Thursday, 30 August 2012

Ref^&*kupication: shadow banking

Gordon Brown was certainly a busy man, freeing
up the sluices of the financial industry so that they
could destroy the productive part of the world
economy. The key string puller of the economy
is now the shadow banking system which is
controlled in order that it can be used to
manipulate governments.

chuckle away: the SCOTSMAN

Gordon Brown: Beyond The Crash (Simon & Schuster)
Published on 10 Jan 2011
Iain Macwhirter
... The other failing of this book is more profound. Brown presents himself always as the man with the “moral compass” who could do no wrong. His particular vanity is to have us believe that he is above politics, above crude commercial interest. But as Nicholas Shaxson points out in Treasure Islands: Tax Havens And The Men Who Stole The World – an absolutely riveting book about how the shadow banking system came into being – Chancellor Brown was one of its principal architects[HOLY F%$^^K!! Author-author?-Costick67]. It was his “light touch” regulation that let the banks go wild. The City of London, cheered on by Brown, turned into a giant tax haven, at the centre of a web of financial deception and evasion which radiated out through Crown Dependencies like Guernsey and Jersey, and on to Overseas Territories like the Caymans, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Gibraltar. The whole business is devised to allow international business to be conducted under the counter and beyond the reach of any tax authority.
This is why a third of Britain’s top 700 companies paid no tax at all in 2007. It is why banks like RBS could hide billions of dodgy debts in offshore “special-purpose vehicles”. It is why people like the US investment guru, Warren Buffett, found he was paying less tax than his domestic staff. Tax, as they say on Wall Street, is for little people. The wealthy use all the devices permitted by Brown to avoid tax, recycle cash, launder drug money, play countries against each other, and realise trillions of pounds of wealth without paying any tax at all.
Brown, we know, is an obsessive micro-manager, so he can’t plead ignorance here. He knew what was going on, helped devise the system, praised the City of London for its “financial innovation”. Until politicians like him understand their complicity, there can never be the ethical renaissance in global finance that he calls for.
[Gordo UNDERSTANDS. HE’S LYING.YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. you can't handle the truth] AhaahaaAHAHAhAaahahAh