Thursday, 28 July 2011

It's been a trill knowin' ya, US of A

16 trillion for banks, in secret, and nothing for the people in their
Bernanke Bungalows (the family car).

If you believe some people, the stupidity of the impasse in the US
is an intentional plan to undermine the US, so that a world government,
run by bankers can take over. If the US debt draws 10% interest a year
because it's at BBB, then the banks win, and the US public loses.

I don't know about stuff like that, but if it ends to more
peace breaking out for a while, then good.

I find it hard to believe that the US would risk all the oil
that it claims "belongs to itself", sitting under the "lazy
arses" of the non-white.

All I know is that if you cut Medicare and Social Security (self-funding
and healthy), there's gotta be a price to pay either directly,
through public disorder or indirectly through greater crime.

Either way, the place is going to be unliveable for most, and a risk
for the Mercedes of the rich, even. They still have to use public roads,
don't they. They're gonna have cars with bodyguards riding shotgun, like
some Mad Max scenes.