France and Germany used Greece’s AAA rating to stuff it full of debt,
knowing it would explode.
Nobody really cares, but I don't think the discussion
about the Greek crisis and the colonisation of the
European periphery by UK, Germany and France
has ever come to the decision that that trio
actually knew that the AAA rating was false,
but that they used it fully, anyway,
stuffing Greece to bursting with public debts,
in the full knowledge that it would blow up. Why?
They need full employment at home in order for
the government to keep the people happy.
And for the longest time I'd assumed that only
Kyle Bass knew about the AAA sham.
I think Merkel and Sarko were well aware.
The got Greece to sign the bill, and then charged
the expenses to their own banks which wrote up
debt notes for Greece.
You've heard how the UK and US have used debt
to control countries? Well, Germany and France
just screwed that up, because Greece has no way of paying,
meaning that Merkozy are responsible for their banks'
bankruptcy, the Troika, the Peres-troika starvation plan
for Greece, the ECB, and all that.
Let's cut to the video:
[Let Max and Stacey explain the details]