you almost managed to do it, because you have us blackmailed.
and, by the way, thanks for getting me elected.
Now, go away you phone-hacking brute.
"don't worry about that jail thing. we don't have any posh units available, anyway.
We can do an Assange-type deal, if you'll give me Coulson or Brooks. OK?"
The UK is trying hard to be crowned banana republic of the month.
The application by News Int./Corp/Murdoch to by BSkyB should be about
free speech and media diversity. In a banana republic, it's about whether you're
in favour with the Public Kangaroo Court, led by
corrupt media,
& misplaced morals.
Welcome to the UK.
All is well, until
the public discovered he hacked the phone
of a murdered teenage girl's family. [check 'Milly Dowler']
All of a sudden, politicians found a moral backbone,
or borrowed one.
Until that point, they were resigned to being ruled
by King Rupert.
Lot's of throat clearing in mid-sentence.
"Our Dear leader is..(ahem)... a son of a bitch"
The only thing that would have upset the PKC more
would have been if Murdoch had kicked a dog,
or stopped printing a crossword puzzle in his papers.
[BTW a crossword writer is famous enough to be on Desert Island Discs]
believe it
It's unable to reign in one of the world-wide king-making oligarchs.
Its Politicians need his support to get elected.
Its politicians are complicite in corruption, found by Murdoch,
and corruption in trying to cover up the hacking probe.
The Police are largely on the take, and helping Murdoch's "journalists",
and being spied on.
and Nobody's going to jail.
So, it's just a farce-comedy in broad daylight.
checkitout: 2 entries from Sturdy blog:
As Leader of the Opposition he [Cameron] flew to a Greek island and met with Murdoch. Immediately afterwards he started announcing a variety of policies beneficial to the mogul's interests, including downsizing OfCom and abolishing the BBC Trust. News Corp then delayed launching their takeover bid until a change of government. The moment Cameron was in office, Murdoch was one of the first people he saw at number 10. As recently as this spring he wrote columns for the News of The World, condemning the evils of regulation. As recently as a month ago he made a private speech at Murdoch's Headquarters. As recently as Wednesday's PMQs he stood by his decision to hire the beleaguered Andy Coulson as his PR guru. He also refused to call for the resignation of his horse-riding partner and gracious dinner hostess, Rebekah Brooks (aka Wade).
[sarc warning included- Costick67]
•It is unfair to tarnish David Cameron for doing the thoroughly decent thing and giving a man a second chance.
The image of Cameron desperately pushed by Tory politicians and right-wing commentators is that of a trusting, wide-eyed, Bambi-like figure who asked for assurances from Andy Coulson and then, believing the apparently reformed chap at his word, gave the old bean a second chance. Turns out the chap was a scamp! Oh no!