Monday, 1 July 2013

Greece was once a real country

it was actually listened to by the IMF. Apparently
the IMF wanted the world to know that Greece
was heading for a crash. But Greece complained
and the IMF kept silent.

However, if they get to "saving" your economy,
then your fate changes radically. Again, look
at Greece now, post Papandreou.

read 'em: NY Times

The Denials That Trapped Greece
Geert Vanden Wijngaert/Associated Press
At a 2010 meeting in Brussels were, from left, Jean-Claude Trichet, former European Central Bank president; Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany; José Manuel Barroso, European Commission president; Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France.
Published: November 5, 2011
ATHENS —   The warning was clear: Greece was spiraling out of control.
But the alarm, sounded in mid-2009, in a draft report from the International Monetary Fund, never reached the outside world.
Greek officials saw the draft and complained to the I.M.F. So the final report, while critical, played down the risks that Athens might one day default, an event that could have disastrous consequences for all of Europe.
What is so remarkable about this episode is that it was not so remarkable at all. The reversal at the I.M.F. was just one small piece of a broad pattern of denial that helped push Greece to the brink and now threatens to pull the euro apart. Politicians, policy makers, bankers — all underestimated dangers that seem clear enough in hindsight. Time and again over the past two years, many of those in charge offered solutions that, rather than fix the problems in Greece, simply let them fester.