Thursday, 3 May 2012

everybody is somebody's else's fool, sometime

I write about lots of well-connected, educated commentators and
their ideas, but they all have weaknesses. It's important to
not view any of them as
having all the answers, as if they're gods.
Max Keiser has flaws. Peter Schiff. Zerohedge writers.
that's especially true when it comes to them discussing
the price of gold.
They're all useful, because they tend to tell the truth as
they see it. You have to understand their weak points to
know whether to believe them or not.

When you want to find out about the US in sharp detail,
go to Russia Today (RT) because none of the US channels,
except Dylan Ratigan (MSNBC) even care to look at the
rampant corruption there.

Anyway, on the EU political front, there's no other person
better situated to tell the rest of us the truth about the
workings of Brussels and Strassbourg (and it's pretty
evil stuff, folks) than Nigel Farage of UKIP, elected in the
UK because he wants to withdraw the UK from Europe.

so check this and all the other ones that come up on Youtube:

However, this fellow below, who wrote to Max Keiser,
has Farage nailed. Farage is an ex-broker, like Max,
who worked in London for years. So, Nige has a blind spot
as regards the banking poison that is London. He talks
about it, but skirts around the important stuff.
So, observe the comment:

[Letter to]
"UKIP are a bunch of delusional fools –
UK sovereignty is not under threat from Europe,
but from its own finance sector and its US collaborators.