dupe who played by the rules, and fulfilled his
role to a T.
That means that the US government played
him and used him to get the Iraq war underway.
And years later, he still hasn't wised up.
Here's his reason for the grand US/UK
plan to invade Iraq, costing 1 million
Regime change.
Sure, Hans Blix. If this were a socialist
country in latin America, then I think
that could be taken for granted.
country in latin America, then I think
that could be taken for granted.
This is a country (Iraq) with one of the world's top
underground supplies of oil, you f%&*kin
The "regime" didn't want to give it all away
to BP and Shell.
to BP and Shell.
I suppose Hans is uncertain whether Tony and
George are war criminals, too.
Read 'em: Guardian
Commentary by Hans Blix
UN weapons guy and regulation pimp:
UN weapons guy and regulation pimp:
"the world was given the impression by the US
and Britain that the goals was to eradicate weapons
of mass destruction. Recent comments by Tony Blair
suggest, however, that regime change was the
essential aim. He would have thought it right to
remove Saddam Hussein even if he had known
that there were no WMD"
"The UK should have recognised that no smoking
gun had been found at any time, and that in the months
before the invasion evidence of WMD was beginning
to unravel."