They're not just lying around or running scared.
They see that money is the source of the problem, so they'll defeat the sense of propriety
in their search for that money.
Usually, we all respect public monuments because they were put there to distract us as
we spend our money, going from store to store.
The Irish , say "public monuments are for the public, and we need cash", so they're uprooting
some copper and brass monuments and selling them for scrap. With copper at 10 000 per metric ton, who can blame them.
I read this in a letter to Max Keiser. The guys was guessing that the next target would be the monument above, in copper, even though it depicts the Irish famine of the 1840s when many thousands died.
I figure they're saying "I'm not gonna die because of this government, coz they won't make a bronze of me" and then
"who's got the blow-torch"

If I were a banker, I would not let any builders walk into their offices, because they might lose all the washroom pipes.