Sunday, 10 March 2013

conglomerates got a pickle up their butts

Used to have a female classmate who had such a
swivel when she walked that she was called

Anyway, I want to know what humanity has
come to.
Lemme explain
A Japanese company comes to England and
buys a pickle manufacturer for £92 million.

For something that your granny probably
made and put in.. pickle jars, we now have
 a Japanese company running factories
such that their subsidiary is valued at
92 mill.
and people buy the sh*t. Not me, but
lots of folks. We would starve if it
wasn't for Pickle Inc.

Read em:  the times of London

Japanese bring out the Branston for £92m
When the Branston sale completes next year, Premier will have raised £370m
Rui Vieira/PA

When the Branston sale completes next year, Premier will have raised £370m Rui Vieira/PA

Deirdre Hipwell, Robert Miller
Last updated at 12:01AM, October 31 2012

Branston Pickle has been sold to a Japanese company for £92.5 million. Premier Foods is to sell its sweet pickles and table sauce business to Mizkan in a move that will place another famous British brand in foreign hands.

The disposal, which has to be approved by Premier’s shareholders and banks, includes Branston sweet pickle, ketchup, relish, salad cream and mayonnaise as well as the company’s factory in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.....