Wednesday, 22 August 2012

more fanciful Exodus, or Extracticus

I just figured out a way that the Greek oil scam might work.
It's really risky, but maybe that's why they're asking for
a sweet deal on the Greek crude.

As we know, Turkey will not let Greece drill for oil,
anywhere in the Aegean. They think that all of Greece's,
and Cyprus' oil is theirs. That's just the way they are.

The US knows well that Turkey doesn't have any of its own.

So, it's now siding with Greece and Cyprus. But, how do you
sideline Turkey? Militarise the Eastern Med for some
'legitimate' reason, like war with Syria, Iran or both.

You also have to get Turkey to discredit itself
by siding with Iran,
by not acting against Iran, 
or by fiddling with Cyprus, 
now that Israel is involved with the Cyprus oil/gas business
(companies and government).

The whole flotilla to Palestine might have been rigged to
destroy relations with Israel, as it was seen as a Turkish
venture, and 9 Turks were killed by Israeli commandos.

I'm not a conspiracy guy, but when the US brought Greece
a junta for 7 years (1967-1974), which meant no
human rights, etc. (in case you forgot), it was done just
to provide the right conditions for a coup attempt on
Cyprus that would open the door to Turkish invasion.
The end goal was the division of Cyprus, which was
achieved. The reason: The Turks were their allies then
and more valuable politically than the Greek south
who have this tendency to call in the Russkies.
BTW, this plan above gets rid of the Russkies from
Syria and Cyprus, not to mention Greece. and maybe
even the Brits.

Or , it could all start WW3.

read 'em: SLOG
EXCLUSIVE: Troika to accuse Greeks of building secret survival fund
7. As The Slog has been insisting for weeks now, the pressing geopolitical needs of the US and Israel offer a clear alternative future for Athens to the EU….one which would be avowedly anti-Turk. Perhaps even more persuasive is the by now very clear evidence that Greece is sitting on massive undersea energy reserves: these could be crucial for a eurozone desperate to reduce its dependence on Russia as a source…and a major boost to the commercial interests of Israel and the US.