it would help sales of their crap. Unfortunately, the US has got drunk on the consumer lifestyle
and forgot that it has to pay the money back. But all the manufacturers left for China!
Now, China is leading the BRIC nations in a run away from US dollars and US debt investments. This is harming the US dollar, more than the US likes.
The US wants the dollar to be cheap, but they want it to still be the world reserve currency.
If China keeps going, the dollar will fall off a cliff, and so what will the US do with all those worthless trillions in QE money they're throwing around?
One thing only
They could use it to
buy arms (cheap) from their own manufacturers, so they can go to war.
US wants to reign in China, and control its fiscal policy so that the circus caroussel
keeps going around some more.
The US is pushing SKorea (which wants unification) into
war propaganda vs North Korea.
- I just happened to hear the other side of the story (on Russia Today), regarding the NKorea bombing of a SK island. Apparently, the SKorean navy was in NK waters,
but you won't hear that part from the Murdoch-run media.
So, it's misinformation as war propaganda.
It just looks as if NK is crazy. That's all we hear.
Remember, the Wikileaks 'propaganda'?
China supposedly wants to get rid of their 'commie' buddies, NK.
The whole world wants the US to take out NK, right?
That's the effect of propaganda.
The US'll take the opportunity
when they have no other choice; I say within a couple of years.
Also, US warhead Robert Gates went to China and said their army is dangerous,
while his own army is in 30 countries, and getting beat up in two wars
against a bunch of hot-head irregulars. LOL 8^D
Why is the US interested in the Chinese army all of a sudden?
We know that China and the US are having a financial war regarding currency manipulation, on both sides, and other tricks, like gold investing as a hedge against the worthless US dollar.
-Costick67 ~(8^P