Bankers are gods and they don't walk on the ground anymore.
They can do whatever they want, so I wanted to praise them with some
statistics, because they snow us with theirs, trying to show how useful they are.

a 91.3% correlation.
Unfortunately, it's an inverse relationship.
The richer the bankers get, the poorer the rest of the US gets.
Dollar for dollar.

91.3% Correlation Between Foodstamp Usage And The S&P,
Or How "Wealth Effect" = "Poverty Effect"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/06/2011 15:07 -0400

R=0.913 [the math- Costick67. find it on the pic]
And for all those who somehow passed the Captcha yet wonder why just two years of data: March 2009 is when QE1 aka "Wealth Effect" started.
Unfortunately, it's an inverse relationship.
The richer the bankers get, the poorer the rest of the US gets.
Dollar for dollar.

-Costick67 ~(8^P
from Zerohedge-checkitout:
91.3% Correlation Between Foodstamp Usage And The S&P,
Or How "Wealth Effect" = "Poverty Effect"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/06/2011 15:07 -0400
Or how in kleptocratic America wealth effect poverty effects you.
Presented without commentary.
Presented without commentary.

R=0.913 [the math- Costick67. find it on the pic]
And for all those who somehow passed the Captcha yet wonder why just two years of data: March 2009 is when QE1 aka "Wealth Effect" started.