most of your ancestors, but we're different now.
We're F%^&king broke, cabron!
hijo de puta.
Those IMF Gringo bastardos! We'll show
them. We won't take their bailouts.
We need your help. Just one more loan
so that we can buy some crack, er, pay off
the banks.
I think the crack investment would be safer.
checkit: zerohedge
Spain Begs Former Colonies For Bailout
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2012 16:44 -0500
Irony of ironies. While the world awaits the Spanish request for 'help' from its friends in Europe (which the market 'hopes' will escalate to EUR740bn very rapidly), it seems the King of Spain and his trusty Prime Minister have another cunning 'inverse-conquistador' plan. AP reports that "Spain receives Latin American investment with open arms," as Rajoy asks the former LatAm colonies to help. Falling back on the assured quid pro quo, Rajoy said Spain had invested heavily in Latin America during its crisis 10 years ago... so fair's fair right? Now that the roles were reversed, he called upon those nations to increase their participation in his struggling empire's economy. The perfect irony is complete as the Iberoamerican Summit at which he was begging speaking was held in Cadiz - the country's main gateway for importing Aztec and Inca treasure!
Via AP:
CADIZ, Spain (AP) — Spain's prime minister on Saturday joined its king in asking former Latin American colonies to help the EU nation overcome a deep financial crisis by channeling investments its way.
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Spain had invested heavily in Latin America when it suffered a crisis 10 years ago, and now that the roles were reversed, he called upon those nations to increase their participation in his country's economy.