What do you call the economic sector that
provides little of value
and yet has the power to rule governments
and destroy everyone else's economy?
and yet has the power to rule governments
and destroy everyone else's economy?
oh yes!
let the whole system burn to the ground
and we'll go back to our caves for few years
and grub for berries and squirrels.
They still need you to surrender your savings to them
so that they can make them evaporate.
So, in order to make it more convincing,
they get the Financial Times to encourage
people to put their money into the stock market [i.e. bubble]
more bodies onto the pyre.
-Costick67 ~(8^Plet the whole system burn to the ground
and we'll go back to our caves for few years
and grub for berries and squirrels.
They still need you to surrender your savings to them
so that they can make them evaporate.
So, in order to make it more convincing,
they get the Financial Times to encourage
people to put their money into the stock market [i.e. bubble]
more bodies onto the pyre.
they want to throw some more BODIES on the FIRE: [Sex Pistols-Bodies]
checkitout: 2 things
Daniel Schechter
The architects of the FIRE economy (structured around Finance, Insurance and Real Estate), operated in the shadow of bent rules and apathetic regulators. They built a huge infrastructure of collaborators and henchmen called "financial service professionals."